

Alison Blaire always knew that this had to take place, the pre-concert ritual was something that she had to deal with every single time she had a concert. Despite that fact that she knew that it was coming, that did not stop her nerves from escalating and ramping up the butterflies beating their wings inside her stomach. The young pop start felt determination and that encouraged her a tiny bit.

As they said in show business, no matter what, no matter what the challenges that she had to undertake, the show always had to go on. Even if there had been a few shaky moments at her shows as of late and there was a weird event at her show two nights ago where the pyro exploded before she even went on stage, that didn't matter to her manager. Alison knew the show needed to go on.

'Okay, I'm ready,' Alison thought to herself as she knew that this was her biggest show yet but given that it was at a major market in New York City, that went without saying.

"Okay, everyone, we're going to have a really good show tonight, I know you've all been working hard," Alison told her stage hand and the truth was that she had not gotten a full eight hours of sleep since this tour started at the beginning of the summer. "But tonight's the final show in the tour and if we do this one, we're off the road until Spring, so we can catch our breath."

There were smiles across the faces of everyone as she brought that one little ray of sunshine into all of their lives. The blonde popstar walked over and saw a few letters, most of them from her adoring fans.

There was a package on the ground, wrapped in brown paper and Alison slowly bent down to pick it up. She was curious but also a bit nervous as there were some times where fans have sent her some really weird things. That was what went with the territory but her nerves were already on a hair trigger as she gingerly opened up the package in her hand.

A note fell out of it, landing in her hand. The pop star paused, her eyes expressively blinking as she read over it. She muttered to herself as she wondered what this could mean. It was short, sweet, and simple and raised more questions than it provided answers.

'Beware the past.' Alison thought as she read over the note. She sighed in disgust 'This creep again.'

The note was signed by the mysterious Mister Reo, someone who had been leaving her cryptic and fairly threatening notes over the past few weeks, sent to her backstage at several concerts. The blonde pop star clutched the note in her hand and she bent down to open the package properly. There was a snow globe inside.

It was harmless and she gave it a tentative shake but nothing went off.

"Are you okay, Miss Blaire?" one of her background dancers asked and the pop star nodded her head, snapping herself back to reality. For a second, she thought that there was going to be an immense explosion that would hurt them.

Thankfully there was nothing so the show was about ready to go on as they intended. The blonde pop star got herself into the proper mindset for this show.

"Okay, this is a dress rehearsal, but I want to make sure everything goes right, big tour ending show and everything," Alison commented with a bright smile crossing her face as she snapped her fingers. "Three, two, one."

One of the stage hands tried to cue up the special effects but there was a loud explosion as one of the speakers exploded with a loud crack. Thankfully no one was hurt but everyone was scared out of her mind.

"That equipment was supposed to be checked to make sure it didn't malfunction!" Alison cried in a frantic tone as she felt her pulse quicken and her eyes darted frantically around. "What went wrong?"

She did not want anything bad to happen to her crew or fans, someone was obviously after her, there had been too many accidents to be a coincidence. Someone dangerous was out there trying to send her a message.

"Miss Blaire, someone left this note," one of the stage hands told her breathlessly.

Alison did not even bother to ask if the stage hand got a good look at his face because she knew better. With shaky hands the blonde opened the letter and there were a few seconds where she tried in vain to steady her hands which were shaking badly as she read the letter. The note nearly dropped from her hand but she managed to steady herself enough to read it.

'You were warned, you should know better than to spurn me.'

Alison simply tore the piece of paper in half, she was not going to be shaken by threats as her manager walked to her.

"We've got to cancel the show, people could get hurt."

"It's too late to cancel the show," the manager told her and the blonde glared at him angrily. "I'm sorry, Dazzler baby, but we have too much riding on this show. That kook wouldn't try anything too dangerous."

After all of the incidents, Alison was not too certain and this was like nothing that she ever had to deal with before.

Alison was not going to sugar coat the fact that she was nervous that something bad could happen with this show but the blonde was trying to remain optimistic because of she had no choice. Management had her over a barrel, she had to go on or else, she had no other options. She had show courage in the face of fear and not be bullied.

"Make sure you get all of the equipment in working order," Alison demanded as she turned to the stage hands and they all nodded. She looked more serious than they had ever seen her. "Make sure it's working and won't blow up on stage."

