
Checkmate P1

Harry was not going to lie, last night was an interesting night with many ups and downs but as usual he came out on top as it should be. His emerald green eyes flowed with amazement as he saw the tangled group of girls on the bed. It was well past midnight, and while many of the guests departed from the party, they were still there. He placed his hand on his head and stepped over the pile of female blondes, careful not to disturb them.

He looked at the clock, a smile crossing his face as he read the time.

'One in the morning, not bad, 'Harry thought to himself as he kept moving forward.

He only saw a bit of the party, between two unintended detours, one of them having been the good kind of a detour and the others having been the bad kind but in the end, he thought that everything turned out for the best tonight. He thought that there was no major issues as he saw a few of the people who had been crashed out on the couch. It was a bunch of teenagers having a party, as long as they did not over indulge too much.

Wanda was on the couch, her arms folded over her head as she placed her head onto it and she was out for the rest of the world. The brunette mutant placed her head down on the top of her head and kept sawing logs. She shifted and Harry spotted Lorna resting peacefully on the other side, her arms crossed underneath her head. She breathed in and out, with the green haired mutant shifting a tiny bit.

"Some party last night, even though you didn't get to see much of it," a voice remarked and Harry turned around to show Mary Jane standing there.

Harry got a good look at the pretty redhead; her hair flowed freely down her back. Her eyes burned with a mischief and a desire that made Harry intrigued. Her tight black shirt stretched over her breasts and as she leaned a bit to help clear up some of the clutter, Harry got a full view of her cleavage along with her toned stomach. Harry saw her jean shorts tighten around her ass and showed her long tanned legs, with a smile on her face as she saw Harry's eyes on her.

"I'm sure those five had a good time, and took up a lot of yours," Mary Jane offered to Harry as she placed her hands on her hips.

"We missed you though," Liz said with a pout as she turned up.

Harry got a good look at her, her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail and her shirt rode up to show her toned midsection. She had a nice set of breasts, although a size smaller than Mary Jane's. Her legs and ass were in extremely fit shape as well and Harry found his eyes traveling over the toned flesh. His smile widened.


"That's okay," Liz commented as she tightened her arm around Harry's waist.

"We're willing to have a chance for you to make it up to us," Mary Jane remarked as she looked at Harry's eyes.

Mary Jane smiled, the entire Peter thing….well it was nice whilst it lasted, but they both mutually agreed to go out on a couple of dates to get their aunts both off of their backs. And Peter was a good guy but there was just a lot about him that indicated that his attention was going to be elsewhere. Mary Jane thought that she could try and make it work and maybe it could have still worked. Peter was the one that broke it off but hey they gave it a go of it. He moved onto someone else after all.

She had her own suspicions about his nighttime activities and he carried a lot of guilt and baggage if her theory was correct..

"Oh, you think that I should," Harry remarked as Liz wrapped her arm around Harry's and snuggled into his side.

"Yeah, you should," Liz offered and she looked at him. As far as she was concerned, Harry was the peak of manhood and she could not get enough of him.

Mary Jane hungrily traced Harry's physique with her eyes and stepped towards him.

"I think that we have a few ways where you can make it up to us, Harry," Mary Jane remarked and Harry reached around her as he led her up towards another bedroom. A smile crossed her face and she placed her hands on her hips as she hungrily gazed at Harry.

'Nice….he would have an extra bedroom or two….he wouldn't be a rich kid without them,' Mary Jane thought as she looked down the hallway. 'Or a few dozen….that might be excessive.'

Mary Jane entered the room and Liz followed them nervously.

With a swift moment, Mary Jane threw her arms around Harry's neck and gazed into his eyes. She reached around and pulled his shirt off, seeing his muscular chest before her. She stopped and stared.

'Face it Tigress, I just hit the Jackpot,' Mary Jane commented to herself as Liz was down on her knees, working his pants off.

They saw his boxer clad bottom and got a good look at the merchandise that was on his lower end, and both girls were practically drooling at the thought of what this length would give them. Their eyes traveled down his appendage.

"Oh, I want a taste of that," Liz cooed as she eyed it and drool went down her lips, down her face.

