
Chapter 131

“Dad!! Please! I beg you! I am your daughter! Dad!” I said sobbing and holding his hands.

He snatched his hands away.

“You are not my daughter! And I am not your dad! Stop making a scene and stop this nonsense of yours! Wipe your tears and get ready to marry Mr Williams.” He hissed at me.

“You don’t know what you are doing! You are gonna regret it later!” I said to him still sobbing.

“What am I paying you guys for? Tidy her face and bring her to the altar. If she refuses then you can drug her. Just get it done.” He said and left the room.

“Dad!!” I shouted his name but he didn’t come back.

“Hurry up!” Mrs Nixon shouted and everyone got to work.

“Please, don’t cry anymore. I beg you. You are gonna make me lose my job.” The girl doing my makeup begged me.

I stared at her and stopped crying.

I don’t want her to get into any trouble. I just can’t ignore her pleading or let her lose her job. This is my mess, this is my problem, why should she be the one to suffer from this.