"Yeah, the last thing we need is a fucking law suit," her manager muttered in a tone that indicated he did not really care about the fans, only the money that they brought in.

Alison rolled her eyes, that were all they thought about, money. She would be nothing without her fans and the support that they gave her, coming out in droves for her concerts. She wanted to make sure that they got their money's worth and then some.

The show must go on and Alison was going to make sure that this hiccup in the arrangement would not lead to any problems.

The day was finally here and none of them could believe it came so fast but they were heading into the concert and trying to be on their best behavior at that. Kara especially was trying to be dignified, even though she was not doing a very good job at it. She struggled not to lose her composure by bouncing up and down.

Kitty on the other hand, she had no qualms about letting loose. The brunette teenager looked around excitedly as Harry walked beside her as the three of them filed in with the rest of the crowd, about to find their seats which they would be staying in for the duration of the concert.

"I want to bottle your energy and sell it on the market," Harry whispered to Kitty and the brunette faced him, a smile crossing her face. "I bet I could make a fortune."

"You could," a voice commented and there was an amused redhead standing next to them with a bright smile.

"Oh, hey, MJ, how are you doing?" Harry asked as he properly faced Mary Jane.

"I'm fine," Mary Jane replied to Harry as she watched him with a smile on her face. "I can tell you're doing as well as usual."

"Oh, you know me, I'm just trying to keep up with everything," Harry commented to the redhead and she smiled back.

"Well, it looks to be a packed crowd here, most of them female," Mary Jane said as she paused and turned around to face Harry, a grin flickering over her face as she offered him a teasing smile. Harry had no idea what she was smiling about but the redhead was going to let him in on the secret. "But then again….your someone who has experience being the only one male in the room, don't you?"

"I have no idea what you could be implying," Harry stated in a voice that was calm and crisp as Mary Jane walked over as everyone else filed in.

"Oh excuse me….hey, MJ, Gwen, Chloe," a Hispanic girl stated but then she saw Harry standing next to her.

She had not met him before but judging by the gorgeous looks, she thought that was one of the great tragedies in the world, on par with the Greek epics that had been passed down through the annals of time. She saw his dark hair, slightly unruly, intoxicating green eyes, and glasses that emphasized that prominent feature. Not to mention a body that most Gods or professional athletes would be envious of.

"I'm sorry….we haven't been introduced yet," the girl breathed out as she finally found the ability to speak as her tongue had been quite tied. The woman felt her heart speed up a little bit but she never the less introduced herself with dignity and poise. "I'm….Liz Allen."

"Harry Potter," Harry said as he turned to point out the two girls next to him. "This is Kara and this is Kitty Pryde."

Liz made a mental note that he was someone who surrounded himself with the company of beautiful woman. That was an element that interested her completely as the dark haired girl turned around to take in the crowd filtering into the concert hall. There were many fan girls and most certainly a few fan boys making their way in to put down an ass in every eighteen inches. There were actual families with children as well which showed that this concert was a family affair.

"We were so lucky to get tickets!" Kitty yelled over the rabble.

"There must have been thousands of people who were turned away," Gwen chimed in for the first time.

"Really, for a pop star?" Chloe asked for them, granted she enjoyed the music, it was a guilty pleasure of hers but she was not about to go as obsessive with her fandom as some people did. The blonde's eyes rolled but Kara looked at her with a frown.

"She's not just a pop star, she's a way of life," Kara remarked as she made sure her disguise was securely on and she could change out into her uniform at a second's notice if need be. Granted, she had no idea why a situation could arise, she was at a concert, surely there wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary happening here?

Then again, it was Harry who told her to be prepared for anything no matter what the circumstances, so why would she argue? The Kryptonian smiled as she soaked in the atmosphere.

"Hey, Peter," Gwen said as she peered over her shoulder and saw her friend standing there taking a picture. "Jameson's having you take pictures at the concert, I take it?"

"Yeah, he's thinking that there might be another….another issue," Peter offered and the group crowded around him. "There's been all of these accidents happening at the Dazzler concerts lately and there have been some weird incidents on top of that. The fire alarm went off, nearly ruining the last concert but there was no fire."

"Sounds like sabotage," Harry commented briskly as he contemplated it. Although it was hard to think with everyone filing in, Harry managed.

"You think….you think it really could be?" Chloe asked, although the more she thought about it and she had read the reports, she knew that there was going to be some kind of conspiracy theory at play.