Gwen had a grin on her face as she was the only one who was awaken, even though she was knocked pretty loop as well. Still Mary Jane, Liz, and Chloe all were laid out on the bed, supremely fucked. Harry wrapped his arms around Gwen.

"She did need that, both of them did," Gwen commented to Harry as she eyed Mary Jane and Liz and snuggling her face into his chest.

"I'm sure they did," Harry stated as he tightened his hug around Gwen and caught a few snatches of conversation.

"A bargain is a bargain, dear Regan," Celeste commented in a sweet voice although there was a mischievous undertone through her voice.

"You little….you had to have cheated," Regan said.

"Now, jealously is not becoming of you, dear Regan," Sophie remarked as Harry used his X-Ray vision to see the girl patting her on the head.

"Yes, we won the bet fair and square, as Angelica and Monet will agree, you should have struck whilst the iron was hot but we managed to score a victory over you," Phoebe offered in a gloating voice.

"And you dorks have to pay up," Mindee commented in a sweet tone of voice as sinister undertones echoed through the young girls voice.

Harry was not going to lie, he was amused by this interplay between the girls and the other members of the Hellions.

"I will find out which one of you caused me to wake up in a tub of Carmel," Regan stated in a threatening tone of voice.

"Now, now, these accusations are not becoming of you," Phoebe commented with a smug tone that caused Gwen to start giggling unmercifully.

"That dragon of Pryde's was licking me awake!" Regan cried hotly as she crossed her arms with a cross expression on her face. "I do hope that thing has had it's shots."

"Well at least you got some action last night after all" Phoebe said in a dead pan. "Although we may have to inform our mother about your attitude."

There was even more amusement of Gwen as she buried her face in Harry's shoulder to stifle her giggles of amusement.

Graydon Creed leaned back against his chair, a smile crossing his face as he thought about everything that happened over the past few weeks. The Friends of Humanity were becoming more prominent than ever now that the people understood where those Filthy muties existed. Creed wanted to take them down.

He recalled his father and how he mistreated Creed, calling him weak, calling him a coward, no the mutants were the weak ones because they used their powers to bully people around. He smiled as he thought about what would happen. His Friends of Humanity members rounded up several mutants already and showed them who the true superior race was. Creed grinned more as he kept thinking about the fate of those filthy muties.

Now, the Friends of Humanity would go to even greater heights, that much was for sure. There was no question about it, no matter what, there was a certain fact that could not be disputed. Creed was at the top of the world and thought that he was doing so much good for the world that he amazed himself. He was riding high of a wave of momentum and confidence the likes of which no one has ever seen before in their lives.

Of course, when someone was on the top of the heap there was only one place to go and that was all of the way to the bottom. That was something that Graydon Creed was about to learn the hard way as he was giving himself a pat on the back. He stepped up at a knock on the door.

"Come in," Creed commented in a smug tone of voice as he was basking in his own glory and he tapped the side of his desk. He thought about giving himself a cigar but he wondered if that would be a bit too much. Actually he doubted that very much but he was going to smile at what happened.

An official looking man in a suit entered the office and made his strides towards Creed, holding a stack of papers in his hands. He took his strides as he walked up to Creed's desk and the man placed his head up, his eyes flashed towards the man across the desk.

"Graydon Creed?" the man in the suit inquired.

Creed smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'm Graydon Creed, what can I do for you?"

"You're being served a cease and desist regarding the Friends of Humanity," the lawyer stated. "You have thirty days to officially stop promoting this group because it is copyrighted by another party."

"I started this group," Creed offered in a protest, his hands clutching together but he managed to keep his temper down.

"But you don't hold the copyright for it, unless you can prove that you own it and bring the proof before a judge that is group is your intellectual property," the lawyer commented to him as he stepped back. "I bid you a good day, sir, and if you don't comply with pulling the group name, then I'll see you in court."

Creed had the information on his desk and his breath was hitched in and out. He was going to lose his mind as he had the papers in his hand. A few members of the group stepped inside, all of them looking at Creed nervously.

'That bastard,' Creed curse to himself mentally, all of his hard work to discredit mutants were being flushed down the toilet.

