

I stared at the status window, my mind racing with possibilities. I had so many questions, but I knew I had to focus on my current situation. I was an apprentice mage, and I had a main quest to attend the Welcome Ceremony at the Eridorian Academy of Magic.

Looking around the room, I tried to get my bearings. I saw a small door on the opposite side, which I assumed led out into the world. Taking a deep breath, I felt a mix of excitement and nerves.

As I opened the door, I blinked, taking in the sights and sounds of the world around me. It was already evening, and a bustling street lay before me, filled with people of all shapes and sizes hurrying to and fro. Tall buildings loomed overhead, adorned with intricate stone carvings and colorful banners flapping in the wind. I was surprised to see that people were this busy even at night.

I looked down at my clothes, realizing I was still wearing the simple tunic and pants from the room. A pang of self-consciousness hit me; I wondered if I was dressed appropriately for the academy.

Deciding to focus on my quest, I scanned the area for the academy. In the distance, I spotted a large, imposing building with a sign that read "Eridorian Academy of Magic" in bold, golden letters. But before heading there, I noticed a smaller building nearby with a sign that read "Eridorian Public Library." A sudden urge to learn more about this world and its history washed over me, and I walked toward the library, curiosity guiding my steps.

As I entered, I was struck by the sheer number of books lining the shelves. Tomes bound in leather, with intricate gold lettering on the covers, beckoned to me. Scrolls seemed to stretch on forever, filled with ancient knowledge.

I approached the reception desk, where a kindly woman with silver hair and round spectacles sat, her fingers deftly sorting through a stack of parchment. "Excuse me," I said, my voice slightly hesitant. "Could you please tell me where I can find the history books?"

She looked up, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Of course! The history section is located on the second floor, to your right. You'll find a wide range of topics, from the founding of Eridoria to the great wars that shaped our kingdoms. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask!"

"Thank you so much!" I replied.

With a nod of encouragement from the librarian, I made my way to the staircase. As I ascended to the second floor, the scent of aged paper and ink enveloped me, heightening my anticipation.

Once I reached the top, I was greeted by rows upon rows of bookshelves, each filled with volumes that seemed to whisper stories of the past. I wandered through the aisles, running my fingers along the spines of the books, feeling the textured leather beneath my fingertips. Titles like "The Chronicles of the Four Kingdoms" and "Legends of the Arcane Wars" caught my eye, and I eagerly pulled a few from the shelves.

And spent hours poring over them, learning about the history of Eridoria. I discovered the different kingdoms and city-states that made up the world, along with the complex web of alliances and rivalries binding them together.

I learned that I was currently in the kingdom of Eldrador, a human nation known for its rolling hills, dense forests, and snow-capped mountains. Eldrador was one of the five human kingdoms on the continent of Eridoria, renowned for its strong magical traditions. But Eridoria was not just home to humans; there were also the monster nations—powerful and ancient civilizations with their own lands and countries.

The monsters were enemies of humanity, having been at war with them for centuries. The most powerful of these monster nations was the empire of Kragnir, a dark and foreboding land of twisted magic and terrifying creatures, occupying almost half of Eridoria. I had planned to write something like this, but it still amazed me to see it come to life.

As I delved deeper into the books, I came across a section on mage rankings. According to the texts, mages were ranked based on their magical abilities and strength. The rankings were as follows:

Apprentice Mage: The lowest rank, given to those who have just begun their magical training.

Novice Mage: A step above apprentice, awarded to those who have demonstrated basic magical abilities.

Mage: A mid-level rank for those who have mastered basic magic and can cast more complex spells.

Senior Mage: A higher rank for those who have demonstrated exceptional magical abilities and can cast powerful spells.

Master Mage: The highest rank, given to those who have achieved mastery over magic and can cast spells of immense power.

Archmage: A legendary rank for those who have transcended the boundaries of magic and achieved unparalleled mastery. Archmages possess an extraordinary understanding of the fundamental forces of magic.

Zenith: I paused, looking at the last mage rank. There was no explanation, only its name. I guessed not much was known to the public.