There was no more time to think about that further as the lights went on and the cheers were loud. There were thousands of shrieking fans, with Kara determined to drown them all out, bouncing up and down, and sending her soda flying everywhere. Or she would have, had Harry not charmed the cup and made sure that some hapless idiot got drenched by the Kryptonian's excited antics.

'Are we sure it's a good idea to give an already hyperactive Kryptonian girl caffeine?' Gwen thought to Harry but he smiled and reached over to grab her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze.

'It'll be fine, trust me,' Harry thought and Kitty snickered at this response, with Harry giving her a narrowed eyed gaze.

'Famous last words,' Kitty remarked as she sat back and was ready to enjoy the show.

The stage lit up and they were all ready to rock and roll. The brunette was bobbing her head up and down in the most excited manner possible. She could hardly wait see the show as it unfolded. The brunette was going to go insane but the blonde disguised as a brunette next to her, she was going equally nuts.

Peter gave Harry a "can you believe this?" look but he was glad to be in the midst of a different kind of insanity for a change. With the gang war between the Kingpin, Silvermane, and the Master Planner heating up, he was being run rugged every night. At least he got the symbiote off of his back.

Of course there was a feeling that he could not shake that there was something off about how easily the symbiote slipped off into the night. There was this feeling of dread that coursed through his body and Peter doubted that it was his spider sense going off after all. The young man was ready to take photos, although he wondered if he could get anything tangible for Jameson in this screaming mess of insanity.

The concert was starting and Alison Blaire stood on the stage. Her blonde hair flowed down to her back, as she was wearing a sequined outfit that zipped up along with a pair of white boots. The bodysuit hung snugly around her body, wrapping around her breasts to the point where cool air could cause her nipples to become erect. She stepped towards the stage as she grabbed the microphone in her hands, grasping it in front of her.

"Hello everyone!" Alison yelled to the crowd who squealed wildly, well the females at least. "Are you ready to be dazzled?"

There was a loud pop that resounded from the entire crowd as she began to kick up the music.

Harry was actually enjoying a nice night out where he did not have to worry about anything, where he could just be himself and enjoy the time with friends and just relax for once in his life.

Naturally there would have to be some asshole who was going to have to ruin everything, because a day in the life of Harry Potter wouldn't be complete if someone didn't try and stir up some shit.

Peter stood rigid as his spider sense went off and the lights in the arena began to flicker.

"You are all traitors to the noble cause of music. You have stirred up the spirit of the King himself and therefore you'll suffer the consequences."

Kara looked over her shoulder, as did Kitty, Gwen, Chloe, MJ, Liz, Harry, Peter, and everyone else. It was Kitty who decided to break in with the statement that was more aghast than anything anyone could ever imagine.

"Is that a gang of Elvis look alikes dressed as bikers?" Kitty asked in a puzzled tone.

Weird question as it was, Harry turned around towards them as the green eyed wizard was keeping his eyes on them to pinpoint a weakness. The Elvis Gang made their way into the crowd and they held laser weapons.

'They're robots,' Harry thought to Gwen.

"I'm afraid so," Harry breathed and he locked eyes with Gwen, who nodded. She could use her powers to shut these things down but there were too many witnesses. That's why Harry was waiting to use his powers until after things cleared out a bit.

"Everyone out, this is not a publicity stunt!" she yelled as the group made their way over.

Mary Jane and Liz looked around, wondering what was happening as Harry saw Peter going off out of the corner of his eye to change. Kitty and Kara did the same.

Harry disappeared into the shadows.

"You're going to pay for besmirching the good name of music," one of the members of the Elvis Gang stated as he stormed. "You have caused the good name of Rock N Roll to be besmirched and you will…."

Kitty appeared from the other side of the stage and grabbed one of the Elvis drones to yank him into the stage. There was a scream as the clone was being trashed by her beneath the stage.

Kara dove underneath the attack of the Elvis clones and one of them pulled out a guitar as he aimed it towards the mutant. The guitar was plucked with a few cords being played and there was a blast of energy aimed towards Kara.

Kara dodged the attack and Spider-Man moved in around the robot, as he ripped the guitar from the hands of the Elvis clones with a line webbing.