He saw the damning proof dancing in front of his eyes, crumpled nearly in his hand as he saw the information about the Friends of Humanity, that was not his group. It was a charity organization that was an offshoot of the mysterious RAO Corporation. Creed was clutching his hands around the paper, as he read that it planned to help all humans, both mundane and those with powers. The person who was behind this, he slapped Creed completely in the face and turned him around and kicked him in the balls.

"Mr. Creed, are you okay?" one of the thugs asked him.

"I'm….I'm fine!" Creed snapped as he clutched and crumpled the paper in his head, his eyes flaring nastily. There was a few seconds where he paused and he took a second to keep it in his hand. "They had no right to do this….no right, the Friends of Humanity….it's my organization!"

"Surely no one would go up against you?" one of the members remarked in a brave tone of voice, bold as could be, although his voice was stammering and breaking. There was a second where a pause resounded and Creed looked like a mad dog.

He read one stamp on the letter, from the Law Office of Jennifer Walters. The Friends of Humanity also had a statement where if anyone had been victimized by copycat groups who held the name, they could come forward and get relief.

Creed was incensed to say the very least and he was this close to losing all semblance of his sanity.

"Find me this Jennifer Walters….I wish to speak with her," Creed remarked, as he was going to convince Miss Walters about the dangers of messing with his crusade.

One of the Friends of Humanity members looked alarmed and he turned to Creed. "Did you say….did you say Walters….Jennifer Walters?"

"Yes, I said Jennifer Walters," Creed told him as he cracked his knuckles, when he wanted someone to get intimidated, he wanted it done.

Yet he could not believe it, his fellow Friends of Humanity members looked to be the ones who were intimidated.

"You can't take care of one woman, you're pathetic," Creed commented in a harsh tone of voice as he watched the people before him.

"It's not that….but….you know who her cousin is, don't you?" one of the members remarked to Creed. "My sister went to law school with her….but Walter's cousin is Bruce Banner."

"We kind of don't want to get him angry, because we wouldn't like him if he was angry," one of the members of the Friends of Humanity stated as he feared what would happen if he got the Hulk all up in his face.

Creed had a newspaper delivered and he took it. His anger escalated as he read the fact that his hitman had been captured last night. Between this news and that news, he was not having a good day, not at the slightest.

He wondered if things could get much worse than they are now. He started this day on top of the world and then he slid down past the bottom.

Lois stood out in the park, a smile on her face that she had in spite of herself. The brunette reporter crossed her arms across her chest. She was dressed in a casual jean jacket, a black top, and blue jeans.

"So, nice day, isn't it, Lois?" Harry asked to her.

Lois raised an eyebrow and she saw the look on his face. "What did you do now?"

Harry offered her a mock hurt glare. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. I didn't really do anything, did I?"

"That's not….well you've….I've heard that Creed has gone on the war path and I haven't begin to write my expose on him,' Lois offered to him.

"Well, I've heard a rumor that the Friends of Humanity group is someone else's intellectual property," Harry told her and Lois turned towards him, with a raised eyebrow. "And he was offered a cease and desist to prevent from using the trademark."

"Oh….you know more about this than you're letting on," Lois commented to him and Harry offered a smile.

Harry decided that he would prod Lois into asking what his intentions were and his intentions were something that he had been stirring up for a long time.

"If you must know, I was taking a look into the group, and the trademark is wide open, I feel like such a group has potential, although not in the way Creed intends it," Harry told Lois and Lois watched him, trying to figure this out.

There was a sense that Lois had, a very strong one, that there was a lot more to Harry Potter than met the eye. She could not put her finger on exactly what that was.

"So where did you come from?" Lois asked him.

"Well, judging by the accent, you can assume that I come from the distant, distant, planet of….Great Britain," Harry told her.

Lois stopped and stared. There was someone else who….well it had to be a coincidence.

Harry smiled, he was hoping to put together these little hints of who he truly was, hoping that Lois would figure it out. His only amusement that he got was that she would be agitated that she got fooled by a pair of glasses.

"Just who are you behind those glasses, anyway?" Lois asked him.

"Just someone who is looking to protect the world and make it a better place," Harry commented to her in a casual voice.

There was something about that tone which Lois believed one hundred percent of the way and she smiled.

"Well, I wish you the best of luck," Lois said to him.

