
Thor, Frog Of Thunder

"Well, you're keeping busy," Gwen remarked to Harry with a smile crossing her face as the two of them sat next to each other. Kara joined them a little bit later. They had briefly thought about having Kara join in on public high school but Harry decided that might not for the best and she would be bore doing such a thing.

So Harry had her take her exams to get her the accreditation that she needed and some forged papers thanks to some strings that Harry pulled gave Kara the identity she needed in this world.

"I just glad I've gotten a day where I could mostly catch my breath," Harry remarked as a grin crossed his face and Gwen raised an eyebrow at the mostly part before Harry decided to elaborate for her. "It just seems like that I'm forever doing things…..that I'd wish that I did not have to do."

Gwen motioned for him to elaborate.

"I've had to clean up a few messes and put out more than a few fires that I'd rather not have to deal with," Harry told her and Gwen smiled in a sympathetic voice. "The fact that two people have blamed me for destruction….although I've figured out what Kang's problem was with me."

Gwen watched him and now she was curious. "What is…."

"The timeline….changed somehow, someone or something brought damage to our future but Kang's past and that caused waves to fluctuate through his timeline," Harry remarked as he continued. "For some reason, the alternate timeline theory did not work or maybe it did, as the temporal waves shifted Kang over one timeline. Regardless, it caused him more problems than ever before."

Gwen looked at him as did Kara.

"You two are getting all of this so far, aren't you?" Harry asked them and both blondes responded with crisp nods as they kept their eyes locked onto Harry's.

"Yeah, we've got it," Kara remarked to Harry with a grin crossing her face.

"Yep, got it, one hundred percent, no problem, continue," Gwen said to Harry as she paused and then fired off a question. "So, what you're saying is the reason why Kang has a mad on for you is not any of your fault."

"Well, I'm sure I've done something to him in his past, my future, it just seems like the type of thing that happens, but this is the first time we've met," Harry commented to both females who answered with nods. "However, I found something in that ship, or rather someone."

Gwen's expression raised with an eyebrow and she encouraged Harry to continue with a wave of her hand. Harry did decide to inform her of it.

"Apparently, our would-be conqueror was married and he had been trying to keep his wife….together from getting wiped out from the timeline," Harry remarked as he kept his eyes on both of them.

"Oh, is that one of the things that you tried to keep out of the hands of Fury?" Kara asked Harry and the emerald eyed sorcerer nodded.

"Among many things, although Stark and Richards might be trustworthy enough to take a look at the technology, once I've got some of the more….problematic technology hashed out," Harry offered them and both girls nodded.

"And there's no telling if anyone picked up something when you weren't looking," Gwen said and Harry sighed. Gwen hastily amended her tone. "And that's not me trying to scare you but…."

"I know," Harry offered as he took a drink at the milk shake. He had no idea what even the simplest of the 41st century technology would be like and given someone like Kang, there was no sense of how far he went back in his future to acquire technology that was even more advanced. He seemed like the type to acquire technology from all time and Harry was still very much trying to figure out how all of the technology worked.

"But, everything should come out fine," Kara remarked as she shifted in her seat, the milk mustache across her face. "I want to know about these people….if they're….trustworthy or not."

"You've been hanging around Harry too much, it's starting to corrupt your innocence," Gwen commented to Kara and the blonde shrugged.

Harry smiled; it was good that Kara was learning not to trust everything at face value although he did hope that she would retain a fair deal of her innocence as time went on. It would be unfair to leave her to the extent where she would be corrupted too much. The green eyed wizard clasped his hand tightly around Kara's and he reached forward.

"I hope….I hope that we'll find out more," Harry said, the fact that an entire cult sprung up around him and there was hints that it went deeper, well that was interesting and not to mention it was quite nerve racking.

The Boy-Who-Lived myth, well that was actually worse in some respects. Harry smiled as he thought about some of the absurdity that sprung up around that myth. There were times where he could get a laugh or two off of how completely nuts the rest of the world was regarding him. He smiled as he thought about it.

"Well, you're in a spot that most men would give their right nut for," Gwen offered to Harry and the wizard would have to agree, he was in that nice position that many would kill for.

