
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Thanh xuân
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25 Chs

A Night Dweller

" The Night Dweller " was a place of nightmares. A bar where vampires mingled among themselves, feeling free to behave as wildly as they chose. The only humans who came here were those who had close relationships with vampires. I always knew that some humans were obsessed with vampires, some even hoped to become one themselves. There had been cases of humans in the past who willingly volunteered to be fed on by vampires with the hope that they might also turn. This had been labeled as illegal by the government and anyone who was caught whether human or vampire was taken into custody. but I knew personally that despite the loss some people still went the extra mile to achieve this

places like the Night Dweller defied such laws. It could get fed on by vampires for satisfaction, it was some kind of weird fetish. The only reason why I knew about this was because I had once heard Emily talking about it, her stepbrother used to go there once. As someone who was terrified of vampires and blood, I had never thought that I would want a step foot into a place like this. but yet here I was, all because I wanted to ensure my brother was safe.

The interior of the dangerous bar was dimly lit, casting long shadows that danced across the worn wooden floors. The air was thick with the scent of stale cigarette smoke, spilled alcohol, and something else that made my stomach uncomfortable. The walls were adorned with gritty graffiti, telling stories of wild nights and reckless encounters. The bar itself was a weathered piece of history, the building located in an isolated part of town. its surface scarred and marked by countless glasses and bottles. It was a place where danger lurked in every corner, where caution was the currency of survival. a place where I should never have gone to in the first place, Even the taxi driver who had dropped me had asked whether or not I was sure if I was at the right location.

It's alright all I needed to do was to find Silas and I could get the hell out of here. I wouldn't question my brother or my he was in a place like this, I know that it was none of my concern. it would probably and gas seller that I was poking my nose in his business, but Silas always had my back despite everything and I needed to do the same for him.

I watched the men and women dressed in dark clothing move around the bar casually, There was nothing unusual about them apart from the fact that each one of them looked really beautiful, but it was a thing about vampires, their surreal appearance. Nobody seemed to notice me as I stood in the corner of the bar, I took this as an opportunity and quickly dialed Tammy's number. It rained for a very long time before she picked up. " I am in the bar, where the hell is Silas?"

"Calm the heck down sis, Just come to the back, we'll be waiting for you " Tammy hung up the call once more. I pushed my phone into my pocket and made my way towards the barstand to ask for Direction. The bartender was an elderly man dressed in black as well. he had a bored expression as he watched me approaching

"What do you want?" Wow, the guy didn't even try to be polite to me. He asked me that question the moment I approached him. My anxiety grew tenfold as the question gained the attraction of some men who were sited a small distance from me. They all looked at me like I didn't belong there, clearly I didn't. If I hadn't warmed up to Carter and Silas before and my fear of vampires was still as strong as before then I would have probably had a panic attack at being in a room full of them.

I swallowed back my fear and spoke up. " I got a call from a friend, she said I was supposed to find her in the back?"

" The back chambers?"

" I think so "

The man was silent for a while, he stood there just studying me as if he was trying to figure out something. In the end, he didn't say anything offensive and only pointed toward the direction of a door at a dark corner " Go through there. "

" Thank you " I clenched my phone in my hand and followed the man's instructions. The old wooden door led to a basement, the stairs were winding and the whole place smelt of dust and smoke. Oh Kerry, how the hell did you end up in a situation like this? Silas better have some good explanation when I finally find him. At this point, I was already wondering why I hadn't just called Bill, why had I chosen to listen to Tammy and come here myself. If something happened I had no one else to blame but myself.

The place was pitch black, and I had to rely on my flashlight to navigate through the darkness. The stairs stretched on endlessly, each step taking me deeper into the unknown. My heart raced with fear, freezing in terror whenever a rat scurried past or a spider crawled by. It felt like I was subjecting myself to a self-imposed torment, but I couldn't turn back now.

After what felt like an eternity, the nightmare finally reached its conclusion. I stood before a foreboding metallic door, its surface cold to the touch. A sentence, scrawled in what appeared to be red ink, sent shivers down my spine. It simply read, "Do not Enter."

Well shit, at this point I was scared. There was a clear warning to not enter, yet I had no choice but to do so if I wanted to see my brother. I would have backed down a long time ago, but I kept reminding myself that Silas might be in trouble. With a heavy heart, I pushed the door open, it gave in freely giving entry into the room. I couldn't believe what I saw.

The space had a very luxurious setting, unlike the bar I had just come from. It was a dimly lit room, a group of men dressed in sleek, dark attire sat comfortably, each holding a glass of deep red wine, there were about four of them. Accompanying them were women adorned in scanty clothing, exuding an air of lust. The smell of something metallic was disturbing, it didn't take long for me to figure out that those glasses didn't contain wine but blood.

I was surprised to find my stepbrother among them. Silas stood out because he was the only one who had a girl on his lap, Tammy was sitting right beside him, a casual smile on her face as she watched him make out with the girl. I had no idea what was happening, but I felt pissed that I had been summoned to this hell hole thinking that something bad had happened to my brother, meanwhile, he was having the time of his life. I had never thought of Silas as a player, but seeing him eat that girl's face while his supposed girlfriend watched made me sick. Why would Tammy ask me to come here?

Despite my anger, I wasn't willing to approach them. I was about to leave when the sound of breaking glass alerted me. I turned to see that it was the girl who had been kissing Silas who had tossed a glass on the ground. It wasn't accidental as she leaned down to pick a shard. I watched with horror as she ran the sharp edges of the glass across her arm, red beads of blood ran across the injury, and she presented it to my brother. My brother who I had believed all this time never consumed human blood.

At first, Silas looked reluctant, but Tammy whispered something into his ear which had his eyes turning crimson. Soon he was leaning down and gulping down the blood flowing freely. I felt like I would pass out at that very moment. I needed to get the hell out of there.

" Well, what do we have here " My blood ran cold when a voice spoke behind me. I turned around to meet a pair of hazel eyes watching me. The man was gorgeous, from his messy red hair which I was sure he had dyed to the dangerous smile playing on his lips. Seeing those sharp fangs I knew he was a vampire as well. I tried to shuffle back but the man didn't give me an opportunity to. He grabbed me roughly by the arm and studied me. " Why would a human be here, hm? Are you one of the feeders, I hope you fucking are because you smell divine "

I gasped as he shamelessly buried his face in my neck and took a deep breath. His head tilted back and he groaned. I felt disgusted and angered by his actions. I wanted to hit him so hard for his rough handling. " Get the fuck off me!"

" Nah, I don't think so. Since you came here by yourself why don't you come inside "

" No! Let go! "

" Deric, what's going on there?" One of the guys inside must have noticed my struggle. I tried to set myself free but I was pushed forward by Deric into the room. Suddenly all eyes were on me.

" Does she belong to anyone here?" Deric said while holding me tightly, preventing me from running away.

" What the fuck?" My eye made contact with Silas. He was quick to push the girl that was sitting on his lap away. The poor girl fell flat on the ground, unable to balance herself. I watched as Silas' eyes changed to a crimson red color, matching the blood stains on his lips. " Get your fucking hands off her!"