
Chapter 88

“Bryan!” We got startled by Mrs Green's voice.

“Let's go before she comes here looking for us.” Bryan said and I nodded.

Bryan got out of the room before me.

“Oh! Bryan! Here you are! You were in that room?” She said in shock.

Then I came outside, closing the door as I stepped outside.

“Mia! You are also here!” She said in shock.

She looked between the two of us, still in shock.

“Umm…you guys are fine?” She asked cautiously.

“Yes, Mrs Green. We are fine. You don’t need to worry. We just had a talk.” He said.

“Talk about?” She asked still nervous.

“It was exactly about what you are thinking.” He replied.

“You told her everything?” She asked to be sure.

“Yes.” He replied.

“As in…everything?” She asked again.

“Yes. Everything. About how we know each other and why our families got separated and about what her dad did.” He said.