
Big Brother In Marvel

An ordinary Guy facing Hell in his previous life and choosing to face many more battles in his next life to save someone dear to him enters Marvel Universe and flips the whole thing.

Naveen_Aggarwal_6572 · Võ hiệp
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Starting of Hell

(Note:- Guys I am a new writer and English is not my first language so please be gentle with me but constructive criticism is always welcomed)

Once I heard someone say that "God loves and takes cares of all children" but I never got the chance to believe that because my last good memory was of my mother smiling at me and telling me that I would have a younger brother or sister and I was 2 and a half years old at that time.

My name is Alex Harper and before it all happened I had a very ordinary and happy life, I had a loving mother Alisha and a distant but good father we were financially ok family and living our life peacefully but God saw it fit to screw with me and my mom died in childbirth while giving birth to my little sister Anna which broke something in my father may be his humanity because after that he quit his job and drank all day spending what ever savings we had and if he got some spare time then came the beatings for which I was the recipient as I would always shield my sister and you would think how my father got away with it I mean people notice these kind of things but let me tell you my father was a cruel man but stupid he was not he had a system which included never hitting me in face and me having a lot of long sleeves in my wardrobe but I had my sister so life wasn't so bad I mean she was an angel I tell you and I always told her" You are too good for this world".

due to my living situation I had to be the adult of the house and always take care of my little sister and even though I was 5 at the time and not allowed to work legally I found a employer who needed cheap labor and we had a understanding so at the very least I was able to fill my sisters belly full who was 2 and a half by now and on other good thing was my father never beat her maybe he was afraid she would not be able to take it.

in a regular morning

I was tiding Anna's hair "Big Bwuther does it hult" she said to me while looking at my injuries from last night beatings with those eyes and I smiled widely and said" not at all your big brother is very strong and nobody can hurt me" to which she gave me a blinding laugh. "Big Bwuder whats a mm..muderer?" she asker me very innocently.

"Why do you want to know" I asked her trying as hard as i can to not look serious.

"Dad called me a muwderer and said that I muwdered his wife. Did I do something wlong buwder is Anna a bad girl?" she asker with a little tear forming in her eyes.

i felt very deep anger and disappointment towards our father but tried to keep it in as much as i could and said" No Angel he didn't mean that you know how he doesn't know what he says after drinking. he is sick Anna so don't mind his words and you are a very good gild Anna you are basically an Angel and what do I always tell you?".

"I am too good for this world" she said to me smiling.

"remember I will be late tonight so stay in room and lock the gate and don't open even for dad and take something to eat with you before ok!" I said to her as I need to work late today as the boss is paying handsomely for overtime today.

"Ok Big Bwuder" she said.

late at night I came back to my house and just as I opened the gate I smelled some weird smell so I ran to my room and what i saw their made my body body forget that it needs oxygen as I saw that my little sister was covered in blood and her eyes was barely open as I made my way towards her and tried to wake her up she looked at me and said with the faintest of voice" bwuther it hurts a lot" I didn't knew what to do as i tried to gain by bearings she said" you lied to me bwuther Anna is a b...bad girl that's why dad haaates Anna and he kept hitting me even when I said sworry many times and now its hward to bwreth bwuther" whole world was spinning around me as i said " No angel I didn't lie. what did I always tell you is true. come say it" I could see that I was going to lose her my only light in this dark world, my little angel, the last act of mercy God has shown to me in my heelish life he's going to take it away from me.

"I am too good for this world" she said those last words and spoke no more and just at that moment a voice came from behind me "Good Riddance that little bitch was crying saying that she was missing her big brother and came to me and asked me to read her bedtime story like her big brother after what she has done murdering my Alisha" I didn't even had to look to know the owner of that voice and after that I could see was red and I don't remember much just that when I came back to my senses I was standing over the corpse of my father who was cut at least 20 times by the knife in my hand and I had the biggest grin on my face while my eyes was trying to remove all liquid from my body.

After that it was standard mental institution and lo-and -behold my luck they did illegal human experiment on people who has no-one and I fit the category to the T but I didn't cared and that kept going for some time as currently I am 16 years old I mean they gave me every kind of untested drugs so pain has became a good friend and I was left with one eye and not a single working limb as they have been paralyzed long ago but they did let me watch movies and stuff to keep the little mental stability I has left and I liked Marvel movies a lot but felt really bad for Thor as he was the one to start with absolutely everything and in end he lost everything just like me even though he was the most selfless and good personality guy and other was Black Widow I mean she always looked very sad even among friends.

"Good Morning Alex How are you today?" asked a scientist coming in my room who can me termed as my torturer and he has a smile and expression of a very kind man such as he was generally worried about me you know your text book psychopaths'.

"Just the usual Doc so what do we have in menu for today" I asked very casually.

"Oh! You are going to love it there is this new drug I have developed which if successful will change the world and will be next step to human evolution and will give us superpowers like the people in those movies you seemed to like so much just the issue is that a human body ability to handle this new drug is a little questionable. that's where you come into the picture. you should be proud we will both gain from this experiment as I will get the recognition I deserve and you will be free to go meet your sister in the next life" he said to me like he was doing me a huge favor.