Harry manifested dark energy around them which hurled them up into the air then caused them to come crashing down with a series of sharp cracks. Magic did a wonderful job of short circuiting the Elvis Gang. There was an explosive echo as they blew apart and Harry went to deal with the next wave of attackers.

Spider-Man appeared next to him as the Elvis Gang rushed forward, nearly trampling some of the crowd that had not escaped.

'And this is going to hurt,' Spider-Man thought as a part of the ceiling began to collapse.

The web slinger sent a few lines of webbing to hold it up but in the confusion, one of the bystanders twisted her ankle. She tried to get up to her feet but she collapsed

Quickly, Kara flew in like a bolt, picking up the girl and carrying her out of harm's way, which allowed Harry to smash his way through the Elvis drones, short circuiting them with his magical attacks.

"Okay, it's time to send you guys to the Heartbreak Hotel!" Spider-Man stated as he spun in the air and launched his web lines towards his enemies.

"Really, all that time, and that's what you come up with?" Harry asked him and Spider-Man shrugged his shoulders.

"Give me a break Arcane, they all can't be winners," Spider-Man offered as he launched himself into the air and sent himself up and down onto the top of the head of one of the drones. The Web Slinger grabbed him around the head then flipping forwards used the momentum to send it smashing into another group of them.

"Okay, fair enough," Harry conceded, As he moved to deal with another group of enemies.

The web slinger was taking them down and he kept using his web lines to bust them apart.

"You're pissing with the King now, son," the head of one of the Elvis bots stated but Kitty jammed a large pole through it, causing it to crumble apart.

"Yeah right," Kitty said and dumped a speaker onto another two drones, causing them to smash. She wondered how many of these bots there were because the Elvis Posse appeared to be infinite.

Harry on the other hand, saw a few laser lights pop out from the other end and he saw that Alison was on the stage, trapped as two of the Elvis bots grabbed her with evil intentions in mind. The green eyed wizard blasted towards them.

Alison was completely flummoxed as he grabbed her around the waist and sprinted her off of the stage. Everything moved by so fast that she could not even reconcile what happened in her mind. Her heart became a flutter as he held her in his arms.

"Oh my God, you're him!" Alison yelled and Harry smiled at her which caused her to lose her mind. She looked sheepish and tried to maintain some level of dignity. "Um….thanks….for saving me."

The girl did not know what to do.

Harry meanwhile was looking around for the debris of the parts and he picked it up. He saw the logo that was on the foot of one of the robots.

Mister Reo.

Copyright, Wonder Studios.

Now Harry was intrigued and he decided to get on the bond link.

'Hey, Gwen, Chloe, did the two of you get out of here alright?' Harry asked the two of them.

'Yeah, we're fine,' Chloe confirmed them.

'I need the two of you to look up something for me,' Harry told them as he kept his eyes on the young pop star in his arms, to make sure she got out of this okay.

He heard a camera flash and Harry wondered if the Paparazzi were ever off the clock.

'Anything,' Chloe said to him as she wondered what Harry had up his sleeve but there was a slight tone of trepidation in her tone.

'Wonder Studios, find out about them for me,' Harry told her and he escorted Alison off the stage, where Kara, Kitty, and Spider-Man following behind them.

He was going to get to the bottom of this.

"I'm sorry, I can't believe this," Alison breathed as Harry handed her a cup of coffee which she took graciously with shaking hands and her bright eyes nearly got lost in his.

"Just take a deep breath and calm down, everything's going to be alright," Harry told her and the blonde nodded frantically.

Captain Stacy arrived and Harry stepped back to allow him and his men do the work. Harry slid back from her, giving an encouraging smile, as the New York City Police Captain turned towards her.

"I understand that this isn't the first time that you've been attacked," Captain Stacy said in a stern tone.

"No…I thought at first….I thought that they were coincidences but…." Alison said but Stacy looked towards her as a gruff but understanding expression appeared on his face. He was trying to piece things together in the back of his head as he wondered what level of insanity he was dealing with.

"This is premeditated," the police captain told her in a fluid tone of voice as he eyed her and stared her down. The blonde's head nodded up and down numbly as she tried to not lose her cool.

Death threats and threats from crazed fans and a few haters, that was something that she dealt with although they eventually went away. For every hundred of her great fans, there was always someone who was out to make a name for themselves and try and get a response out of her. The blonde placed a hand on her chin and recalled the first year of her career, there was some guy who got on the stage and tried to propose marriage to her, after stripping naked. He was not the pinnacle of male perfection to say the least and he was at least twice her age.

