
Chapter 77

“Okay! That’s enough! Let’s stop being sentimental and concentrate on what's important right now!” Claire said.

Amy and I looked at her and then at each other. We shrugged our shoulders and nodded our heads.

“What’s the plan then?” I asked Claire.

“Amy, you told me that you are a college dropout, right?” Claire asked Amy.

“Yeah.” She replied.

“And what was your course?” Claire asked.

“Umm…business.” Amy replied.

I looked at her in shock.

“Business? Seriously?!” I exclaimed shocked.

“Why are you acting so surprised and shocked?” Amy asked me.

“No. Nothing.” I said shaking my head.

“Actually, she is shocked because she didn’t expect you to be opting for such a tough course with that little brain of yours.” Claire said.

I tried not to laugh.

“Hey! Don’t put your words in my sweet Mia's mouth!” Amy said linking arms with me.

“I am just stating the truth.” Claire said shrugging her shoulders.

“Is that true, Mia?” Amy asked me.