"I think that I'll come to the bottom of this one way or another," Harry said, it felt like a jigsaw puzzle with a few of the pieces missing and he had to arrange everything around to fit where he wanted to. His green eyes flickered with intensity and he kept bringing himself to the point where he thought that he accumulated all the answers but everyone kept changing the questions.

Harry had another thought that he wanted to bring with Gwen.

"So….the Friends of Humanity, they're getting bad," Harry said.

Gwen smiled in spite of herself. "I….I think that they're thinking that they're untouchable. It's all fun and games until someone slaps you with a multimillionaire lawsuit."

"And I suspect that a family who doesn't like mutants being accused of being mutie lovers would be defamation of character in this current political climate," Harry told Gwen and the blonde's head inclined with a smile.

"I'd agree," Gwen told him with a smile at the thought of that.

He was thinking that things were going to just begin.

Little did he know how correct he was.

Kara and Harry agreed to make this trip alone, they were looking for more answers regarding what was found out about them on their way to Earth. Both young Kryptonians walked with a purpose and Harry saw Kara's shoulder slump. She was normally bold and brave but there was something about her stance that indicated that she was more than nervous. Harry reached towards her and pulled an arm around her shoulder.

"It's going to be fine Kara, trust me," Harry told her.

"I know, Har," Kara said as she let her breath out and she saw the large imposing building. It looked to be like every research lab on Earth all rolled into one but there was more to it than met the eye.

Harry noticed Kara's intense studying so he was the one who spoke. "Should we take the plunge?"

Kara bit down on her lip and nodded, she was ready to step inside and take that plunge, for better or for worse. The blonde allowed Harry to lead the way and she followed behind him. Grabbing the handle of the STARR labs facility, he stepped inside followed by Kara. The green eyed wizard walked up to the front of the desk where a fairly attractive Chinese girl that Harry blinked a few times as he saw her.

'Surely a coicedence,' Harry thought to himself as he placed a hand to himself.

"Yes, may I help you?" the girl asked to him and Harry smiled.

"I'm Harry Potter, this is Kara Potter, and we're here to see Karen Starr," Harry remarked to her and the secretary's eyes widened as she placed her hands on the edge of the desk and looked to be faint, as if she was trying to catch her breath.

"Yes, she's been expecting you give me a second," she stated as she placed her hands on the desk and tapped the intercom. "Miss Starr, Mr. Potter is here to see you."

A voice that sounded so similar to Kara's crept up and that was eerie. "Yes, Miss Chang, tell him to come up to my office, I'll be waiting for him, I was just concluding a meeting with another client in fact they were just leaving."

Harry stepped towards the elevator along with Kara and kept shaking his head. If he did not personally believe in coincidences, he was really thinking that he was visited with one. Never the less, his green eyes were forward as they decided to make their way up to the forward.

"This is creepy," Kara whispered to him.

"You can say that again," Harry remarked to her.

"Oh, okay,' Kara told him as she smiled. "This is creepy."

Harry did not bother clarifying that was not what he met and he grabbed Kara around the hand as the two of them made their way up.

He arrived and saw a couple of SHIELD agents making their way towards the stairs, very horrified. The emerald eyed enchanter watched them as they took the steps about two at a time, nearly tripping in their angered haste. Perhaps Harry was losing all sense of himself but he was beginning to piece together everything that was going on around him. His green eyes flickered with even more amusement as he twisted his head around and followed them, catching a few snatches of their conversation down the hallway.

"She's going to need to understand that SHIELD needs this facility for security reasons."

Harry knew that was never good, anything being done for the reasons of security. More often than not, it blew up in their faces and Kara wondered about this as well.

They reached the edge of the hallway and the office at the very end of the hallway was one of Karen Starr's. Harry reached up and knocked on the door.

"Come on!" Karen called from the other side of the office and the green eyes of Harry Potter widened in surprise.

