
Chapter 9


“Eight, Nine, Ten! Mia, I am coming!” Five-year-old Bryan said and went on to look for Mia.

He is now sure that she must be hiding behind the roses where she hid for the last five times already.

“Where did Mia hide? I can’t find her.” He said pretending to look for her and hear three years old Mia giggle in response.

He looked down getting bored of this hide n seek game now.

“Found you.” He said coming behind Mia and Mia started laughing.

“Again!” She said clapping and jumping. She is having fun playing her favourite game.

“I am going to look for daddy. I want to play soccer.” Little Bryan said and started walking.

“Mia too play.” Little Mia said in her cute baby voice running to follow Bryan.

Bryan stopped and turned back.

“You can’t play soccer. You are a girl.” He said shaking his head.

“Mia play!” She said tears building up in her eyes.

“Your daddy said you can’t.” He said still shaking his head.