
Chapter 3

“Does anyone else want to bid higher than this?” the host asked.

Everyone started whispering.

I finally raised my head and saw well-dressed people with a masquerade mask on. So, they want to do illegal things hiding their faces. The kind of people I hate the most. But right now all my attention was on one particular person who everyone was glancing at. His face is well hidden, or you can say just his eyes and half of his face. He seems young, probably of my age or older than me by a couple of years.

“Seventy million, One! Seventy million, Two! Seventy million, Three!” the host and clapped his hand once.

The curtain fell on and the two guys again held my arms like before.

“That was such a huge success!” Charles said coming towards me.

“Take her to the car waiting at the back gate. Don’t let her escape!” He instructed his men and gave me a pointed look.

As if I can dare to escape! My dad will not only kill me for losing this much money but also hurt my brother to hurt me. I prefer dying if it means Liam can be safe and happy.

They walked me to the back door and the waiting car. One of the two guys open the door and pushed me inside. They had tied my hands in the back so that I don’t escape from the car. They then shut the door and instructed the driver to lock all the doors. Does that mean I will be going alone in this car with just the driver? I am so tempted to try and escape but I dare not.

But the important point right now is, why did he even make such a high bid on me? I am pretty but there are lots of girls out there who are much prettier than me and looking at that guy’s physique I can tell he is not only handsome but he must be like a dream guy for many girls. He could have gotten any girl he wanted.

I mean, I was so sure that an old guy will bid on me, not a guy who is this young. I know! He must have a weird personality or a weird hobby! I will just kill myself as soon as he tries to do anything to me. He won’t ask dad to pay back the money, right? I hope not. That way dad won’t torture Liam because of me.

Or I can try to talk and reason with him. He is near my age so he will understand my problem and maybe he will let me go. If that happens, I will go far away from here and wait for Liam to finish his studies so that I can take him away from dad.

Wait a minute! Why I am so positive about this? I am so stupid! Why will he let me go when he paid such a huge amount of money to buy me! But more importantly, why am I so chill and not afraid? Maybe because I am going away from my dad and now he can’t possibly hurt me and he did promise me to let Liam study so he will have a better future. I didn’t know getting away from dad will be this relaxing that I am not afraid of the weird guy who actually used money to buy me! Anyways, I can’t do anything about that so it’s better to not stress over it.

The car suddenly stopped and my heartbeat elevated. Someone opened the door and yanked my arm. I struggled to steady myself so I don’t fall on my face. I looked up and saw a guy in a black suit wearing an earpiece. He seems like some bodyguard.

He started walking, pulling me by my arm. I tried to keep pace with him. The bright lights of the mansion blinded my eyes for a minute. Before I could register anything I was pushed down on the floor.

Ouch! That hurts!

“Hello, there! My seventy million investment!” I heard a guy’s voice and looked up.

A handsome guy with the perfect jawline and blue eyes were staring at me. He was sitting on a couch with an amused expression on his face.

“So brave to be staring at me.” He said and smirked. I immediately looked down.

“It must be hard to get auctioned by your own father, right, Mia Smith?” He said and my head snapped at him.

How does he know who I am? I clearly heard my dad instruct Charles not to let this out as he doesn’t want his image to get ruined. How does he know me and my dad?

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I said and looked down.

“No use hiding it because I already know your identity. Now, I can finally see the loss in your dad’s eyes. He will be like a fish without water.” He said and laughed.

“He won’t care.” I muttered.

“What? I can’t agree with that.” He said.

“He won’t care I know that.” I replied and looked at him.

“I think you don’t know your dad.” He said excited for some reason.

“James! Call him!” He said and looked up.

I turned my head and saw a guy dialling on his phone.

“What do you want?” I heard my dad say as soon as he picked up the call.

“It was worth spending seventy million today.” The guy who bought me said.

“What?!” I can sense the anger in my dad’s voice.

But why will dad get angry at him? Who exactly is he?