
beyond the present

Having been caught in a life of three worlds apart, Dracel finds her way in a life she does not propose but was born into as she's set to find her purpose and reason why she's been targeted she discovers more to herself, her abilities and decision will make a change on the world. changing from been a forbidden one in the realms of the high ones to the relevant one there's no life without struggle, but will there be life without blood shed for her.... living to be provoked and push could turn an angel to the devil himself. let each words lead you through the anger and love that the main character goes through.

chiroyalty · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs


Can you tell me who you are? She said after a long silence looking at the fine man who had carried her to the court

He didn't say anything but kept walking, all the people they came across bowed immediately and stayed in that position till he had passed. Dracel didn't stop following him, she raised her gown to catch up with his steps, though he was walking slowly from his walking locomotion but it seemed like he walked very fast.

You won't talk to me? She questioned blocking him from taking another step by standing at his front.

There was a few minute of silence, Dracel stared at him in the eyes without flinching and his expression was as cool and gentle as a lamb, like he was a simple person underneath but Dracel couldn't forget quickly what he had done to her before they left for the court.

He pointed westward and snapped his fingers without saying a word signalling her to move that way. Obediently she moved aside and started moving to where he had pointed while he continued moving.

What are you doing! She shouted inside her head to wake herself, what are you doing! And she suddenly snapped out of the hypnotization and turned swiftly. Before one could say jack she had appeared at his front again.

What was that! What were you trying to do! She shouted stamping her foot on the ground, is it very difficult for you to speak and tell me your ...

She suddenly went mute, there was so much to say but her mouth went shut out of her own will.

I'll do a proper introduction after now, leave my way child, he said slightly pushing her to the side and he dissapeared from sight.

Haaaaaa! She shouted pulling her hair after her mouth went unmute, she turned to see where he had gone but was no more in sight. She had obediently followed him to the court without any cause not knowing him, and again he was doing the same by getting rid of her without any introduction.

Your highness, a soft voice spoke from behind, Dracel turned to see who called her and was taken back by his sight.

What are you, she said picking her words gently while examining the creature in front of her.

Ariel took a bow and made an introduction. My name is Ariel, I am your father's personal assistant, he has sent me to temporarily look at your well being.

Father? Who's father? She asked confused.

Oh... My lady, you have a father, only a mother doesn't make up a child... I mean you have a father, he said smiling, he had been watching from a distance how she had wanted attention from her father and he was shocked, only those who had known him very well would not foolishly do such in front of him.

So he is my father, why is he acting odd and cold, she said aside not speaking with Ariel.

That's his nature in time you will get used to it, he said to clear off her question.

Why are you dressed like this, why so many rings and bangles?

Oh.. he said clanging the bangles together, they are my style, the rings on my face are things I fancy from humans, especially the trending fashions from the women, he said laughing.

Dracel became a little confused, she had seen other creatures back in the court but she couldn't ask who they are as she was both confused and wondered by their beautiful and scary appearance, all she knew is that they didn't like her presence. She held her wrist due to the discomfort of the shackles and tried pushing it backwards but it was stuck to her wrist.

Wait what year is this? She asked indifferently.

According to the human year it's the twenty first century, there are crazy lifestyles, upgraded fashion sense since the years of my existence, I will say I've never seen one of it before, he chuckled.

How long have I been asleep? She said falling into realization.

It has been...a long long time ago my lady, do you remember anything? He said realizing she haven't been told a thing.

I only remember my mother carrying me with sadness in her eyes, she said looking at her wrist again. I closed my eyes and woke up to see her in a more sad state, I think back then I was a baby.... Talking about my mother where is she? She immediately jolted to reality moving towards the direction her father had showed her.

This way my lady, he corrected.

Then where is that? She asked hasting her steps.

That's your court room, the less you worry about the shackles the lighter it will be on you...he said but before he could finish she had dissapeared from sight. Oof! He sighed, she won't even wait till I tell her she can move without walking that fast.


Where is she? She said badging into the room only to see attendants straightening the hair of a beautiful woman, her reflection on the mirror was majestic, she had glowed up from being a stressed looking woman to a wonder looking woman.

My child, she said after noticing her daughter's presence, the attendants left her side and she walked to Dracel who was looking worried before but now with eyes wide open and a dropped jaw. She gently closed her mouth by lifting her upper jaw and she let out a little chuckle.

I... I was worried about you...you're looking wonderful, she said not failing to compliment her beautiful mother.

Esme laughed out loudly and she gently pulled her to her side like she was going to scratch her if she added more force, she lead her to the chair she had gotten up from.

Sit here, let me arrange your hair, a beautiful lady should not be looking unkept, she said. Her eyes caught the sight of the shackles on her daughter's hands and she sighed. The attendants wanted to help but she waved them away wanting to do it all by herself.

Dracel looked at her reflection in the mirror, she was really looking messed up and her hair was all over her face and they were scattered on her shoulders.

I look so much like you mum, she said gently as her mum combed her hair, she had balanced herself and closed her eyes to enjoy the treatment she was giving not noticing the frown on her mother's face.

Because you're my child, it is only right that you should look like your mother. Esme was carrying a big smile making the frown fade away. She had so much longed for a moment like this with her daughter, Dracel on the other hand was enjoying every touch and massage on her head.

That man, is he my father? she asked still not opening her eyes.

Yes he is, she said without hesitating but her smile left her face.

Then why is he so cold and emotionless? He didn't even find me worthy of a word from his mouth, is that how father's behave?

That's how demon's behave my child, they are not humans to have emotions, they only have one focus which is to be the best and greatest, so forgive his attitude, in time you will get used to him.

Mother, she called opening her eyes.

Yes my child

How long have I been sleeping?

Esme kept quiet, she didn't know how to start breaking it all to her daughter, before she could speak again Dracel spoke.

Back in the court I saw different creatures, some were beautiful, some had this fearful look, what am I mother? They seem not to like me, she said sadly.

You're... You're a special one, she said picking her front hair to start a braid. You're a special being, that is why people are scared of you, great people like you are born once in centuries my child, they say you're half vampire and a half demon, but I say you're unique, you're not a forbidden being, you're change my child, the change everyone is waiting for. She let down the braid she had done across her hair halfway and started another one.

The words sank into Dracel's mind lifting up some curiosity in her mind.

Why I'm I so familiar with this place but not other places, why do I feel out of place, like I've not known anyone except you? She asked again looking at her mother's reflection from the mirror.

Esme giggled lightly and spoke. Because you've been here before, I have taken you around this palace in my hands before you fell into sleep my child, you've been to other places but you don't have to remember, it's not really necessary, you're with me now right?

Dracel nodded her head smiling lightly, she relaxed her head on her mother's palm after she had finished the braiding and packed her hair to the back securing it with beautiful pins.

Hmm hmm! a female voice interrupted both mother and daughter.

My lady, his majesty calls for the young princess.