
Chapter 99

I continued sobbing the whole ride back home. No! That’s not my home! That’s just a house! It used to feel like home when mom was there! It used to feel like home when Liam was still there! But, now, it’s just a house! Only a house, a mansion with no feelings!

“Miss, we are here.” The driver said as he stopped at the main entrance of my mansion.

What am I even thinking?! It’s not mine! It’s my dad's, the person who has no relation to me except he is my biological father. Other than that he is a complete stranger to me.

“Miss?” The driver called again.

“I got it.” I said wiping my tears.

I don’t wanna get down! I don’t wanna go inside! I want to go back! I want to go back to the home that I found in Bryan, in Mrs Green, in Amy, in Claire! I want to go back to the place that has my heart. I left my heart and soul there! It’s just my body that’s here.

“Miss, are you not getting down?” The driver asked me.