"So what makes the mysterious Lois Lane tick?" Harry asked her, deciding to cut the small talk.

"Well, I've spent my childhood as an army brat, moving around from base to base," Lois commented as she placed her hand on her chin. "It was wherever the General decided to take us. Although, Lucy, my sister, got sent to boarding school, even though I practically raised her before that. The General hoped that would teach her some discipline."

Harry looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "So did it?"

"Well, it depends about what you consider discipline, although the number of times I had to bail her out, I honestly lost track," Lois commented and Harry smiled. "Then again, that's the problem of having a younger sibling but you wouldn't know that, being an only child."

Harry smiled, then again, longing with a family was something that he found around in many ways, so the void was filled somewhat. Of course from the two worlds he came from, family was not the same sense.

"Dealing with the students at the school, I have my share of spirited people to talk about," Harry commented to Lois.

"Trust me, Lucy would be a handful for even you," Lois said but Harry gave her a grin as he closed the gap between them.

"Are you sure that's because you couldn't handle her?" Harry asked her.

"Well….I thought that I did alright," Lois offered in a protesting tone of voice and Harry watched her, the smile growing wider across his face. "I'm sure that you couldn't…."

"I can handle any female that comes my way," Harry told her with a smile.

"You are confident, aren't you?" Lois asked, she tried not to show that, but she found that an attractive quality.

Harry just smiled and that was the type of smile that answered many questions, yet raised many more.

They made their way from the park and down to the office. It was inspection day for Harry but he did not have to go there for a few minutes. Therefore, the two of them spent some time small talking.

If there was one thing Lois Lane enjoyed, that was piecing together some sort of mystery. It was nice to hang out with Harry outside of business and she was letting down her walls that she had.

"So….this is the place?"

Harry forgot, that this was the first time that Rogue, Kitty, and Jean had gazed upon it, with him and Kara being the only ones to show up there before. It was now a couple of weeks after the party, well into November of that year.

"Yes, this is the place," Harry told the girls and they all nodded, eager looks locked upon their faces.

The three story building was amazing with architecture that was out of this world, along with alien.

"And this was built upon the promise of you arriving here," Jean stated as she smiled. "Only you would manage to have a fan club before even arriving."

Harry smiled, that much was true, only he could imagine something like that but at least it was a club of mostly extremely attractive girls.

Kara stood in the background with wide eyed amazement as she kept her eyes on the structure. While there might be a few improvements that she could consider making, all and all, it was an amazing place and it was extremely worthy of Har-Rell. As it should be, if it was unworthy, then she would be having words with people.

"Impressive, impressive," Rogue remarked as she stepped into the Church.

There were a few female employees that saw Harry and they all stepped back in respect, before they kneeled. Kitty looked from Harry to them and amusement crossed her face.

"Yep….we are extremely subtle in our worship," Kitty whispered to Harry and Kara, both of the Kryptonians looking extremely amused.

"Great one, it is nice for you to have graced us with your presence today."

"To your feet, please," Harry ordered them, as much as he would have liked to milk this for all of it was worth, he had business. "Why don't you take Jean, Kitty, and Rogue on a tour of the headquarters? Kara and I have a meeting to attend with Miss Starr."

"At once, great one."

Harry supposed that it would be something if he could break them of that declaration but to be honest it amused them.

This left Kara and Harry to make their way up to Karen's office for the meeting. The two of them took the elevator. Both of them walked inside.

"So, it was an awesome party last night," Kara whispered to Harry as the two of them made their way up the elevator. "Granted….I didn't see much of it because we came back so late."

"But you did punch someone out by wearing a pair of bunny ears," Harry remarked to Kara.

"Yeah, that was neat," Kara admitted with a smile on her face as she started whistling a tune.

Harry was not going to tell Kara that Alison might be moving into the Stronghold now that her tour was wrapping up. Her manager was apparently giving her another fit and she was at the end of her rope regarding him. Harry suspected that something was going to break regarding that, although he had no idea what that might be. He did know that the manager was going to be one of those types that would find his way out of the back door soon.

He wondered what he thought about going into the pop music business, it couldn't be even more cutthroat than some of the things that he was doing.