"Aww Doc I thought we were getting along so well. I guess every relationship must come to an end so hit me with your best shot Doc" I said while smiling and hoping that today will be the day I will leave this wreathed world behind.

He smiled and adjusted the machines and tied me to my bed and injected a red liquid into my body which was very thick making me wonder how it is going to enter my body but enter it did and with that came something which can't be justified by just naming it pain as it felt like my whole body was at fire and after a very long time I started feeling sensations in my limbs and with time everything became very enhanced my sight, my sense of time everything was like a standstill and I got this unimaginable rush of power and ripped my bindings off. it felt like I could crush this whole world with a single fist and then I saw the faces of my keepers everybody afraid and running except Doc he just stared at me with an expression such as he going to climax right then and their and I didn't knew what I felt for the man anymore whether I should be more angry or more disgusted by him but at the end I chose anger and just grabbed his head and squished it like a fruit with red liquid on the inside and the same thing I did to all the people in that facility as they couldn't run away from me it was like I was a mini version of flash I was very fast but after finishing all of them my body started felling heavy and after sometime only blackens remained in front of me.

I woke up in a large throne room filled with gold and jewels and a throne in which sat a person whose aura was so powerful that no matter how hard i tried i was not able to look into his eyes and had to look down on the floor. it was even a miracle that i was not kneeling on the floor which I suppose was due to him or it not wanting for me to kneel.

"Yaaaaaaahn" he took a long yawn as he was very bored and spoke before me saying anything "Yes! you are dead that was what you are wondering mortal and Yes! you are going to heaven for your next question . I am required by the rules of the cosmos to answer your questions mortals but don't bore me beyond my limits or even though I shouldn't interfere in these things exceptions can always be made understand that".

he spoke to me as speaking to a mear bug and he looked like he couldn't be bothered with me. i understood that asking hundreds of questions pushing through my mind will be detrimental to me as he was obviously a higher being and could make me disappear so i only asked the very important question which has been plaguing my mind for a long time " Can you tell me about my sister Anna How is She and where is she now?"

he stopped yawning and looked into abyss for short time and said while smiling a little I think " she is in a different world paying for the bad karma she has accumulated in the previous life before being your sister and i must say she is a rare case as she was not the one who had accumulated those bad karma but her father who was a gangster and has bathed in the river of blood of many innocents and was destined to be wiped out of existence body and soul but that girl on her death rather than going to heaven requested to spare the soul of her father in exchange of bearing all that bad karma herself which was the reason for pains she has to endure in the life with you and you were also effected by that massive bad karma and had to live that shitty life but your troubles are over and you could go to heaven but your sister will have to face few lifetimes of pain and suffering to wash away that karma.

i was flabbergasted as i thought that after all that she could go to a better place but now I get to know that she is still suffering from this injustice my little angel "In which world she is right now" I asked with difficulty.

"she is in a world you are familiar with which you know as Marvel Cinamatic Universe and their she is known as Natasha Romanof or Black Widow if you prefer but why do you care you had to face all that trouble because of her shouldn't you hate her" he said while amusement was visible on his face. it looks like our pain was entertainment to him.

i was taken back my little sister was black widow who was trained from childhood to be an assassin, from whom the natural right to be a mother was taken away and who never found love and had to commit suicide at the end to save that freeking world. my sister had to bear all that pain. i spoke without thinking" Can I also ask to get her bad karma in exchange for not going to heaven so that she could live a happy life" I spoke with expectation.

" You can but why should I do that?. I mean I am not bound by the rules to fulfill your wishes I just have to answer some of your question and guide you to heaven" He said with an evil grin which was very different from his previous bored expression which means he wants something from me.

"what do you want?" I asked him straightforwardly.

"How about this I am bored out of my mind so how about i send you to the same universe and see if you could help your sister. i mean you were not able to save her previously but it would be amusing to see you fail once more as i would be watching you and the best part is in exchange for going to heaven you could ask for a power boost which will help you in the next life but not something exaggerated as will kill all the fun out of it" he said with expectant eyes"

I thought about it and the idea of being with my sister again made me very happy but I have to cautious as Marvel is a very dangerous universe and I don't know how but I still fealed that what that scientist put in me is still somewhere in me and it was the reason I died as my body was not able to handle that power so I have to ask something that will help me in using that power without him knowing so after much thought I said " can you give me unlimited potential and talent in psychical, mental and mystical department and can you send me to the time when Natasha was a kid so I could save her"

He thought for some time" sure I can give you that wish of potential and talent and you will be born at the same time as Natasha" I was getting happy listening to this much as I thought she doesn't have to go through all that if I save her in the childhood somehow but my happiness was short lived as he spoke" but you will not remember anything about your sister or the fact that she is Natasha until you meet her face to face because lets face it what fun is marvel without its black Widow but how about I make you easy on the eyes as a compensation?" he asked me smugly.

I thought about it as I didn't have any other option I excepted his terms" Ok "

" Great hope you entertain me for a long time and for that I will place you in a stable house so you wont die right of the bat" he said with some satisfaction and after that the same darkness enveloped me and I was send to the most frightening world their is.