Each rank had three sub-stages:

initial stage, 

middle stage

and upper stage,

with four sub-ranks within each:

Initial rank

Middle rank

Upper rank

Peak rank

'Why are there so many sub ranks? can't they use 1st circles, star or whatever as a power system like in those manhwas I had read in my previous life, this is little complicated ?The complexities of this new world were daunting. The power system, with its myriad of sub-ranks and tiers, felt overwhelming at times.

I had always enjoyed the straightforwardness of the systems in the novels and manhwas I used to read—simple circles or stars that made it easy to gauge one's strength. Here, it felt like I was navigating a labyrinth, each turn leading to more questions than answers.

I couldn't help but wondered which rank I would achieve in the future as I looked at the status window. Zenith? 'Maybe.? haha'

As I read more, I discovered that every skill in this world was divided by tier, with F tier being the weakest spell and S tier being the strongest. "F tier to S tier… what's next? A whole alphabet?" I chuckled to myself, shaking my head.

The more I read, the more tired I became. My eyes began to droop, and the words on the pages started to blur together. I rubbed my eyes, feeling the weight of the day's studying bearing down on me. Eventually, I decided it was time to head back home.

I gathered my belongings, closed the book, and bid farewell to the musty silence of the library. As I stepped out into the cool evening air, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. The city's sounds and smells enveloped me, a stark contrast to the quiet, dusty world I had left behind.

As I entered my small apartment, I noticed a letter on the table. It was addressed to me and bore a seal marked "Wysteria's Haven." A pang of curiosity surged through me as I opened the letter.

The letter was from an orphanage called Wysteria Haven, then I realized that the owner of this body had been an orphan, raised in an orphanage. I couldn't help but wonder what had happened to my body back in my previous world. Did my family know about my death? Would they be sad? Sighing, I let out a long breath, trying to push those thoughts aside and forget about my past.

As I read, a mix of emotions washed over me.

"Hey Eryndor,

I can can't believe you're about to start your journey as a mage at the academy! We so proud of you. I know it won't always be easy, but I , we truly believe in you. 

Remember, don't worry about us here at Wysteria's Haven. We're all doing well, and we're just excited for you to embrace this amazing opportunity. Be happy about it—you've earned it!

Take care of yourself, and don't hesitate to reach out if you need anything. We'll be cheering you on from here!

With all my best,


As I finished reading Elysia's letter, a warmth spread through me, momentarily pushing aside the weight of my earlier thoughts. It was comforting to know that I had support, even if it came from a place I had yet to fully understand. I folded the letter carefully, placing it back on the table, and took a moment to gather my thoughts.

Looking around the room, I noticed a paper calendar hanging on the wall. A few dates were circled, each with something written in the middle. I focused on the last circled date and realized today was Tuesday, May 10th, 945 GD (Golden Dawn). My heart raced as I recalled the significance of the dates marked on the calendar.

The test to join the academy had finished two days ago, and the results would be announced on May 11th, which meant tomorrow. 'Thank god I didn't go to the academy today; I would have embarrassed myself,' I mused, a nervous laugh escaping my lips.

Then I wondered how the previous owner of this body had fared in the test. What if he hadn't performed well? Did he pass or fail? So many questions swirled in my mind, I shook my head, trying to dispel the negative thoughts. I knew I wouldn't find out until tomorrow. 

As I sat down on my bed, I began to think about my novel outline. I had only roughly sketched it out, but I hadn't planned anything properly. I knew I needed to focus on my goals and make a plan to achieve them.

But for now, I was too tired to think about it anymore. With a heavy sigh, I lay down on my bed, feeling the softness of the pillow beneath my head. I closed my eyes, letting the exhaustion wash over me. Tomorrow was going to be a big day, and I needed to be ready.

As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't shake the feeling that my journey was just beginning. I was an apprentice mage, with a long road ahead of me. But I was determined to succeed, no matter what lay in my path.

sigh! this also took me an hour to write .

Next time i should prepare an draft.


i only have a rough idea where the story will go, if you have any idea please suggest

Iwantocookcreators' thoughts