He opened the office door and saw Karen bent over on the edge of her desk, shuffling through a few papers. He was allowed a lingering view of her ass as she slowly turned around. Harry caught a good expression on her as he saw the golden blonde hair that was shoulder length frame her face. There was a pair of blue eyes that was behind her glasses and her lips were a delicious shade of red. They looked rather full and juicy as well and Harry's eyes fixed around, to see the top of her blouse opened to reveal quite a generous amount of cleavage.

The blue blouse was wrapped around a large pair of breasts that looked extremely firm and Harry's eyes froze for a few seconds on that area and he could tell that Kara's did as well. The shirt shifted a tiny bit to show a toned stomach and the black skirt wrapped snugly around her tight ass. The black stockings went down her legs as they wrapped around her legs, they were muscular but at the same time they were extremely sensual.

Karen saw where their eyes were locked and she dangled her high heel shoe from her feel, slowing, her stockings clad tightly to her leg. She twisted her head towards them and gave a rather prominent clearing of her throat.

"Miss Starr, it's an honor to meet you," Harry told her and blonde's expression turned with a wide smile towards him.

"The feeling is mutual," Karen told him as she bounced up and he could have sworn that her body swayed on purpose. They walked the progress of her breasts. "We've been waiting a long time for you to come public….although some longer than others."

Karen kept her eyes on Harry, tracing the visual buffet that was his body up and down, a smile crossing her face as she pulled her arms over her chest and she kept watching him. Subconsciously she adjusted her skirt which showed a bit more of her leg.

"I've heard rumors about me," Harry remarked as he stepped towards her and Karen felt a flush as he closed the gap between them. "I've heard rumors that there was a message that was left here regarding me eighteen years ago."

"Yes, before your arrival, or so it seems," Karen remarked, she was not going to mention how she remembered how things were before the collision. Although Harry being the stabilizing influence that would allow this version of her cousin to achieve the full potential, she was on board with.

Although he was mostly Lara and Lily, with most Jor-El influence negated. Karen thought that both Harry and Kal, while having the ability to be greater heroes, they had certain flaws alone that caused them to not reach their full potential. This Har-Rell entity, he was the greatest of two halves of a whole. The blonde also thought that it didn't help.

She pulled through the drawer and found the journal that had been left by Doctor Swann and cracked it open.

"Left before Doctor Swann died," Karen informed them as she flipped it open. She flipped through and read through the symbols. "The one that will change the world will arrive to lead humanity to a new age and will be around until the end of time."

"The end of time, that could be a long time," Harry remarked to Karen and the blonde's lips twitched into a smile as she placed her hand on the table and flipped through the journal.

"There are also rumors of a great darkness that comes after the Apocalypse," Karen stated as she flipped through more notes.

A lot of this never came to pass in her dimension and she nervously edged her way through the notebook as she slapped it down on the table for them.

"Three keys, releases the first which brings forth an Apocalypse, and his fall brings force the Darkness," Harry remarked as he read through the journal.

Karen watched Harry and her younger self, who was humming underneath her breath, the latest Alison Blaire hit. The older blonde shook her head and wondered if she was that goofy when she was that age. Kara leaned back on the chair as Harry kept reading through the journal, trying to piece together more information regarding what was on the line. His green eyes burned with determination.

"Catch Twenty Two," Harry remarked as he slammed the journal shot. "Mind if I make a copy of this?"

"No….in fact take it, it may help you through the upcoming tribulations," Karen offered to Harry as she placed a hand on her hip and sighed with a frustrated expression swimming over her face. She wished she could give him more information. "The coming of Kang told me one thing….the things that were foretold will come to pass, the good and the bad."

"And we'll be ready for them," Harry told them, he was not speaking for just for him, not just for Kara, but the entire world at large.

"And I wish you the best of luck with that," Karen remarked to them as she reached towards him and shook his head. She felt his strong grip and she did the same thing with Kara.

Although it was really weird staring face to face with what was essentially a younger version of herself but all things considered, Karen took it in a great strides.

"And you're welcomed to come here if you need any help all of the time," Karen informed them and Harry smiled as he watched her way.

His eyes locked onto caused Karen to feel all warm and fuzzy inside and the blonde was thinking more about everything that was happening. She felt a flushing go through her and Harry grabbed her hand tightly.