Harry and Kara exchanged a smile with each other as they exited the elevator. He had a few things to do over the next couple of days and a visit to Karen was among the first things on that check list.

He reached forward and raised his hand to knock on the door. There was a pause before the person on the other end of the door answered.

"Yeah, come in," Karen told him and Harry did in fact come in. He could see that Karen looked kind of frazzled and he noticed this with a smile crossing his face.

"Are you okay, Karen?" Harry asked her.

"Fine," Karen told them although it was just the rigors of running a tight job. She perked up very much slightly as she saw Harry and Kara.

"You look stressed, really stressed," Kara commented sweetly to the older blonde as she motioned for Karen to take a seat. Harry sat in front of Karen in the chair, giving himself a nice view of her impressive cleavage but that was not the main thing right now. He stared down at her impressive valley and a smile crossed his face as he watched her.

"Well….it's just things….running this place, it doesn't run itself," Karen offered as Kara stepped behind her. Kara started to lightly massage the back of her neck, making sure to hit the right spots of pleasure to relax her. Karen felt herself losing herself to said pleasure. "Kara that's…."

"If you want me to stop, just ask," Kara breathed hotly in her ear.

"No, continue," Karen moaned as she wondered if she's been overworked to the point where a younger version of herself giving her a shoulder massage turned her on so much.

Kara smiled as she continued to work over the shoulder and neck of her older counterpart, working her hands with circular motions around her. The elder blonde pushed herself back and Kara kept massaging her shoulder.

"I've actually come to you with a proposal," Harry stated to Karen and the blonde raised her eyebrow as she commented with a labored "continue". The blonde was curious to see where this was going, although she was going to dance upon the side of caution until she knew even more. "I think that our two companies could do business together."

"Oh, yes," Karen moaned as both a response to Harry's question and Kara's actions as he made circular motions around her back, pulling off her jacket and pulling back her sleeves slightly to reveal her muscular arms. Kara kept working on her shoulders and back of her neck.

Karen was wearing a red blouse that could just barely contain her sizeable melons beneath her shirt. In fact, she could feel her nipples sticking out now as Kara continued to work her shoulders.

She wondered if her younger self was so innocent that she had no clue whatsoever what was being done to the older woman. She felt a heat rising from her nether regions at her younger version's actions. Questions about whether what she intended to do was incest or an extremely elaborate form of masturbation went in her lust bound mind.

"The RAO corporation is getting off of the ground after a couple of small setbacks," Harry informed the blonde who gave him a stiff nod as Kara continued to massage the back of her neck and then her shoulders, as she reached down underneath her shirt, rubbing the flesh underneath her upper back.

"Yes….it seems to be doing….ah well," Karen panted as she closed her eyes and got herself back to the conversation at hand.

"She seems to be very tense," Kara remarked casually to Harry.

"Yes….well I want her in sound mind when we discuss business," Harry told Kara but a wicked idea appeared in the back of his head. "Maybe you should give her a foot massage, honey?"

'Oh dear RAO,' Karen thought, she felt a heated pulse go through her body.

"You can take over her shoulders and neck," Kara suggested with a sweet smile as she got down on her knees before Karen.

Karen envisioned what might happen if Kara started eating her out here and there. This caused her panties to become dampened.

Harry, already smelling the blonde's arousal, could move into the kill any time now. He placed his strong hands on her strong shoulders and slid over, working the knots out of her neck.

"Getting into bed with the right people is the strength for any key business empire, wouldn't you agree, Karen?" Harry started as he whispered in her ear.

"YES!" Karen yelled as she felt Kara's thumbs rubbing up and down to stroke her stocking clad feet.

"I thought you might agree, you need people that you can trust, and you need to make sure you lay with the right people," Harry remarked as he kept rubbing her shoulders and then worked to her neck. "You need to make sure that you can plant that seed that will grow and foster. You don't want your foundation to be shattered by someone other than the very best, don't you?"

"Mmm, hmm," Karen whimpered as her eyes flooded with thinly veiled lust as heat vision was teased in them but she shook her head. Her heart thumped over her chest as she tried to recollect her thoughts but it was extremely hard to do. She felt her body warming up.

