
Beyond The Worlds[BTW]

Would you like to travel to another world?  Crossing different dimensions and realities?  reach a power that no one has ever reached?   Shin Akash did not know that he had started his journey to reach the ABSOLUTE.  Finding mates along his journey and creating an invincible team, he climbed step by step.   From a student to a team leader.  from an ordinary human to the Absolute -------------------------------------------------------- WARNINGS!!! The characters in this novel will have an extremely high power level, so the protagonists will have some big power boosts over the course of the series; however, this will not be frequent and they will grow "healthy". I guarantee you will understand why in the end. This story will not be focused on the Harem. The protagonist is not going to be the total focus of the story. All the main characters in the story will have their highlights 1- English is not my native language, so I apologize for the spelling mistakes; 2-all story is original; however there are some small references to other works 3-All worlds are fictitious (including the world of our protagonist), so do not use the "common sense" of our world in this novel Chapter words: 800-1600 ATTENTION THE COVER ART IS NOT MINE; HOWEVER, I HAVE NOT FOUND THE ARTISTS' NAME YET, AT THE TIME I OFFER MY FULL CREDIT TO THE BEAUTIFUL ARTS. book cover: pinterest

Dark4_ · Kỳ huyễn
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59 Chs

New Skills

 [As you get stronger, your Awakening's potential is unlocked and therefore more skills are acquired]

 "Can skills be acquired in other ways?"

 [Skills can be acquired through: Learning, Training, past memories, etc.]

 "My basic elements I acquired with learning, before my death. After my awakening, I acquired the advanced element: nature." Naomi said.

 "I see," Shin replied.

 [People who have aptitude with a certain skill can learn more easily, for example, an Elf has a natural aptitude with elements related to nature.  Demons have a natural aptitude for "chaotic" elements]

 "Is it possible for Awakening to rise in rank?"  Shin asked.

 [Yes.  Awakening can go from rare to epic;  epic to Legendary;  Legendary for Divine etc.]

 [It is extremely difficult to evolve an Awakening.  Don't think about it too much now.]

 "Well, let's see our new abilities" Mari didn't want to know about Awakening's evolution.

 "Status." 4x

 • Ryuu Yamazaki

 New skills acquired:

 Basic element: earth

 3 Phases: uses mana to strengthen your physical abilities

 1st phase: 2x

 2nd phase: 5x

 3rd phase: 10x

 "This skill is absurd!"  Shin exclaimed upon seeing Ryuu's "3 stages"

 Naomi, Mari, and Ryuu agreed.

 • Naomi Aoki

 New skills acquired:

 Basic Element: Air

 Spiritual Summons: Summon Sylph to fight by your side

 "Sylph?"  Naomi asked confused

 "Sylph is a top-ranking spirit.  She is a great spirit"

 "My turn" Mari was curious about her abilities

 •Mari Sekiguchi

 New skills:

 Basic element: fire

 33 forms: an elemental sword art that has 33 different forms.  Its main characteristic is that it is unpredictable and destructive.

 "This is an excellent art of the sword, as well as being rare"

 Mari was pleased with her abilities.

 "My turn," Shin said with an expectant look.

 • Shin Akash

 New skills:

 The gaze of truth: the eyes that can see everything (currently limited)

 1 Advanced element: light

 "Hmm" Shin didn't know what to say.

 "Use the 'Eyes of Truth'. Seems to be an interesting skill" Naomi wanted to see this skill.

 "All right"

 "Akáshico: Eyes of Truth"


 Shin was confused by what was going on in front of him now.

 "So how is it?"  Naomi asked

 "It looks like I can see a few seconds in the future, I can see your "status" and…"

 "and…?"  Naomi didn't understand the sudden pause.

 "Nothing." Shin replied.

 'She likes the color green' Shin was looking at Naomi's panties with an innocent smile on his face.

 Naomi felt a shiver down her spine.

 'Must be my imagination'


 Shin left the empty room

 'It's a shame we can only stay 1 day in that room'

 [Master, this is only temporary.  I'll build a HQ for the group later]

 "Origin" couldn't give everything to the group as they didn't do "missions." It is an auxiliary system, not a charity bank.

 [They need to grow independently]


 3 days later

 "You're ready?"  Shin looked at Akira who was nervous.

 Akira was wearing a black dress contrasting her long silver hair.

 "Um" She replied with a simple nod of her head

 "Good" Then they left the house and went to catch a train.


 "You don't need to be nervous. I'm sure you'll do fine" Shin didn't want Akira to be nervous, as it could hinder her performance.

 "Brother, aren't you going to start school?"  Akira thought Shin would start studying at U.F, but it seems she was wrong.

 "Don't worry, I'm going to apply to another school."  Shin had already decided which school he would attend, but he didn't want to tell Akira about that school.

 "What do you think about renovating our house?"  Shin wouldn't buy another house, because Akira didn't want to move.  The house the two were living in had a very good location.  Shin has already paid off all his debts, so there is no need to sell the house.

 "Okay" Akira thought for a moment and nodded.

 "Looks like we've arrived" After getting off the train, they walked to the school.


 "It's beautiful!"  Akira looked outside the school.  Four tall buildings forming a square, in the middle, a huge square.  Several students entered and left the school.

 "We have some time, how about we walk a little?"  Shin wanted to tour the outside of the school.

 "Un" Akira replied smiling and grabbed his right arm.

 People looked at the pair and had to admit that they had never seen teenagers so cute.

 Shin's appearance was extraordinary.  He was tall, had medium-sized blue hair;  right eye purple; left eye sea blue.  His face was level S +

 Akira glared at the girls who were almost running towards his.

 "Humph," Akira huffed and grabbed his arm more tightly.  Walking through the square, Shin realized why this school is so prestigious.

 'I hope she manages to do well' Shin looked at his sister who was smiling and decided to tease her a little.

 "You look so beautiful smiling"

 "Brother, don't tease me!"  Akira blushed and slammed her fists against his chest in a cute way.

 "Alright, alright, it's time. Let's go to your office."  Shin smiled and took Akira to the exam room


 Looking at Akira who was entering the exam room, Shin smiled and thought that the brat was growing.

 [Master, you are the same age as her]

 "Don't get into people's minds like that" Shin complained to "Origin"


 "Hope for good news."