"I'll take you up on that, but until then, have a good day," Harry remarked as he leaned towards her and teased a kiss but then pulled back, acting as if he was readjusting the pencil cup on her desk. Karen watched him with an exasperated expression dancing in her eyes before he marked in a would be casual voice. "It's crooked."

"Yeah, I can see that," Karen said to him as she checked her watch. "Don't think I'm kicking you out of here…."

"I've got another appointment to go to, another contact of mind requested a meeting and she's been trying to get me to fit her in, I figure that there's no time to waste," Harry said as he leaned forward and smiled towards her.

"Right, right," Karen said as she tried not to seem too desperate in the face of this man, no this god, that was in front of her.

"Bye, see you later," Kara remarked in a bright voice as she stepped forward and acted like she was going to kiss Karen goodbye. Then she paused and turned around the stack of papers on the desk.

"Crooked?" Karen asked as she corked an eyebrow and Kara barely kept the smile off of her face.

"Yes," she agreed as she grabbed Karen's skirt and shifted it, making sure to cause Karen to flash her panties at Harry for a brief moment. Whether it was an intentional gesture or an accidental one, Karen had no idea and she could have sworn that Kara winked at her. "And so was this….you could catch a draft. We wouldn't want anything to happen to you, or Harry and I might come back and have to nurse you back to health."

Karen said nothing although that did seem like an enticing proposal.

Kara did not even bother to tell the next statement to Harry as they were out of an earshot.

"So, when are you going to add her to your collective?" Kara whispered as she watched Harry for his reaction.

Harry smiled towards Karen. "Sooner or later."

"Good thing that you've mastered those Multiple Man powers," Kara commented to him with a smile as she thought that she would not personally rest until every single attractive woman in the world was under Har-Rell's thumb. And then they would worry about the rest of the universe, although her and M'gann were a wonderful start. There were numerous alien races out there with a multitude of hot women. There were whispers that there was also entire Alien Corps of them but Kara had no idea how true that was. It was just bits and pieces she heard at school on Krypton.

Thara Ak-var was the one who clued her in on most of these things. Kara smiled, thinking of her friend, well the good times that they shared at least. She was saddened when she apparently perished as Kandor disappeared off of the map. Terrorists likely destroyed it, the blonde thought that was a huge part of the reason why Krypton went the way it did. It was a chain reaction, even though it was only a few months ago from her own perspective, eighteen long years had passed since its destruction.

Harry spotted the person standing at the foot of the stairs, dressed in a blue business suit and high heels.

"Excuse me," Harry remarked and she spun her head around to focus her eyes around.

"No, don't apologize, I was the one that was in your way," she remarked as she stepped forward and extended her hand. "Helena Wayne."

Harry thought that last name sounded fairly familiar but he said nothing, at least not now.

"So, you're here to meet Miss Starr?" Harry asked.

"Yes, we were old friends in college," Helena stated, certainly it was a year but she left for her world tour after that and that was six years ago, having returned about six months ago. Six months after her other identity was getting established as an urban legend, following in the footsteps of her late father. "She was a great friend to me, after what happened to our parents, both of them."

"Oh that's right, your parents died, I remember reading about that," Harry commented, he was looking up some of the richest people in the world and Helena's name popped up on that list constantly. His green eyes flickered towards her and she smiled. "Mine did to when I was young."

"A lot of them seems to be going around," Helena offered to them. "My father was a great detective, my mother was a thief. They met when my father was trying to bust my mother for a heist."

It had been ten long years since her father died in his never ending pursuit for the mission. It was a wonder that her mother tied him down. Helena's father was messily murdered when several of the mobsters that he stopped banded together and destroyed him. As for her mother, well they never found the body, but still evidence stated that the chances that she survived was not good.

"And I've neglected to introduce myself, I'm Harry….Harry Potter," Harry told her and Helena's interest was piqued.

"Self made billionaire by the age of eighteen, your hard work is appreciated," Helena stated as the twenty three year old socialite turned towards him and noticed how much his companion resembled a younger version of Karen, although with brown hair instead of blonde. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Potter."