Kara smiled as she now stripped Karen of her stockings and was massaging her legs. Her fingers stopped short of her inner thighs and she moved down the left leg, slowing running her lithe hand down it, and then starting at the foot of the right side.

Karen imaged that hot little mouth on her toes, sucking them, licking the sweat off of them, and more heat appeared in her. She was brought out of that fantasy, with Harry pressing himself up against her. His hand rested on her collarbone as he massaged her lover back through the chair.

It was an inch away from touching her breasts. So close, oh sweet RAO, he was so close.

"I think that the true nature is…."

Karen turned around and looked at Harry with a sultry expression.

"I think I have a more interesting way to conduct business," Karen said sultrily as she threw her arms around Harry and planted her lips on his in a burning kiss.

Harry returned the favor, her tongue buried amongst his, wrapped around in his mouth. He reached around and groped her amazing breasts and she ground her crotch up and down against his.

Kara helpfully cleared off the desk and allowed Harry to push Karen down onto it.

The blonde smiled, a wicked glint in her eyes.

'Mission accomplished,' she thought to herself.

Harry rested with one Kryptonian draped over one side of him and the other blonde Kryptonian draped over the other side of him. The room was in ruins but a few repairing smells could fixed that up. Kara and Karen snuggled into his chest, this felt so right.

"So, are you going to give serious thought about my proposal?" Harry asked to her.

"After that performance, I'll give a serious thought to any proposal," Karen replied with a smile as Harry pulled the woman closer into his chest.

"Careful Karen, that's a dangerous thought," Harry told her as he kissed her on her forehead.

"And one that's worth it," Karen concluded as an afterthought as Harry's arms wrapped even more tightly around her as she rested against him. The trio basked in the afterglow of what happened.

"Shaw thinks that he can really outmaneuver me. As long as I've been around, I have learned all of the tricks and it is more than he could ever hope to learn in his miserable existence."

That was the statement that was given by a woman who stood in the shadows and faced Emma Frost. And what a woman she was.

She was tall with black hair that was dark as night. She had dark and alluring eyes, along with an elegant nose and cheekbones. Her lips were full and red, delicious and caused the stirrings of desire for many men, although for most, it was a danger to touch her. Her black top contained a pair of large breasts that were extremely solid and real despite their large size. Her outfit curved down to reveal a flat and toned stomach with a belly button that was to die for. Her curved hips were down next, to show a firm ass and long legs. Her legs were smooth and delicious, the things that fantasies were made of. People would not be able to run their hands down them enough. She was dressed in a black corset and thigh high boots, that showed off her amazing body.

She was Selene, the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club.

"And another Luthor….I've been dealing with them and their games for generations, amusing as it might be," Selene remarked as she faced Emma. The White Queen and the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club locked eyes onto each other. "And they think that they could maneuver us out."

"They have given themselves that high impression of their talents, yes," Emma agreed and Selene clucked her tongue a little bit, scarcely believing that anyone could be so blissfully naïve although given some of the company they were with inside the Hellfire Club, it was hardly a shock that these fools could display anything but the naivety that they did.

Selene had built an empire for his return, she was not about to allow a bunch of power hungry fools who didn't measure up to destabilize that.

"Their resources have been signed over to you, because they foolishly believed that you gave yourself to them in exchange for it," Selene said.

Emma smiled, a little bit of mind control was pretty good. The male members of the Hellfire Club, who would soon be gone, were weak willed even though they prided themselves of being survival of the fittest.

"And Charles Xavier has foolishly thrown away this resource for a peon," Selene added, she had seen the X-Men and had reports about them but they had underwhelmed her especially without Har-Rell's leadership. Ororo Munroe was doing the best she could but Xavier was grooming Summers, which she felt was much like grooming a werewolf.

She knew that there were plenty of fools out there, as her contacts within the Xavier Institute have told her many times. The X-Men was an idea that had potential although the man was an idealist who was trying to make something that did not work, work completely. Often to a comical degree of failure.

"Black Queen, are you certain about this plan?"

Selene returned around and saw a woman dressed in tight leather. She had dark hair, although not as dark as Selene's. She had blazing eyes although they were hidden behind a pair of goggles, along with high cheek bones and pursing lips. She smiled as her massive breasts were hidden behind a black top that wrapped even tighter around her than ever before. Her legs were amazing and her shapely rear looked like a treat wrapped in these really tight pants that she wore.

