
Beyond The Unknowns

Isolated from the outer world there lied a village hidden deep in the mountains inhabited by bunch of ignorant people. Among those people there lived a young boy who's different from the rest. Because of his unique way of thinking and curious nature he felt suffocated to live among the bunch of ignorant sheep like people. Unable to suppress his feelings and curiosity he sets out on an adventure to find his answers. Guided by the stars and the nature he sets out on an journey to satiate his curiosity. Thus leaving the village and his family where he lived since his birth. Unaware of the dangers that lurked in the unknown he encountered terrible fate during his journey which cost him his life. Favoured by luck and fortune he wakes up and finds himself in the body of a young Demi-human and in a completely different world. In a world filled with different species he continues his exploration while overcoming various hardships. Solving the mysteries of the new world along his journey the mystery behind his transmigration puzzles him when he found out about the existence of the fragments of the previous owner of the body inside him. 'Why can't l remember anything after I pass out? Why do I find myself in different place and in different situation every time I pass out?' Unaware of his other personality he questions. Every time after passing out his another personality takes over his body. Fighting like a battle maniac and acting like a bloodthirsty monster he craves for blood. Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his dual nature? Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his transmigration? What kind of encounter will he encounter in the unknown world?

Bloom07 · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

Sun god Inti

Tap! Tap! Tap!

A man with golden robes wearing necklace made up of bones around his neck appeared from within the Hanging gardens of Babylon while carrying a staff. Looking from afar the man looked like either a priest or a village chief judging from his attire.

The staff in his hands were decorated with a skull of a monster on its top while the bottom log was made up of the finest branch of the world tree yggdrasil.

The sudden appearance of the grotesque man startles them.

Before they could even comprehend the situation which they're facing at the moment the gate behind them abruptly closes with a loud bang.

The loud noise of the closing gate scares the shit out of them. While looking at the closed entrance they start to tremble. Upon the closure of the gate, Fey hurriedly rushes towards the gate hitting the gate as hard as she can.

But the gate bulges not even an inch.

[Tch... Tch... Tch..]

The grotesque man clicks his tongue.

As they hear the clicking sound, Herman and Zan turns behind looking at the man. 

As the man gets closer his facial structure starts to become more vivid.

The man had very sharp jawlines with grey eyes which looked like that of greek goddess athena. His whole face was covered with tattoos. With a slightly dark skin tone and coldness in his eyes the man looked very mysterious.

Even when the man got closer to them they couldn't speak anything. More like they dared not speak anything. The majestic aura of the man made it hard for them to raise their voice.

But if they wanted to find out the intention of the mysterious man or the identity of the man infront of them, they were left with no choice but to approach the man. And thus Zan decides to approach the man.

But before he could question anything the man opens his mouth.

[I know what you're probably thinking right now. You're probably questioning about my appearance or identity at the moment. So before you could even speak, let me make it easier for you.]

The man speaks with confidence.

"I am Appu Illapu, the great priest of the babylonian empire. Some refer to me as the closest being to God. Some refer to me as the apostle of the God Inti."

Appu Illapu introduces himself infront of Zan and Herman.

As Appu Illapu introduces himself, Zan and Herman attentively listen to his introduction while keeping their gazes on him all the time.


Fey keeps on hitting the gate while trying to open the gate. She pays no attention towards Appu Illapu's introduction.


Several questions floods Zan's mind as Appu Illapu continues on with his introduction. He tries to keep what's inside of his head within himself. Fearing to provoke him by interrupting him in the middle of his introduction, Zan continues to keep his mouth shut.

Appu Illapu notices the discomfort in Zan's face. He then stops and points his finger toward Zan.

"You there? You want to say something?"

Zan startles and starts to stutter upon getting fingers pointed towards him.

"Y_yes. W_who is the God Inti that you mentioned about? And why are you called his apostle? Also why are carrying such a weird weapon in your hand?"

Appu Illapu rages in fury upon hearing Zan speak of God Inti. He yells at him for his lack of knowledge about the God Inti.

Herman who himself had the same question lets out a deep sigh. He wanted to ask the same question as well but upon hearing Appu Illapu yell, he's glad that he didn't ask him first.