"You too, Miss Wayne," Harry remarked as he reached forward and gripped Helena's hand tightly as he squeezed it, shaking it. The two of them smiled at each other.

"I'll be letting you two get on with your day then," Helena commented with a wide smile across her face as she allowed him to move off.

Kara and Harry returned. Kara returned to the Stronghold but Harry had a meeting that he did need to attend. His work was never done.

"You've….had quite the notoriously busy schedule, Mr. Potter."

The two of them met at a mutually agreed upon meeting place. Their first meeting, while brief, had gotten the ball rolling for something else. Harry sat across from her at a private booth, an intimate setting with the two of them.

Of course, this was not the most intimate setting that Emma Frost had met Harry Potter in recently, although she was more of a casual observer than anything. Although, she would not observe for much longer if she played her cards right. The Martian Girl….well the telepathic feedback she gave out when she was in heat could be felt….well on Mars.

Emma's blonde hair was tied back in a bun and she wore a pair of sunglasses to maintain some form of being incognito. The white jacket she wore, offset the white blouse, and the tight white pants that she wore. She drummed her fingers on the table with a smile on her face.

"Well, you know, we have a lot to do, a lot to keep busy with," Harry remarked to her and Emma nodded with a smile, it was a knowing smile. It was a smile that was fitting of Emma Frost and the blonde kept her glance locked on Harry's. His green eyes followed her blue eyes and the two of them remained equally calm, never backing up from what the either said.

"Yes, we are along the same lines, the both of us," Emma answered as she placed her hands on the table and took the drink that had been provided for her. "We are driven in the same ways and we run a school that is geared through an exclusively female student body."

"Yes, I noticed that about that school of yours down in Massachusetts," Harry remarked to Emma and the blonde once again took another sip of the drink that she had. She kept her eyes firmly locked upon Harry's.

"It's a tricky scenario, trying to balance all of these things," Emma commented to him with a smile. "I know someone like you, you are going to rise to the challenge, constantly."

"So, why did you ask me here?" Harry asked to her and he smiled. "I doubt that it was to chat about current events in both of our lives."

Emma smiled, she found Harry quite refreshing as in he did not play games like the rest of them. The blonde knew that high society could be a completely political game and her blue eyes fixed onto his.

"To the point, I approve," Emma told him as she prepped herself to tell him the real reason why she turned up. "The point is….well the point is that there are a few students of my school who find the accommodates to be inconvenient. Not because of anything regarding them but how it has brought them so far away from home. I wish to rectify that fact as soon as possible and I'm hoping that you could give me the necessary hand to do so."

Harry now was really intrigued by this thought and he kept his eyes locked onto those of Emma's, trying to figure out what her game was. It was going to be a completely dangerous game that was for sure. The blonde was not one that was going to go in without having something to her advantage and Harry wanted to figure out what that was. His green eyes kept flickering upon hers and her eyes on his.

"Continue," Harry offered her waving his hand and that's what Emma did, she continued.

"A couple of my students….wish to arrange for an exchange, on a temporary basis perhaps, although if they wish for a more permanent arrangement, then I'm certain that something could be worked out," Emma told him.

"That sounds enticing, please continue," Harry told Emma and the blonde continued to talk about him.

"One of the students that I can tell you about, her name is Angelica Jones," Emma informed him and Harry's head inclined with a nod for a second. "She is a model student and has the ability to utilize microwaves from her hands."

"That sounds potentially dangerous," Harry told her and Emma watched him. "If it was not controlled but then again, all mutant powers could be dangerous."

"Controlled and not controlled, indeed," Emma told him as she found herself staring into his eyes and envisioning all of the things that he could do to her. It was an enticing thought that went through her mind. The blonde's thoughts were of the less PG variety as she continued to dream of what Harry could do to her given the proper motivation. "But she's made strides and is a valuable student. It would be a shame to see her go but I'd hate to lose her to a school that her talents might go wasted.

Harry did not say anything but Emma's words implied that she meant the Xavier Institute being that place where Angelica's talents could potentially be wasted. Granted, thanks to Storm and Beast, there were some decent teachers still at the school, providing they were allowed to do their jobs. And Logan as well, he was the best in the world at what he did, although the students would feel sore in the morning.