"Tessa…it will work….you know what we have been planning," Selene told her as she stepped forward and placed her hand on the hair of her dutiful pet, soon to be Har-Rell's dutiful pet.

"Yes, I know what you've been planning," Tessa said with a nod of her head.

"And with our eyes and ears in the house of Luthor, the Osborn-Luthor empire might be crumbling any day now," Emma concluded as she smiled.

"I wouldn't count them out quite let, Luthors can be annoyingly versatile," Selene stated, although the same was true with the Osborns as well. They were like cockroaches that no matter what, they could not be exterminated. The dark haired woman stepped back. "You are in bed with Har-Rell already."

"Not completely but I have had friendly conversations with him," Emma commented to Selene. "He knows of us."

"Would you think any differently?" Selene asked as she gave Emma a questioning look at her lack of faith and both of them kept staring each other down. Both women kept their eyes locked upon each other as their hearts started to thump against the edge of their ribcage.

"No," Emma stated, she knew better than to even consider that Har-Rell was anything but the best. Especially around Selene because she was fanatical towards him. "Do you wish me to set up a meeting?"

Selena smiled as nodded. It was time for her to meet him for the first time from Har-Rell's perspective.


"Gentlemen, I thank you for coming."

Sebastian Shaw, the Black King of the Hellfire Club, stood in the background. He was a man who looked much younger than he actually was. His dark hair was tied back behind him and he wore a black suit along with gloves.

Another individual who stood there in the background was Lionel Luthor, casual and crisp. He had been offered tea from Shaw's aide, but naturally he refused. He did not drink anything that he did not have personally prepared or prepared for his supervision.

There was a third man who sat there in the shadows, large and in charge as he held his cane in his hand and stood from the shadows. There was a set of nearly glowing eyes in the shadows and a smile his face, as his dark skinned hand clutched around the cane.

"This better be worth my time," a fourth figure remarked in a garbled voice.

"We shouldn't stand separately, but we should work together," the dark skinned man in the shadows commented.

"Your agenda does not fit my master plan," the garbled voice stated.

"I think you might find yourself disagreeing in due time," the figure in the shadows commented briskly but then again, he was going against the unknown. Given that he was the Kingpin of Crime, he understood that there were going to be some people who needed to be discreet but he did not necessary like it any more than the next person.

"You might disagree," Lionel agreed as he turned himself into the shadow. "Like it or not, Norman's….mental condition is something that concerns all of us but he is a valuable mind and has valuable resources that will be more able to be in the hands of another."

"Yes….I know Osborn," The Master Planner stated, it was hard to keep his tone neutral although the voice modulation too care of a lot of it. He was trying to keep his mind rather even and calm despite everything although he was this close to losing all sense of himself. "I know him….and I understand what has to be done with him."

"Yes…it's good that we're on the same page," Shaw remarked, he and his two associates in the background were the only ones to drink the tea. There was a few seconds where he kept drinking it a little bit and he lifted the tea up to his drink. He sipped the tea down and his eyes glowed with malice intentions as his heart hammered across the side of his chest.

He ignored it, for now.

"We need to stand together against Norman and other threats….he's going overboard with this mad gambit against mutants," Lionel offered to them all. "And it's causing him to slip."

"They might be different but they fit a certain purpose," the Kingpin commented to himself. He actually was fond of the battles between the super powered crowd, because he was able to engineer certain outcomes for his own benefit. Insurance was a profitable business and the Kingpin did not know it.

"And then there is this Star Child."

"Nothing but a fanatical cult trying to move around a false idol."

"Yes, well there are enough people who observe it to believe it is real," another man in the shadows next to Shaw stated as he took the tea that Shaw's aide had given him. "Thank you, Tessa."

"Yes, Jason," another man stated next to him as he sipped the tea that had been offered to him. He smiled, trusting at Shaw's aide. "But, you have to believe, that there is something to be considered with him. He might be dangerous based upon his reputation and it is something that the Hellfire Club must deal with. We run everything, no Star Child does."

