
Chapter 6

“Are you done?” Mrs Green came to check up on me again.

“Yes. Almost.” I said putting the clothes in the drier.

“You should eat your breakfast while the clothes are in the drier.” She said.

She is a really sweet woman. I can see the worry and sympathy in her eyes. I bet she wants to help me too but she is just a maid. I can’t believe how she must feel living with that jerk. Just look at that guy! So full of himself. I guess that happens when you achieve a lot on your own at such a young age. Though he is totally the opposite of my dad in how he wastes money. Come on! Who in their right mind goes on to buy a fricking person for seventy million just to get on someone’s nerves. He is making me do the house chores but it’s not worth seventy million. I guess that’s the reason he pisses off dad so much.