
Chapter 69

I stood there motionless like a statue, my breath caught in my throat, my heart beating like crazy, my face flushed red. I stared at him and he stared back at me.

I can’t think straight!

“So?” He asked me.

“Hmm.” I managed to finally say.

“Does my breath smell of alcohol? Am I drunk as you say?” He asked me.

He is asking me such a question when I can’t even breathe!!

I shook my head nervously.

“Do you mean to say I am not drunk?” He asked me again.

I shook my head again.

“Say it, Mia. I want to hear this from your mouth.” He said.

“No.” I finally managed to whisper.

“Are you sure that I am not drunk?” He asked again.

This guy is enjoying himself right now!!!

“Yes.” I whispered.

“Good.” He said still not letting go.

“Why is your face so red?” He asked me.

I shook my head.

“Are you okay?” He asked in a concerned tone.

I nodded my head.

“So strange. The ever shouting Mia is being so quiet right now. Are you really fine?” He asked again.