Lionel smiled, he was intrigued by this situation and he was also intrigued about the internal games of the Hellfire Club. He placed his hand on desk and watched them drink their tea.

"I could not have not said it better myself, Donald," Shaw commented to the man as he twisted his attention away. He sipped the tea once more and looked as if he was pondering. There was a second where his mind was off of the situation and then he returned back to the matter at hand. "This Star Child, he promotes many followers, even if I feel that he's a myth. We will find out who prostituted this myth and we'll take actions."

The Master Planner had been silent, he knew that they were trying to coerce him into doing something but he was not going to play this game. He remained extremely silent as he blinked in an even pattern.

"What do you think about this?" Kingpin asked.

"I think that you are foolish by reaching for the stars when you should keep your feet firmly on the ground," Master Planner offered in a scathing tone of voice. "I'm a more practical individual and you are chasing these flights of fancy."

"No flights of fancy," Shaw commented as he was trying to keep himself extremely calm although paranoia went through his mind. "And Selene….we have what we need from her."

"She's not going to be one that will be easy to take out," Lionel remarked as he clenched his hand and smiled.

"Be that as it may, she's a part of our chess board and a wild card, and she'll find out that no one is bigger than the Hellfire Club," Shaw said nastily. Her and Emma, both of them had their own games but Shaw was going to show them who their master was.

"It appears that you cannot get your own house in line, Shaw," The Kingpin remarked to him.

Shaw shook his head, an angry glint in his eyes. "Believe me, I've got everything in line. You should worry about your own empire crumbling around you."

"I was going to suggest the same thing of you," Kingpin stated, despite the gang war going on around him, and the unfortunate and repeated interference of Daredevil, he had everything completely and utterly under control.

"Gentlemen, we're getting off topic," Lionel warned them.

"Of course," Shaw remarked and the group had some more things to talk about.

Tessa smiled in the shadows as she stepped back.

All went according to their plan.

"So, this arrived today," Lana told Harry as the two of them sat in Lana's office at RAO. The redhead turned towards her boss. "It is from the Church."

Lana suspected that Harry did not need much more information after she said the Church, in fact, he got all of the information that he needed from her. The redhead woman smiled as she placed a hand upon the top of her head and waited for Harry to respond. His green eyes had mirth dancing in them and Lana was rather curious to see what he had up his sleeve. The redhead waited.

"The Church of Enlightenment….well they're being very direct," Harry commented to her as he read over the paper.

"Really, you have ties to the Church?" Lana asked Harry, in a surprised tone of voice.

"Oh, do you know something about the Church?" Harry asked, with a curious tone as he crossed his arms across his chest.

Lana was quick to answer the question, a smile crossing her face.

"Not particularly…..although I know enough about the Church based on what I've read, it's quite the cult," Lana offered and sure enough she knew a little bit more about the church as it was. The redhead kept her gaze on Harry. "It's quite the cult, made of all females and that's just…."

"Well that's amazing," Harry remarked to her and Lana nodded. "And they want to meet me….the leader of the church wants to meet me."

At first, it appeared to be Lilandra but not everything was what it seemed for Harry. His green eyes danced with some mischief as he pondered his situation at hand. His green eyes fixed upon the information and the request for the meeting. There was a lot of what he wondered about it but the more he learned about the Board of Directors, the deeper it seemed. Harry was intrigued and he decided one thing.

"I guess I've got some time to kill," Harry stated but he was going to come to some kind of conclusion. "Unless you need my help here."

"No, Harry, it's fine, I'm just overseeing the latest project that you wanted to get off of the ground," Lana told him as she waved her hand. "You know the one that you're talking about."

"All too well," Harry remarked to the redhead and he crossed his hands. "Don't work too hard Lana."

"Well, if I need to work overtime, I know you can afford it," Lana commented and Harry smiled.

Harry thought that this little project of his would revolutionize energy consumption although he was sure that he would get a visit with Nick Fury who would question everything that happened.

"To the Church?" Kara asked as she stood outside in the lobby with Amara and Kitty.

"Yes, to the Church," Harry agreed.

It was time to meet the person who founded the church.

Amara smiled in spite herself, it was time for Harry to get the full Selene experience, for better or for worse.