"Is she the only student, Emma?" Harry asked her.

"There may be others, Arcane is quite the popular topic of discussion," Emma remarked to him and then she casually dropped the next bombshell. "Of course, you might be second only to the mysterious Star Child. He has stirred quite the fancy of many of the female hearts and minds at the school."

Harry did not say anything to Emma at this point. He had no idea what she knew and what she did not know. Her mind and her emotions were carefully guarded so Harry was going to ensure that he did not spill his secrets.

"Well, the Star Child is a mystery, then again, one would think that the White Queen would be a mystery as well," Harry told her as he reached towards her.

"Well, mysteries are around the world," Emma commented, as she barely hit the knowing smile that she had on her face. She spoke a little more as Harry remained silent. "I hope that we allow these meetings to happen a bit more often. Perhaps if our schedules align, we could go into more intimate details about what we could do together."

"And we could form a strong partnership between the two of us," Harry remarked and Emma's expression turned to a smile.

"Yes, the two of us, we would be able to do a lot together," Emma informed him, rapping her knuckles against the table with the smile not even fading a little bit. "I trust you know the potential of the two of us together."

Harry smiled, he knew the potential. He could tell Emma's thoughts swam wild.

"I'll talk to you later, Emma," Harry remarked as he grabbed her hand and took it into his. He leaned forward, and planted a chaste kiss on her hand.

"We will talk later, and more," Emma offered to him.

Harry returned to the Stronghold and he heard a loud clatter.

He was pretty sure that there was no one could have broken in. His eyes kept locked onto the moving figure off to the side. Harry's hands were placed on his hips as he watched the progress of the frog, which appeared to be Lockheed's main course.

Harry blinked, it was no ordinary frog. It had blonde hair and Asgardian armor. There was something….something extremely wrong about this situation.


'Okay, it's dressed like Thor, acts like Thor, and talks like Thor so….well I'll be fucked,' Harry thought to himself.

'Hmm,' Jean thought through to him.

'Jean, you're not going to believe this but we have a situation,' Harry commented as he turned around.

"Lockheed, don't chase the toad," Harry said in an authorities tone of voice and the dragon's activities ceased, although his eyes continued to follow the progress of the toad, a hungry gaze in its eyes.

The frog looked up.

"So, Thor, I see my security system has taken creative liberties with you," Harry remarked but the Asgard God turned frog's expression was aghast.

"No, I was like this before I even entered your sanctum," Thor commented in a brisk tone of voice, as Kara, Kitty, Jean, and Wanda turned up to meet him.

"Wait….wait, this is Thor?" Kitty asked in numb shock.

"Yes, this is Thor," Harry remarked, it was very hard to keep from being amused, although this was a serious situation.

"What happened?" Wanda asked to them and the green eyes of Harry flashed for the briefest second with mirth and amusement.

"Why don't we allow Thor to tell the tale of that?" Harry suggested. "And I'll see if I can find a way to reverse his ailment."

"Aye, yes, it is a tale worthy of the great epics," Thor commented as the frog swayed on the ground.

They prepared to do just that but Kitty stopped and stared, before she placed her hands on her hips and gave the dragon a stern look.


Lockheed crouched down, an ashamed look on his face.

"Well, this is quite the predicament," Peve remarked as Harry spoke to her.

"Well, I could guess this the moment that Thor showed up as a frog," Harry remarked to him. "What in the hell happened?"

"I believe this trickery was the work my brother, Loki," Thor commented as the frog continued to bounce up and down. He had the strongest temptation to eat a nice, juicy fly but he shook it off. His expression flickered from one side of the room to the other.

"And there is no way to revert him back to the Thor we knew," Harry remarked but then he paused. "Come to think of it, how did he get in here in the first place?"

Lily jumped on with an explanation for him. "Well….there's a fundamental flaw within the security system that we're correcting now….it doesn't register a frog as a potential threat."

"Well, that's a flaw if there ever was one," Kitty remarked in a dry voice.