"Who could be doing this?" Alison asked.

Harry was the one who stepped in. "Is there anyone who you could think of that would have the motivation to go after you?"

Alison placed a hand to her chin and thought really hard, she had been through a lot in a short time but then in a blink of an eye the name came to her.

"The only person who might hold a grudge against me was Quint Newton," Alison told Harry and his eyes followed hers. "He was my old special effects manager, he got fired over a year ago."

"Well the only other lead that we have is this," Harry said and Kara, Kitty, and Spider-Man stood around, waiting to see what he would say.

"Mister Reo, he's the guy who keeps sending me those threatening notes," Alison breathed but then it hit Spider-Man like a ton of bricks. His eyes closed as it hit him and he could not believe he did not put the pieces together sooner.

"Mister Reo….Mister Reo….MYSTERIO!" Spider-Man shouted as Kara turned towards him, annoyance flashing through her eyes.

"Thank you, for shouting right into my ear!" Kara shouted hotly.

"Sorry but it's Mysterio….one of the members of the Sinister Six….we fought him a few months back, he escaped being brought into custody because he was a robot duplicate," Spider-Man reminded Harry and he nodded.

Harry thought about that and sure enough, Gwen fluttered into the link with a message of her own. He wondered if things were going to get a lot more insane.

'Well Wonder Studios belongs to one Quintin Beck….who you might remember as Mysterio,' Gwen informed him and Harry smiled which she sensed along with his amusement. 'Yeah, I'll just fill out my late slip now, won't I?'

'Pretty much, but does the name Quint Newton mean anything to you?' Harry asked Gwen and Gwen grew rigid.

'Yeah, let me check….Quint Newton was one of the many aliases of Quintin Beck that he used in the Entertainment industry,' Gwen remarked as she wrinkled her nose. 'And yes….he worked on the special effects of Dazzler's concerts.'

"How did Newton get fired?" Harry asked her, he had an idea but he wanted it confirmed straight from the pop star's mouth.

Alison got indignant for a second but she kept her emotions calm despite all of that. The blonde's face became extremely flushed.

"He made his special effects too dangerous and vowed revenge after I fired him," Alison said, recalling the danger that he put everyone through. "Do you think that he's the one behind these accidents?"

"He would be the type," Spider-Man confirmed. That would be about a year ago, around the time where Mysterio came on around the scene. Knowing him, all of his past crimes were just a way to drum up enough funding so he could prepare for his revenge plot on Alison Blaire.

"If it's Mysterio, we'll make sure he doesn't get you," Captain Stacy said to the pop star.

"Mysterio is a master of illusion, he could be anyone in this room, even me or you," Spider-Man remarked and Captain Stacy raised an eyebrow at him which caused the web slinger to back peddle. "Not that I'm accusing you of being Mysterio…."

'Web head might be onto something,' Harry said as he looked at the security guards with a critical eye.

"Alison, you're going to hold a press conference today, at the Plaza this afternoon, to reassure your fans," Harry told her and Alison looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Trust me, it will work out for the best."

Now the blonde pop star was curious and everyone wondered what Harry was planning.

The wheels were turning as Harry was plotting what he was going to do. He was going to out play Mysterio, to beat an illusionist, he was going to have to use just as much trickery to win the day.

Of course, Harry was used to being deceptive and he had more than his fair share of ideas. He would not even put the beautiful pop star in question in any danger.

'Yes, I need you to meet me in ten minutes,' Harry projected to one of his girls at the Stronghold.

"Thank you for coming here today,' Alison said in a cheerful, bubbly tone of voice as she posed for the camera but nervousness filled her face. There was a few flashes from several of the cameras the paparazzi and reporters in the audience held. The blonde pop star looked around. "I'm sure many of you've found out what happened at last night's show but first, I want to apologize to all of my fans for the events of last night."

There were a few nods, some of them nervous as the blonde pop star bobbed up and down to scope out the reaction of the crowd, along with anything out of the ordinary. There was a sheepish smile that crossed over her as she tapped the side of the podium that she stood on.

"I'm being stalked by an embittered former employee of mine but despite everything, he didn't rattle me until he put my fans in direct danger," Alison informed the crowd as she looked around, giving the impression that she was nervous. "I don't care what he does to me but if he puts innocent people in the crossfire, that gets me upset and shows what a sad and pathetic man he really is!"

