
Chapter 72

“Mia, please don’t cry. Please!!!” Amy said crying.

“Mia!!! We are with you in this. You are not alone.” Claire said.

I tried controlling my sobbing but couldn’t.

“Let’s go to your room.” Amy said holding me tightly.

They supported me to my room. Claire opened my door and Amy helped me walk in and made me sit on the bed.

Claire poured me a glass of water and brought it to me.

“Drink some and calm down.” Claire said offering me the glass.

Amy took the glass from Claire and helped me drink some. I am glad that they are here with me. I took few deep breathes and calmed myself down.

“Are you feeling fine, now?” Amy asked me.

I nodded my head.

“I think you should sleep for a while.” Claire said.

“No! I want to talk now! I don’t have much time!” I said desperate.

“What do you mean you don’t have much time?” Claire asked concerned.