
Chapter 47

“What are you thinking about?” Bryan asked me.

I stared at him unable to say anything.

What do I wanna do? Do I want to go back? Or do I want to stay here?

“What are you hesitating about? Don’t you want to go back home? Back to your dad? Or do you want to stay here, in the house of a person who is a stranger for you?” He asked me when I didn’t reply.

He is right! Why am I hesitating? He is asking me whether I want to go back or not and here I am unable to decide. He is giving me a choice and I am wasting it! Do I want to stay here? For whom? For Mrs Green or for Bryan?

“What's taking you so long to decide? The question is so simple, say yes if you want to go back home, say no if you want to stay here. I won’t even ask your dad to return the money I paid. The choice is yours.” He said staring at me.

I opened my mouth to say something but then closed it.

I sighed closing my eyes.