Alison's look of intensity was blistering as Harry watched from the crowd with smile on his face. Kara and Kitty were also incognito and Spider-Man watched from the building across the street from the press conference.

'So far, so good,' Harry thought but there was a fair bit of tension because despite how well this plan was going, there was a chance that everything could go wrong.

As Harry looked back at some of Mysterio's past crime sprees, the term expect the unexpected should be one that was second nature. Although he did have a flair for the dramatics, he also a weakness for theatrics, which was an Achilles's heel that Harry could exploit given enough time. All he had to do was bait Mysterio into doing something extremely outlandish in a very public setting and he would have him.

There was an explosive charge and Harry stood on his heels as he listened, his super hearing sharpened and focus as he waited for an indicator of what he had to deal with. There was a moment of a smile as he thought to his girls who stood hidden in amongst the crowd. They thought the exact same thing he did as another explosion resounded and there were people who were looking around, nervously watching.

'Right on schedule,' Harry thought to himself as he scanned the area with X-Ray vision but no bombs had been planted, always a good sign.

There was the clip-clop, clip-clop of horse hooves and again Harry waited to see the play. The horse approached the battle and there was a knight astride it as Alison made her way across the stage.

The knight got onto the stage.

"Do not despair foul maiden, I shall rescue you and claim the spoils of my victory!" The knight declared boldly and Harry snapped his fingers.

Everyone ran like they were panicking at the sight of a fire. Kitty and Kara understood that sometimes a bit of mental manipulation was needed to get everyone out of harm's way and that was no more obvious as the crowd scrambled, nearly tripping over their feet as they tried to move out of the way of the way.

The knight stared him down through the most beady expression that he could be given. The Web Slinger faced off with the knight as the two of them locked gazes with each other, neither of them backing down.

"Who dares make a mockery out of my quest?" the knight bellowed as he stepped towards him and pulled a sword to attack but a line of webbing latched around it.

"Yes, I dare mock your quest, what are you going to do about it?" Spider-Man asked as he dropped down to face the knight in battle.

The knight stared him down through the most beady expression that he could be given. The web slinger faced off with the knight as the two of them locked gazes with each other, neither of them backing down.

"We need to get you out of here, Miss Blaire," one of the bodyguards whispered as he lead Alison into the waiting limo that he escorted her into.

Alison was nervously twitching but she managed to stay calm despite the situation. Her driver turned around as he looked at her and the doors locked behind her.

"Where to, Alison?" he stated with a sadistic smile. "I have you now. You and I are going for a ride, pop princess."

"Who is taking who for a ride?" Alison asked as she shape shifted into a green girl with red hair and glowing green eyes which caused the driver to be taken aback.

'Harry, I've got him!' M'gann told him through the link.

The limo was trapped in place as the driver or rather Mysterio incognito, tried to push his way out of it. No matter how much he tried, he could not break his way out of the limo.

"You tricked me you tricked me!" Mysterio yelled as he turned around but M'gann phased out of the seat.

He had not run out of tricks yet and he tapped his finger to a button which caused more than a few explosions to resound all around the vehicle. Mysterio was smug as he managed to get free of the limo.

A line of webbing wrapped around Mysterio and caught him.

"You meddlesome fool!" Mysterio shouted at the top of his lungs but he tried to use a concealed blade to break himself out of the webbing.

"That's me, your friendly neighborhood meddling fool…well I'm not really a fool, but I can be pretty meddling!" Spider-Man shouted as he moved towards Mysterio but he broke out of the webbing.

Harry was looking for a way to shut down his little knight bots and robo-horses. Most of the crowd had been led away but Mysterio, crafty bugger that he was, had shielded them from electromagnetic interference and thus it blocked a lot of his attacks out.

Every defense had a hole and Harry closed his eyes as he locked onto them, causing explosions to resound around everyone. The rocking horses began to crumble to the ground, shattering into thousands of little pieces as the knights blew off in their heads.

Mysterio had tripled apparently as he escaped his webbing but Harry smiled as he utilized his X-Ray vision.

'One in the middle,' Harry thought to Kitty, who nodded and disappeared, diving through the pavement.

