
beyond the present

Having been caught in a life of three worlds apart, Dracel finds her way in a life she does not propose but was born into as she's set to find her purpose and reason why she's been targeted she discovers more to herself, her abilities and decision will make a change on the world. changing from been a forbidden one in the realms of the high ones to the relevant one there's no life without struggle, but will there be life without blood shed for her.... living to be provoked and push could turn an angel to the devil himself. let each words lead you through the anger and love that the main character goes through.

chiroyalty · Kỳ huyễn
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41 Chs


It is all your fault! She shouted hitting a cup to the ground, as it shattered into pieces.

I tried all I could but she's not as weak as you think....

It was just a girl! A little girl Badmus! She chimed in not allowing him to finish. How come a little girl defeated and broke the bone of a 365 year old vampire!

Layla I tried my best!

Don't! Don't you dare mention my name, she said stretching her hand as a sign of warning with her eyes almost bulging out of the socket. Do you know the embarrassment I had to face in your place! you lost the celestial tool! How careless could you be! If it were not my position as the first daughter I would have lost my head!

Maybe if I haven't come back you would have found my 'so called excuse' appeasing, he said looking down with hurtful expression.

Badmus I didn't mean it that way... I mean.... I'm happy you're back with your life, but you gave my sister a win win ticket, twice!

But the child is dead? He asked.

That I can't tell, she said taking her seat on the nearby couch. My watch dog said he watched her burn, there are rumors flying in the human realm that only two people were burnt..... And her carcass, her remains are no where to be seen.

Layla, I can tell you that I almost got into a thunder bath with this demon you called a child and she faced it head on, she single handedly tore the rest of the vampires with her bare hands.... I don't know how she does it but she distribute herself into many and she predicts your every first move.... He sighed, I know it sounds insane but I was about to be crushed before the heavens came to my aid.

That can only mean one thing, Layla said with a puzzled look, he must be helping her.... Or is it that she has found out her potentials?....

I'm telling you we shouldn't have allowed the child live from the day she was born.

Layla burst into laughter, like you were not present during the fight between my sister and I... She paused and had a stern look on her face.

And that's why she was called the special one, she said with a changed expression and a hand clenched into a fist, always treated specially, I would always be the one to carry out the whole risky tasks why she sat down and watch... All in the name of been a junior one, 'the pride of the kingdom'

My father has not been fair to me, he still doesn't see me as important Badmus, she said pained.

But she's no longer here, there's no one he will treat that way except you, Badmus said pouring liquid from a container into two cups.

That's what you feel, but I know my father, he still misses her, he still wants his favorite child that looks like mum.


Your honor she's in a very severe state now, I don't think I can heal her, Dreda said after inspecting the body.

Are you sure of that? You do socceries and bring spirits of the dead to talk to people, your type breach the way of the dead and living and you tell me you don't think you can heal her?

I am a witch... She cried softly, I can't heal.....

Well, you've been here for a day which is 1 month in your realm....

Dreda gasped in fear.

And you know what that means, think about your baby.... 1 month without feeding from the mother.... Then I'm sorry I can't keep it alive....

Please please.... My powers are from the source of the earth, I don't perform black magic .....

You still dare to lie to me?..... This realm is much closer to the earth, if it were to be in my husband's abode, a day would be resulting to 1 year, do you think I'm a fool or I don't know why I brought you here Dreda....

I know your secrets... How you and your dead sister have performed black magic and resurrected your first child, you still dare lie to me that you can't heal my daughter?

Dreda had already broke down in tears, she knew there was no way she would get out of the mess she was in.

The witches will kill me, she cried, they will do away with my family...

Why worry about the future when you have more to live? The faster you hasten up any process for this the earlier you postpone your death and that of the others..... Hasten up your tears ick me, she said emotionlessly.

Yes your honor, she said and dried up her tears. What breed is she?

Half demon, half vampire, corbeau spoke.

I'll tell you that.... She might exhaust me of my powers, and it will take me time to recover ...

Like I care? Esme said irritated.

Alright, Dreda said holding back her tears. I believe you have enough blood for sustainance?

In no time a large drum appeared and Dreda was dumbfounded.

So much a mother will do for a child, Esme said looking at her still daughter, how about I give you the blood of those who wanted you dead? She said to the body.

Dreda lost balance, with one look from Esme she gained her composure and started the healing process.