
Big Brother Wants To Bite Me

Kerry hates vampires, she fears them and would have rather avoided having to ever deal with one. Her life is made complicated when her mother gets remarried to a vampire. As a human who has always believed that Vampires, Wolves, and incubuses were nothing more than stories, she is among the few who find it difficult to cope with their existence. With a new father, along comes a Drop-dead gorgeous stepbrother oozing danger, a single look would leave her frozen in place. " Don't look at me like that " " Like what?" he asked, head tilted " Like you want to bite me" " Maybe I do, you look delicious" Kerry hates vampires, yet it's hard to not get seduced by one

Usman_Nafisat_4708 · Thanh xuân
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25 Chs

A Date

School went by fast for her. I became aware of Carter's presence, I would always feel him staring at me, Emily must have noticed it also but chose to not say anything. I can tell that Emily wasn't thrilled about Carter's attention, this was quite strange because only a week ago Emily had been so anxious to get rid of Carter.

" Do you want to sleep over at my house tonight?" Emily proposed.

" No, I have a lot of studying to catch up on, plus Silas is too busy with his new girlfriend to notice me most of the time. I'll be alright "

Emily nodded in understanding. We said their goodbyes and I watched Emily get into David's car. I wondered why Emily hadn't even bothered to give me a lift, since Silas wasn't here yet. I waved it off, she must have wanted some private time with David. I turned my attention towards the road, half expecting to see Silas's sports car pulling up in front of me. This was the second time this week he had been late, he knew there was going to be a time when he wouldn't show up at all. Because then Tammy would have taken his full attention. I was glad Silas found someone to spend his time with, but did it really have to interfere with our relationship at all?

Well, honestly I couldn't blame him. There was a time when he was always caring to me, always asking about me and ensuring that I was safe, yet I had taken his kindness for granted, I even told him to his face that I was afraid of him. I deserved to be ignored by him, even though it made me very sad.

" Hey Jones " Carter's voice called out to me. I turned to see his car pulling up on the driveway in front of me. Why was he still calling me Jones? I thought he only did that when he was mad at me or wanted to ignore me. " Why are you still here?"

" I'm waiting for my ride," I said, as if it wasn't already obvious. I would have taken a taxi if only I had any money on me. Last week I decided I didn't need my stepfather's money anymore. And since the little cash I got from my barista job was barely enough, I ended up not having even a dime on me. I was lucky that Emily was kind enough to offer me food. I knew that if my mother found out about this then she would be very angry, but this was a personal decision I was sticking to. After everything I said to Bill, it would be unfair if I still fed him, and I still kind of did since he buys the food at home.

" Your brother's not here yet?"

" It's obvious Carter "

" I'll give you a ride. You make a sorry image standing out here yourself "

" That's kind of you " I rolled my eyes at his words. Carter smirked at me as I got into the car. Sitting so close to him I was able to smell his scent. Carter smelt like Lavender, as hard as it was to believe it wasn't some Cologne he wore, it was his actual scent. All the vampires tended to smell sweet, almost like flowers. Silas smelt like fresh orchids, sometimes like roses, but not like I was paying much attention. I once read that this was an advantage they used in luring their human victims in the past. With good looks and sweet scent, there was no surprise how many humans had fallen victim to them.

" Jones, think positive " Carter gave me an unamused look, pointing out that he knew just what sort of nonsense was going through my head.

" Stop reading my mind, it's rude "

" Alright, I'll block out your thoughts. Though I must tell you it's harder said than done since you think so loudly "

" That doesn't even make sense "

Carter laughed a very soothing sound. I remembered how much I used to enjoy making him laugh in the past, I would make up so many terrible jokes to tell him. I think I even had a book where I scribbled it down, some weren't even good but Carter laughed either way. But then, we didn't hang out anymore, because Emily came along. And in as much as I wanted to believe Carter's words, that he had only been with Emily because he knew I would break up our friendship when I found out he was a vampire, it still hurt. His entire attention had gone to her, it made me feel like shit and in time I decided to ignore him as well.

Emily and Carter had been together for four years, All that time did something happen between them? How many times did Carter take Emily out? How many times did they go on vacation together? They were even voted the best couple in school? But the most important question was how many times did Emily and Carter do it? I know I sound like a total freak thinking about that, but it's all my mind could up up with. I was so curious that I almost blurted out the question, but I was quick to hold myself back at the last moment.

My eyes however betrayed me. My gaze strayed down to the front of Carter's jeans. I had no idea what I was hoping to see there, Maybe determine how many times my best friends had sex by figuring out how big Carter was? Damnit Kerina, why do you always have to be weird? Stop looking, why can't I stop looking?

" You have my full permission to look " Carter's words had my eyes snapping back to his face. His lips were tilted up in a smile, his eyes remained on the road, however. It was good that he wasn't looking at me, I would have died of embarrassment if he was.

" What?"

