
Beyond The Unknowns

Isolated from the outer world there lied a village hidden deep in the mountains inhabited by bunch of ignorant people. Among those people there lived a young boy who's different from the rest. Because of his unique way of thinking and curious nature he felt suffocated to live among the bunch of ignorant sheep like people. Unable to suppress his feelings and curiosity he sets out on an adventure to find his answers. Guided by the stars and the nature he sets out on an journey to satiate his curiosity. Thus leaving the village and his family where he lived since his birth. Unaware of the dangers that lurked in the unknown he encountered terrible fate during his journey which cost him his life. Favoured by luck and fortune he wakes up and finds himself in the body of a young Demi-human and in a completely different world. In a world filled with different species he continues his exploration while overcoming various hardships. Solving the mysteries of the new world along his journey the mystery behind his transmigration puzzles him when he found out about the existence of the fragments of the previous owner of the body inside him. 'Why can't l remember anything after I pass out? Why do I find myself in different place and in different situation every time I pass out?' Unaware of his other personality he questions. Every time after passing out his another personality takes over his body. Fighting like a battle maniac and acting like a bloodthirsty monster he craves for blood. Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his dual nature? Will he be able to solve the mystery behind his transmigration? What kind of encounter will he encounter in the unknown world?

Bloom07 · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

knowledge and danger

Magic displayed by Fey amazed him but terrified him at the same time. He started to wonder if such magic could be used to harm others.

"Fey, won't the magic that you displayed now be used to harm others? Won't there be people who'd use magic to perform evil deeds?"

While striking his chin he questioned her.

As much as Fey wanted to deny the accusations of Zan, she couldn't. She knew about the dangers of the magic and hence she couldn't deny the accusations made by Zan.

"Practically speaking, yes it is indeed used as a means of killing too, infact there are even countless creatures which use it as a means of killing. And among them the raksha tribe are notoriously known as magic killers, since they use magic to kill other lifeforms. The raksha tribe are found in the deeper part of the land of dawn. With sharp teeths like that of a wild animal and huge claws sharp enough to tear down a tree with bare hands, the raksha tribe rules the land of dawn. They are solitary creature and hate exposure. So that's why they've confined themselves within land of dawn."

"If they're solitary creatures and they don't engage themselves with any other creature, why are they called magic killers??"

Zan interrupted.

"Hmmm..... They are indeed solitary by nature and they don't engage themselves with anyone, but just because they're solitary doesn't mean others are solitary too. The other tribes especially humans who greed for treasures and resources often invade their lands."

Fey replied with a serious look on her face.

"But even when an army of thousand invades their land only a few handful of people make it out alive with the treasures. And there's a rumor suggesting that each and every member of their tribes are strong enough that they could easily overpower a group of 5 people. And since they use fire as their main source of magic they incinerate their enemies with not even bones remaining and thus they got the name of magic killers."

Fey continued.

"So basically they're not bad people(zan is originally a human, so he speaks of them as people) they're just forced to kill, in order to survive? Is that what you mean? If it is, then it's not them that are the killers, but the people who are eyeing for their resources being the real killers. Shouldn't that make much more sense??"

Zan questioned.

"Well if you put it that way, then you are indeed right about them not being the killers, but the greedy ones who invaded their habitat should be termed as the real killers."

Fey replied.

"When you mentioned that they've got huge claws and sharp teeths, it scared me for a moment. And it made me think that they are bloodthirsty monster. I guess one shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. I've learnt a lesson."

He walked a few step and mumbled while walking as if he got enlightened.

"Indeed zan you shouldn't judge anybody by their appearance without knowing them, but you should definitely not approach anybody out of curiosity either without knowing their motives. Strangers and unknowns are like two sides of a coin, you'll never know which one is head or tail before the tossed coin lands. Unknown encounters could be blessing as much as it can be a curse"

Fey replied as if she wanted to teach something very important to Zan.

"I'll keep that in mind, thank you for worrying about me."

Zan exclaimed while sounding grateful.

Zan and Fey both have been chatting for such a long time that they totally forgot about the sense of time. The sun's already starting to set down. From morning to dusk they've been chatting nonstop. Suddenly Zan's stomach started to growl~~

"Heheh.... It seems that we've been chatting for such a long time that we kinda lost the sense of time hahah... But now I'm kinda getting hungry too. I've not ate anything since yesterday afterall."

Zan exclaimed while holding his stomach.

"Now that you mention it, it indeed seems like we've forgotten the sense of time. And I'm starting to get hungry as well. So would you like to look for some fruits with me?"

