
Beyond Your Eyes

There is an old classic saying, in which our eyes are the window to our soul. Our deepest fears and desires hide within them. For Celeste D’Angelo, she is someone others would consider to be very blessed. As the only child to a vastly wealthy family whose power and influence knows no bounds, nothing stands in her way. With her serene personality she adored by her friends and is even considered among her peers as a glamorous classic doll. But despite that, internally Celeste has her own struggles, desires, and fears that if someone paid just a little more attention - they might mock and be cruel to her. On the surface nothing fazes or bothers her, but as one gets deeper and deeper into her skin a different story is told. Dean Cortez is a man who is a human hurricane. Also hailing from a wealthy family, Dean takes life by the reins and drives off leaving a disaster in his wake. Crass and wild, much like a wild mustang, he is a force that can’t be stopped. For Dean he indulges in doing whatever, whoever, and whenever. Embodying everything people expect from a rich kid especially one of equal status to the Cortez Family. But everyone has secrets, and though everyone gets close to him, no one sees the secrets he hides beyond his eyes and deep in his heart. Through some circumstances the pair end up together, and while they are vastly different from one another, their defining traits perfectly balance them out like Yin and Yang. Follow along to see how they navigate their mid-twenties, familial and societal pressures, the secrets they carry, and their growing affection for one another. authors note: This is my first kind of slice of life novel! I appreciate any feedback and I hope you enjoy! The artwork is courtesy of Claudia Wilson via Canva

jklena · Thành thị
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Chapter 140 - Sweat

With reading my book as well as my other work activities, the week flew by. So the next meeting for the book club would start. Now having fully read ten chapters of the book I was really excited to discuss the chapters.

At this point in the story we start to gain small glimpses of the main characters motivations and why the advice blog she runs is so important to her. To the point of going to extremes to answer whoever writes in. 

It made me change perspective on the type pf books I read, so when I finished the chapters early, I added books that I once never really considered to my cart to purchase and read. 

As excited as I was about the book, I was anxious for going to the Cortex household. I was not concerned for how Deans parents will treat me, but more so about what awaits inside. I have not been to their home in years, my last memory being quite some time ago. Of course I was six years old but the reason it was so memorable thing was his family. They had come to visit from Spain and they scared me a bit.

I knew Deans family had some unique ties, so maybe it was that knowledge that made them seem even scarier. I did not know which one was the one directly involved. I also did not care to know.

"Glad you can make it my dear!" Estelle welcomed me in and the home was exactly the way I remembered it. Their house was a classic Spanish home with a courtyard in the middle with lots of open space. Their home was lush with plants of many varieties. They had old photos on the wall of the different family members.

I really liked the open courtyard concept, during the one event I was here for I recall playing in the yard and hiding among the plants. This was the only part of my good memory here. The other half was me cowering behind my father as the other Cortex members made passive remakrs about whether a son will be born to take my place. 

That was the thing about the other members, they were old school. The only person who seemed very kind and welcoming to me was Deans maternal grandmother. I believe her name is Alma Franco.

Her photo was also up on the wall, it seemed like one taken when Estelle was young. They had a strong resemblance. A small pang of sadness creeped into my heart. I envied the fact that she could have a child who could resemble her. I often dreamt of a child resembling myself and my husband.

"Thank you for the invite. Your house is as I remembered, it has been a long time." I shook off the thoughts clouding my head. 'No thats no fair for me to feel this way about them.'

"Yes lets take a seat while we wait for the others." She led me to the loft area where she had set up for this meeting. It looked very cosy and comfortable with blankets and giant pillows decorating the room. 

I thought we would be able to talk for a while but the other members arrived not long after she showed me the room. So our discussions began about the chapters. As it turned out we all had a lot to say about the book. 

Even during the designated break where we would eat, no one changed the subject. Many had theories aside from overall comments about the chapters which was impressive. So despite the meeting only really being set for an hour, the conversation lasted past lunch almost into dinner.

"Oh my goodness look at the time! Before we head out lets try to read the next ten chapters by next week. Also as a heads up I will be gone the week of Thanksgiving so no meeting for that week either."

I made my way to my car as drove myself but when I tried to start it, the engine did not run at all. "Shit you got to be kidding me." I tried multiple times to get the car working but it stayed off. So I went back into the house to see if I could get some help. 

Normally I would just contact my parents or driver but this was someones private property. I did not feel comfortable leaving my car at someones house. Not that I did not trust the Cortez family but rather I did not want to burden them with the responsibility of my car.

"Hi, sorry for the intrusion but my car is not turning on. Could I stay here a bit so I can call my parents." I asked sheepishly.

"Oh my goodness, of course you can honey! My home is always a safe place for you. I can call your mom but Dean should be home any minute now, and he is pretty handy with a car so maybe he could fix it."

That was true. Due to the conversation about the book, I had forgotten about Dean wanting to come over. "Oh that would be great! Speaking of that, did he and your husband get kicked out temporarily for tonights meeting. I did not see either here."

Estelle gave a hearty laugh. "Ohhhh sort off. Dean had work but he promised to come for dinner. As for my husband, I asked that he stay in our room until we were done. I just rang for him so he will be coming here soon."

Her eyes drifted into a hazy lovey look as she thought about her man. It was obvious their love ran deep. To pass the time waiting for Dean, Estelle and I played a round of chess. Her intellect was as sharp as it was many years ago as she beat me very easily the first round. Mr. Cortez also joined us now having been freed from his room.

Not even ten minutes after we started did Dean finally arrive. And after getting the gist of why I was still here, he got to work on my car. Due to the cold he wanted to move it into the garage so after placing it in neutral he pushed the car by himself into his workshop garage. 

Seeing his muscles flex from his sheer force to push my car made my stomach twist in desire. Seeing him work on my car was another level of attraction I did not expect but boy did it make me sweat. 

new chapter! please enjoy!

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