She then phased from beneath Mysterio which caused his legs to be tangled up in surprise. Mysterio and he was not a fighter. Harry flicked him softly in the side of the head, though that was enough force to cause his knees to buckle and send him to the floor. A loud crunch resounded as his nose connected with the pavement as Harry stepped back.

"How could you….I had the perfect plan?" Mysterio whined plaintively. His plan was solid gold and now it would be give an unfavorable review by the media, like some hack.

"It's impossible, how did you know what I had planned?" Beck asked as he was hauled off in a straight jacket for a little quality time in Ravencroft. He was trying to shift out of the straightjacket but there was no way out of his containment. His eyes flared with anger as he was pushed forward, the jacket tightened around him like he was some nutcase.

Harry smiled at Beck, there was a certain type of mystery that flickered through his tone as he spoke to him.

"That is the question, isn't it?" Harry asked Beck and there was a few seconds where the Master of Illusion glared at Harry, unable to believe that he had been outgunned and outmaneuvered.

"You're pathetic," Alison commented as she walked towards him a scowl on her face. "Your stunts were causing more problems and you're angry because I turned you down because I wanted to keep our relationship strictly professional."

"You don't know the opportunity you could have had," Beck said. "YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE PLEASURE THAT MANY WOMEN WOULD HAVE TO DREAM OF!"

Beck was lead away, raving mad.

"Go ahead, Beck, you know you want to say it," Spider-Man taunted.

"Say what?" Beck asked him. "What are you blathering about?"

"That you would have gotten away with it, had it not been for you meddling kids," Spider-Man said and Beck looked angry that he'd stolen his line.

He was led from some quality time at Ravencraft.

"So, you were right, that did work out well," Alison offered Harry as she walked shoulder to shoulder with him.

Harry offered her a warm smile. "Yes….but just a word of advice the next time there's some nutcase who is trying to off you, you might want to take it seriously as a threat."

Alison's smile crossed her face as she agreed. "Note, that's so noted, that's so noted that it's not even funny."

"I figured it would be but….I think that you're doing a great thing out there," Harry said to her as the blonde flashed him a dazzling smile. "And you're a positive role model for children out there, and genuine unlike a lot people in the entertainment business. We need a lot more people like you."

"Yeah….yeah we do," Alison agreed as she sat down on the bench after Harry invited her to do so. The blonde leaned back on the bench, a smile crossing her face as she prepared to unwind after the extremely stressful day she had.

She had actually saw him up close, perhaps it was her, but Alison suspected that he projected different forms depending on who he was dealing with. Sometimes, he was a dark shape that struck fear in the hearts of criminals everywhere. And the other times, there were times where he was going to project a more kindly and adoring aura, like he was now and she was lost in those green eyes.

Maybe that was just what she thought, she could be completely off the mark.

"A-hem," Harry remarked and Alison watched him.

"Sorry, just lost in my thoughts," Alison commented to Harry.

'And your eyes,' Alison thought to herself but she projected that thought so loud that Harry could hear it.

"I'm Harry Potter by the way," Harry whispered in her ear so only she could hear it.

"You….the Harry Potter," Alison breathed, she had seen news about the young billionaire on the news and a few pictures of him.

Two of her biggest crushes were one and the same and Alison could not believe it. She felt herself tingle with excitement at him as she placed her hands on her hips.

Before she could have her moment with Harry, there was always someone who was going to ruin her moment.

"Aly, baby, that was the best, we should do stuff like that more often," a smooth talking man dressed in a white t-shirt, a loud jacket, and wild pants, with a mullet and a mustache. He wore sunglasses and for some reason he was carrying a megaphone.

"Who are you?" Harry asked him.

"Man, you haven't heard of me, let me tell you something, Daddy, you haven't heard of life its self if you hadn't heard of me, baby," the man remarked as he gave an annoying high pitched laugh like a hyena and got on the megaphone to shout out to no one in particular. "Can you believe this kid hasn't heard of Johnny Vegas, only the greatest promoter of all time?"

The mental reminder clicked in Harry's brain as he remembered now, it was man known as the Pest of the West, Johnny Vegas.

"So, that's your agent?" Harry asked to Alison.

"I'm the agent of all of the greatest stars out there, more stars than there are in the solar system, yeah that's right, baby!" Vegas stated as he once again gave his laugh, high pitched and annoying.