Appu Illapu releases deep breaths while trying to calm himself down. As he calms down he begins to explain about God Inti.

"God Inti is one of the highest ranking deity in the Babylonian mythology. God Inti is the god without whom life would not have been possible. He's the one and only the mighty sun god."

Appu Illapu starts to explain about God Inti with great enthusiasm.

Hearing such detailed introduction of God Inti astonishes them. They continue to listen to Appu Illapu's detailed explanation.

Appu Illapu continues with his explanation with great enthusiasm. He talks about the heroics of the God Inti, the powers and authority of God Inti.

As he continues with his explanation, Zan interrupts him.

"But why are you considered as the apostle of God Inti?"

Appu Illapu looks at Zan and starts to recite the tales of the sun god Inti.

Long ago, when a catastrophic drought resulted in famine throughout the region of babylon, the Babylonian people cursed the sun for their misery. Receiving such harsh criticisms made the sun god angry. To which he responded with his disappearance from the sky. The disappearance of the sun from the sky made the temperature to lower down.

The disappearance of the sun resulted in occurrence of rainfall after a long time in the city of babylons.

Thus the people rejoiced the disappearance of the sun. They rejoiced the lower temperature and they rejoiced the occurrence of rainfall. They even went as far as saying that they no longer needed the sun.

But soon their happiness turned into despair. Their happiness lasted no longer than few days. With the disappearance of the sun, night and day became unnoticeable. Darkness engulfed the whole city of babylon. With no sunlight present, plants couldn't produce food. With no sunlight mundane daily tasks started to become extremely difficult.

The occurrence of rainfall which they rejoiced didn't last much longer as well. With no sunlight ground water couldn't be turned into vapour. And without any water vapours no rainfall would be possible.

At seventh day of the disappearance of the sun a lot of people started to feel the absence of the sun. Many people started to beg the sun to return.

At day eleventh some people started to develop weird disease. People's bone started to break apart even when standing straight. Their body started to show symptoms of malnourishment.

At day fifteenth the spread of disease in people intensified. Almost all of the babylonian people got affected by the weird disease. Previously their bones broke only when they were performing something physical but now even sitting leisurely resulted in the bone fractures.

At day seventeenth a lot of people died due to starvation.

At day twentieth almost half of the people of the babylon got wiped out either because of the disease or because of starvation.

At day twenty first on the verge of complete annihilation of the babylonian people the sun god Inti made it's appearance in the city of Babylon in human form.

Even when on the verge of death the babylonian people quickly recognised the sun god Inti. All the leftover babylonian people knelt before sun god Inti begging for mercy. They laid infront of him in the ground holding both their hands begging for mercy from sun god Inti.

Sun god Inti was still furious for their act of cockiness and complaints. But he wasn't an unforgiving god. Seeing them continuously beg for mercy he finally forgave them. But his forgiveness came at a condition.

The condition for his forgiveness was to build a temple for himself and worship him. And every thousand years he would select a child to be his apostle.

The apostle would then watch over the lands of Babylon while the rest of the babylonian shall vacate the premises of Babylon.

And those who died there due to starvation and disease, they would forever be trapped in the city of babylons. Those who died their body shall never decay and their souls shall never leave babylon.

The sun god Inti presented his condition to leftover people of babylon as a price for his forgiveness.

The babylonian people hesitated to accept his condition. Even though they were on the verge of death it would be too much for their dead families and friends souls to remain forever trapped in the babylon. Thus they beg for mercy from the sun god Inti to at least free up the soul of the babylonian who died.

The sun God Inti accepted there last wish and finally forgave them for the acts.

And thus Appu Illapu was crowned as the apostle of the sun god Inti, while the hanging gardens of the babylon served as the temple of the sun god Inti.

And even though Inti accepted their wish of freeing the souls of the dead babylonian he forever kept their skeletons as a sign of warning.

He kept the skeletons of the babylonian people to warn everybody of the consequence that'd fall upon them if they dared to defy him and his authority

Appu Illapu concluded his explanation of the sun god Inti while explaining about the fall of the city of the babylon. And how he became the apostle of the god Inti.


Fey is still hitting the gate while trying to open the gates. And thus she's still unaware of the conversation or explanation which took place right infront of her.