
Chapter 27

It’s decided!

I went back to washing clothes as quickly as I can so that I can go to his room and have a talk with him.

I will go to his room and have a talk with him! And for some reason, it’s really easy to talk to him. I mean, I never would have imagined that it’s this easy to talk to such a stone-hearted person. Okay! My mistake here! He doesn’t have a stone heart but he shows that. He does show that he is…what's that word…yes…unapproachable! Unapproachable! He looks like that. I guess maybe because he is so rich and handsome and he is the youngest billionaire, we would automatically think twice before even thinking of wanting to talk to him.

Maybe I am over-analyzing things but I do think that it was kind of refreshing to talk to him. I have never talked this way with anyone. This teasing, taunting, but no hard feelings kind of way.