Fey replied while pointing at a distant place.

"Oh! What kind of fruits are you talking about Fey? I didn't see any fruits here yesterday.Due to lack of fruits and vegetables I had to hunt a monster like being with the face of mouse yesterday."

With a disappointed look in his face, Zan exclaimed.

"Indeed you couldn't find any fruits here, since they are hard to find and you won't find them here in this location as well due to the fact it grows only in a specific location. Oh and the monster that you mentioned must be musa, they are small creature who feeds on grass and fruits, they are herbivorous by nature, and even though they smell while cooking, their meats aren't that bad."

Fey replied.

"But do spirits consume meat too?"

Zan questioned while scratching his head.

"Of course we do, we are omnivorous by nature, so we do consume both meats and vegetables."

Fey replied.

Conversing such and such Fey leads the way to the location where they could find fruits. And obviously if there's food, then there's bound to be someone who'll come for food too. In nature, food source and water are the most important for survival and with the availability of food source there's bound to be living organisms near it which feeds on it.

And also the fight for territory is bound to happen as nobody would want to let go of the source of food in nature. And in the jungle there's a golden rule which goes by the statement 'survival of the fittest'. Survival of fittest will always prevail in the nature as long as the nature exist.

Fey is aware of the imminent danger surrounding the place with the availability of food. She have been in and out of the mentioned place couple of times. But just to showoff infront of Zan, she let her guard down. Sparkling with confidence she leads the way towards the designated location.

But as the saying goes, confidence is good but not overconfidence. And overconfidence is the reason why some of the mightiest in the history fell.

As they march toward the designated place, Fey warned Zan to walk carefully and follow her without making a sound and as silently as he could. She warned him about the dangerous monster present in that place. Zan agreed to Fey and followed her closely without any mistake.

As they approached the designated location, the sun had already settled down and the moon was on the rise. And unfortunately today's moon was full moon. And the light of the full moon increases the power levels of the the wolf like monster called three eyed wolf.

They are called as such because of the presence of extra eyes in the middle of it's temple which resulted it to have three eyes. Three eyed wolves are nocturnal monster, and by nocturnal it means that they are active during night time. They are one of the strongest being in the jungle of giants.

Fey who knew about the weakness of the three eyed wolves lead the way with utmost care. She had encountered the three eyed wolves in her previous trips but she had never encountered them during full moons. Thus she's unaware about the fact that three eyed wolves experience a power increment every full moon.

And as Fey leads the way towards the designated place, she noticed a three eyed wolf in a distant place and whispered to Zan to keep quite. She urged him to not make any noise while pointing at the dangerous monster ahead.

Upon seeing the wolf ahead Zan gasped his breath while covering his mouth.

Even though three eyed wolfs have three eyes and their sense of smell was extremely sensitive, there's a range limit upto where they could locate the prey or the approaching enemies.

While taking advantage of the limit of the three eyed wolf, Fey moved swiftly and silently towards the fruit tree. But all of a sudden the three eyed wolf dashed towards them with lightning speed because of the increased power level caused by the light of full moon.

Upon seeing the rushing three eyed wolf, Fey started to panic and she shouted at the top of her voice looking at Zan.

"Run! Run! Zan run away. Don't look back and just keep on running. Go! Go! Go!"

With a shrill voice she shouted while looking at Zan.

Upon hearing such, Zan started to run away as if his life depended on it. He ran as fast as he could, leaving behind everyone in dust, but to delay the three eyed wolf Fey stayed behind and attacked the wolf. But the three eyed wolf was much stronger than Fey herself, so she was no match for it. The wolf charged at Fey with it's rager sharp claws. Fey tried to block the strike but in doing so, she received a fatal injury leaving her unable to move.

After desperately running to preserve his life, Zan paused for a bit to stabilise his breath.

He stopped and looked behind him searching for Fey but she was nowhere to be found, so he decided to go back despite being scared. As he rushed backward, he found Fey lying in the ground with a fatal injury.

He started to wonder why she's not using her teleportation skill right now, but what he didn't know was that the skill had a limited range. Even if Fey wanted to use her teleportation power right now, she knew that she wouldn't be able to get away from the three eyed wolf and with such fatal injury she couldn't use it even if she wanted to use it, hence she accepted her fate and decided to not struggle in vain anymore.

And as she laid down, with a subtle smile in her face she mumbled " at least I could buy some time for him to escape, but I wish I had a little more time to know him and a little more time to spend with him(shedding a little tear).

Upon seeing the critical state of Fey and the wolf approaching towards Fey, probably to end her life, Zan blanked out for a moment.