
Chapter 16

Mia’s POV:

What should I do?! Should I go look for Mrs Green? No! She will definitely get angry at me because it was me who made Bryan get hurt. Should I go look for Bryan? But I am sure he will send me back and he told me not to follow him so he might get mad if I do.

Even if I go look for him, I don’t know where he might be. He did ask that guy, what was his name…yes…James! He asked James whether he called or not and James replied that he is on his way, which means he must have called the doctor to come to see him here. If he is here then I may be able to know about his condition soon since Mrs Green will come to me for sure, maybe to yell at me. But I don’t think he will tell anyone that he got hurt because of me. He did lie to James. No, Mia! He can tell Mrs Green the truth. They seem close and their relationship is really good. He will definitely tell her!

She must be coming anytime.