"Yeah, the record label outsourced some of their contracts to him," Alison stated in frustration.

This man was apparently a famous rock star but it was decades ago with a small time band that no one ever heard of.

"Didn't you….didn't you manage Crusher Hogan?" Harry asked to him.

"Ah, yes the Crusher, daddy, his career hit the skids when he lost to Spider-Man, but that no good con artist Vance Bosco, he sold him a bill of goods and then swerved him, he said the Crusher was going over that night," Vegas rambled. "I can't believe this, he slammed Igor the Mighty in front of a hundred million fans and the Mighty died three days later of a heart attack because he was taken down by the Crusher."

Harry rolled his eyes at the actions of this overgrown cartoon character but he did not say anything other than that. A smile crossed over his face as he fixed his eyes upon hers.

"Sorry," Alison muttered meekly to him as she faced him as the agent in question walked off. "I'm not sure what to make of him, there are a lot of times where he's trying to relieve his glory days and it's kind of sad, not to mention very pathetic."

"Yes, it is," Harry agreed with her as he placed his hand on hers and she was surprised by this contact.

Any other person, she would have gone straight for the pepper spray.

"So, is everything okay?" Gwen asked as she turned up and Alison Blaire looked up towards her. "I'm Gwen Stacy….I won't say that I'm your biggest fan but I'm a fan and I enjoy your work."

"Well, that's nice," Alison said her graciously although she looked tense and more importantly tired. "Actually, I don't mean to be that rude….but it's just that I haven't gotten any sleep for a while."

"Hey, you've been on a tour, you're getting worn down, it's understandable," Gwen said to wave off these apologies.

"And I want to make sure that Harry understands the gratitude I have towards him," Alison commented as she watched Harry with an adoring expression in her eyes as she kept her eyes locked onto Harry's. "I'd like to give you an autograph, if you don't mind."

"An autograph?" Harry commented and Alison looked at him with a smile.

"Yes, Harry, an autograph," Alison commented to him in a knowing voice and she winked at him. The blonde was about ready to lick her lips as she lead him into the trailer.

Harry knew where this was going and quite frankly, he liked where this was going.

The blonde made her way into the trailer.

"You don't mind if I change out of these clothes, do you Harry?" Alison asked him as she watched him for a reaction. "I've been in them since last night."

"No, not at all," Harry told her as he watched her walk off, her cute ass swaying as she made her way towards the changing room.

There was a few seconds where Harry waited as he was tempted to use his X-Ray vision but he decided to rein that in. At least barely.

"Harry, I need your help!" Alison yelled from the other side of the curtain.

Harry stepped towards her, waiting for the blonde on the other end of the door.

He saw her laid on the bed. She was dressed in a tight blue bra that wrapped around her amazing D-Cup breasts. Harry saw her sexy face along with her eyes that dripped with so much desire. She had a flat stomach that did not have an ounce of fat on it. Her long legs were dazzling, pardon the pun, as they were wrapped with blue stockings.

"Harry, I need your help, I'm so stressed out," Alison panted as she got on her hands and knees to practically beg him. "And I need to properly thank you for saving me."

She smiled and looked over her shoulder.

"So, Star Child, are you going to show why you're the superior being?" Alison asked as she saucily smiled at him.

"So, you're part of the church," Harry commented as he reached behind her and spun her around.

"Yes, now show me what you can do," Alison confirmed as his lips pressed upon hers and her eyes screwed shut as his lips worked around hers with a long kiss. The green eyes of Harry locked onto her blue eyes, as Harry draped her over his lap.

The two of them kissed each other and their arms wrapped around each other. Harry laid back on the mattress, and he made sure that they were not disturbed until he wanted them to be disturbed.

The blonde straddled Harry, as she worked over his shirt and ran her hands over his muscular chest and started to kiss him. The blonde's kissing began even more passionate.

"Are you ready to be dazzled?" Harry asked to her as he placed his hands on her body and worked her undergarments off of her.

"Corny," Alison remarked to him but she was smiling never the less. Harry worked his hands down her as she worked his pants off, admiring his body. "Mmm, I think I'm going to enjoy this."

Alison pulled his pants off to reveal his stiffening manhood and the blonde licked her lips lustfully as she ran her hand up and down his length.

"Yes, I think I'm really going to enjoy this," she repeated as she worked her hand down his throbbing length, her hand stroking him slowly.