"Yes, well you can speak of this later, now we must focus on what my brother is doing," Thor remarked to them and Thor's expression was not one that would leave their faces any time soon. It was the height of hilarity that he was turned into a frog but he still retained much of his tactics.

"Why go to us know, why not go the Avengers?" Jean asked him.

Thor had an answer for that one. "My fellow Avengers….they have been having trouble against a new team of super villains who have calling themselves the Masters of Evil."

"Well, Masters of Evil, that really doesn't leave any room for interpretation," Wanda remarked in a light tone of voice. She wondered about these villains sometimes, especially those who had the word "evil" in their team name. It just seemed outlandish and absurd.

"I'm going to tell you this right now, so you do not waste ample time and resources, it may be impossible to release me from this spell that Loki put me under," Thor commented but there was a wide smile that passed over Harry's face. Thor did not get the significance of it, at least yet. "Why are you so jubilant about?"

"I thrive on the impossible," Harry told him firmly.

Plans were made and Harry prepared to find a way to reverse Thor's curse. He had books, knowledge, and also the Sorcerer Supreme on speed dial. So he figured that was enough for him to counteract whatever Loki did.

In the realm of Asgard, a set of eyes flickered from one side to the next as a man shifted himself back. He was entombed in a set of shadows and sitting on the throne that once belonged to another. Yet it was obvious why he was here and what he was doing. His green cloaked form sat ready to go with a pair of thorns.

"Now that my foolish brother has taken a form more fitting with him, I can secure my conquest of Asgard and continue forth to the other realms," the trickster commented through the shadows.

He was the brother of Thor, Loki, and he spelled bad news for anyone who got in his way. He thought that his plan was coming together quite magnificently all things considered. His eyes flickered with amusement as he turned his expression around and he prepared to go forth with the next phase of his plot.

"Soon, it will all be mine," Loki commented to himself in the shadows.

"You speak too soon Loki, but then again, given the rumors, being premature is one of your qualities that you indulge in so often."

Loki turned his head a fraction of an inch and annoyance crossed his face as he saw the witch in the shadows. Golden hair framed her face, along with bright blue eyes. She wore a green outfit that hugged against her ample curves in the star of Asgard. She wore a head piece that offset it and the nasty expression on her face also added to the atmosphere that she presented.

Standing beside her was a large mountain of a man with thick shoulders, a balding head, and a mustache that would put most men to shame. He clutched an axe in his hand as he placed it upon the ground.

"Amora, my dear, you overcomplicate what is a simple manner," Loki commented as he drummed his fingers against the edge of the throne that he sat on. Odin snoozed away in the room, trapped under a spell that continue to make him a nonentity. The armies had retreated, many having been captured, some slain, and others had kneeled before Loki, as it should have been.

"I don't see anything but complicates, Thor still lives, Thor still breaths, therefore Thor and his allies on Earth could still challenge you," Amora told Loki in a bored tone as she sighed. She was going to be perfectly honest, she knew that trusting Loki was akin to sticking her hand in a pit of snakes but sometimes one had to make a deal with the devil, so to speak.

Sanity told her against doing so but sometimes one wished to do something that sanity advised them against. The woman's eyes flowed with the amazing amount of power, that was beyond anything that was present in most. She calculated every single instant in her mind and she knew one thing, beyond all else and that was that she had her victory in the palm of her hand, if she should decide to snatch it.

"Amora, you must exhibit patience, don't worry, I have everything under my control," Loki remarked to her as he sat on the throne.

"Control, that's a funny word for a plan that could come undone," Amora commented as she waved her hand and showed Loki the images that flickered before him. She had to admit, she found Loki far more appealing when he got in touch with his feminine side. "Look who is coming."

"The Star Child," Loki remarked as he clutched his hand. "No matter, it's no matter, the myth of his prowess is grandly exaggerated."

Amora's face contorted into a smile, to be honest, she had been awaiting the arrival of the Star Child for quite some time and word reached her ears thanks to associates on Midgard that he was coming. "I can assure you Loki, nothing about the Star Child's prowess is exaggerated at all, in any sense of the word."

Regardless of that warning, Loki prepped himself, he had an army, he had the power of the Odin Force, what more did he need?