" Sorry, I couldn't help reading your mind a bit. I said you can check if you want, I won't mind "

" Do you know how weird that would be? Friends don't check each other's stuff "

" Friends don't make out either. So at this point, I don't think we can just be friends "

Right, of course, we couldn't just be friends. Not after Carter had confessed to liking me, not after I discovered I had feelings for him as well. In most cases I would have just brushed Carter's words, there was no way in hell I was going to check how big he was. But I wasn't thinking normal at the moment, the real Kerry must have zoned out somewhere leaving behind a pervert. I wasn't even fully aware of my hands reaching out to palm Carter's thigh. Apart from his eyes widening a little bit he had no other reaction, he didn't take his eyes off the road. I took this as my permission to go all out.

Slowly, I unbuckled the seatbelt that was restraining my movements. With that done I was able to lean towards Carter more. My hand moved from his thigh to the spot between his legs. I could feel the heat radiating from him, I looked up to see Carter's jaw clenched, yet there were complaints from him, so I became bolder. I moved my fingers to unzip his flier, I dipped my hand into his shorts, feeling his length harden against my hand. I brought him out to get a clear view, and God it was worth looking at. Carter was big, big enough that I had to wrap both hands around him, my mouth watered just looking at it. I had to have a taste, and taste I did.

I leaned closer, my mouth falling open and my tongue coming to lick the trail of precum on his tip. Carter's hand clenched on the steering wheel. This shouldn't be hot at all, this could end up getting us in an accident. Carter would be fine but there's not saying whether or not I would be okay, but I was still going to do it. I finally wrapped my lip around his dick and sank, bobbing my head.

" Shit " Carter cursed out, his eyes rolling back. My hand pressed against his as I shut my eyes, enjoying the sweet taste of his precum on my tongue. I moved up and down on him, constantly twirling my tongue around the tip, I didn't even care that my mouth was hurting a bit because of the stretch, not that my eyes were watering because I couldn't breathe properly.

" Oh...God...mhm" Carter moaned. One of his hands came to grip my hair, he took it upon himself to slam forcefully into my mouth. The rough treatment made me drool, especially the spot between my legs. " Fuck " Carter threw his head and grunted, his head erratic as his release continued to climb. I thought that if we happened to have an accident at that moment and I died, then I wouldn't mind at all.

I squeezed my eyes shut and took him as far as I could, using my tongue to glide along the side of his cock. Through my blurry vision, I saw the pleasured expression on his face, the hottest thing I had ever seen. A good minute later, hot liquid came spewing down my throat as Carter came. I pulled myself off him as I struggled to swallow. I gulped Carter's release down, a moan leaving me at the taste. My tongue darted out to leak away his remains on my lips.

" Holy fuck, Kerry " Carter had somehow managed to park the car at the side of the road, I hadn't even noticed. Carter wrapped his arms around me and locked our lips together. His tongue darted into my mouth, licking traces of himself on my lips. " That was so fucking hot"

" Repay the favor"

" Gladly " His hands moved under my top to kneed my bra-clad breast. His kisses were hot, and despite the cold temperature of his body, I felt very comfortable. I guess we would both have willingly done it in that car in the middle of a public road if only a car hadn't passed by before things could get too heated

" Get a room! " A guy yelled as his car zoomed passed us. I laughed at the irritated expression on Carter's face. I slowly pushed myself back to my seat.

" I think it's safe to say nothing can happen here "

" Right, I'll just have to repay the favor next time" Carter started up the car again and buckled my seatbelt. My heart fluttered at the thought of there being a next time. " Jones?"

" Kerry "

" Kerry " he corrected. " Let me take you out tomorrow, It'll be fun I promise "

" Like, on a date?"

" Yeah "

" But...what would Emily think? And the whole school "

" You suddenly care about what others think?" He raised a brow at me " Plus, Emily and I broke up, she's with that human tard now, what's there to worry about "

" I guess you're right " I still wasn't sure how Emily felt about Carter. Before I would have been convinced that age wanted nothing to do with him, but she had been acting weird lately, I just couldn't tell what she would think about it. But Carter was right, I didn't have any opinion on what others think, If I wanted to go out with him then I would do just that. " Alright, let's do it "

He smiled leaning forward to place a small peck on my lips before focusing on driving. I felt warm all over as I laid back in my seat. For the first time in forever my life was going well, I was finally learning to overcome my fear of vampires. Or so I thought.

* * *

I had thought the reason why Silas didn't come to pick me up was because he was hanging out with Tammy at home. But when I came home and found the house empty, I became concerned. Silas would not pick me up without calling me unless he forgot, so why wasn't he home? Was he out on a date? Why didn't he tell me?

Just as I was about to call him, my phone started ringing. I looked down to find an unknown number. I hesitantly picked it up. Maybe his phone died, maybe he was calling me with someone else phone.

" Hello, Kerry right?" The person who spoke wasn't my brother but his girlfriend. I would recognize her voice anywhere. But why was she calling me?

" Yes, where's Silas? Is he with you? "

" That's the thing, Silas ran into some trouble. I want you to come right away, I'll send you an address. Remember not to tell your parents "

" Wait, what are you...hello? " Tammy cut the call on me before I could ask my question. I was so worried that I ran out of the house as soon as I received the address. Only when I was in the taxi on my way to the most dangerous club in the whole city did I stop to wonder, why was my brother in a feeding club. I have heard a lot about that hell. It was said to be the only place where vampires were legally allowed to drink human blood, the mere thought of it sent shivers down my spine. Did my brother feed on humans?