
Beyond the Mountains

Nari was an orphan and Mana Stone hunter from a very young age. She was taken in by a kind woman whose family was anything but kind. She lived there disguised as a man. After receiving the letter of her death and her will for her to not return back, she's freed. Now she embarks on a journey, journey to find a home she never had, in a mysterious country. She picks up a boy, Hyo, from deserts who was running away from massacre of his tribe. Later they meet Iseulbi who knows a lot about the powers they hid. She told them she was waiting for them and they're kins who need to go where they belong. Both of them were heading to the mysterious country because of some promise made to their precious people. And the country is, beyond the mountains. What relation is calling these people to go beyond the mountains where according to some monsters live and according to other gods? (The cover picture doesn't belong to me, I downloaded it from Pinterest. If the artist has any problems with it then, please contact me. I'll take it down. Credits to the rightful owner.)

VirgoVenus · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Beautiful Encounter.

Two people, a man and a woman were lying down on the ground looking at the sky through trees.

Hyo wore black hoodie, pants and his own boots as Nari's didn't fit. He was still wearing a golden ring with a crescent moon on it and a necklace with the same symbol. He put it inside the hoodie so it doesn't catch anyone's vision.

Nari was wearing a dark blue long sleeve hanfu pant dress. She had her hair tied down.

Hyo was looking at the blue sky through green leaves from the tree while Nari closed her eyes.

"Where is your home?" Hyo asked.

"Don't have one."

"I also don't have one anymore."

There was a silence of compassion from both sides. They didn't fully know what the other had been through but they knew what they had. They knew how hard it was to go through tough situations so they had compassion and respect for those who've been through it.

Although situations may be different but the pain is the same, the heart hurts in the same way, so it was understanding of the pain.

The silence said, "I know it's hard to get through tough situations but you did it, you're doing it and I'm proud of you for that."

Nari was the first one to break the silence.

"But I'm gonna find one. My home."

Hyo smiled. It was the smile of acknowledgement.


"Let's see, I'm thinking of beyond the mountains. A place where I like."

Hyo laughed.

"You make it sound like it's easy to cross the mountains."

"Aren't you headed there too?"

Hyo was taken back for a second.

Nari continued,"You said that while you were passed out earlier. I didn't mean to listen but you just kept on repeating so."

Hyo laughed again.

"What's your name, by the way?"



Hyo sat up.

"So if we go along the river, we'll reach Sahm Country. But won't we be noticed by the guards?"

"We'll enter through the Himawari village as there's a light festival going on right now. I'm sure lots of tourists will be there. We'll sneak in and in case we're caught, we'll pose as tourists."

"Sure, we can handle that later. How do we get there? What do you have?"

Hyo looked at Nari's straight face with anticipation but she just looked at him without saying anything.

"Don't tell me we're walking? It'll take us a month to reach there."

"If we do mana walking, we'll reach there in 10 days."

Hyo couldn't believe the woman in front of him. He was giving her 'im about to lose my shit' looks.

"Just kidding. We'll go there by boat."

Hyo gave her a side eye and said,"Please don't, you really don't have even a bit of talent for it."

Nari took out a shapeshifter boat from her qiankun pouch. It wasn't even an inch long but it could shift shapes according to the region. It'll change its size, colour and shape to look like boats nearby.

"I was wondering when I will be able to use this but it looks like the time has finally come."

Nari was the best Mana hunter of her guild. It was the biggest guild in Sha Country, Eagle guild. She joined it without knowing anything but it turned out to be good. They especially kept the information of their hunters well secure. No one would know how much mana was collected by them from the guild.

There was a standard amount of mana stones that was to be collected as mana stone. Although mana stones looked small, they took a lot of strain to be carried, both physical and mental for this very reason there was a standard amount.

But that wasn't the issue for Nari. She even was allowed to keep some for herself as she brought a lot. She had found the seven coloured mana stones for the guild and quite a lot of times for that. So they compensated her quite well and also gave her gifts time and again, like this boat.

To put it in a sentence, mommy is rich.

It was already night. Both of the people were sitting in the boat in silence as it rowed itself.

Hyo asked,"Do you like mooncakes?"

"Yes, I do."

Nari turned towards Hyo.

He twisted the moon on his ring and took out a beautifully carved wooden box.

"Nice one. No one would notice it's a qiankun ring."

"Right, I like it a lot too. It's a heirloom kinda thing."

Hyo stroked his ring for a while.

"Ya, it's good."

He then proceeded to take out the moon cake inside his qiankun pouch. Hyo looked up to see something different in Nari's expression for the first time. Miss seems to love food.

"My mother had it made for me. It's the best in the world."

When Nari looked at him, she saw that he was eating the mooncake with more love than joy.

"It is the best."

[He's a strong man.]

"Oi, do you see the lights there?" Hyo whispered.

"Let's walk from here. We'll look less suspicious."


Both of them were whispering.

Nari put the boat back in the qiankun pouch and put it inside her lapel.

"Let's not act suspicious. We're tourists."

"Yes, don't worry. I'm best at acting."

Hyo gave a thumbs up and winked at Nari's straight face.

They started walking and the light grew nearer and nearer, they could hear the buzz coming from people.

They stood behind one tree and observed the lit up glorious town infront of them from two sides.


Both of them said at the same time.

People wearing different styles and colours of clothes walked around the street. The streets were full of vendors selling lots of foods and jewelleries. Everything was beautiful but foreign to them.

Everyone was laughing out loud.

"Sahm Country is really as it's written in books. A happening country." Hyo whispered.

Nari hooded her head.

Hyo's back was patted. He looked at Nari's face in front and asked ,"What?"

Nari looked at Hyo with a puzzled expression.

"Don't pat my back if you have nothing to say. Is it joke again? I told you to sto-"

Hyo noticed Nari's cautious expression.

He raised his hands up as he cautiously turned around.

"I'm just a tourist, you see. We are-"

He was in awe.

A girl stood infront of him. She had shoulder length layers with curtain bangs. She was wearing a modern hanfu dress, the skirt that didn't reach down to her ankle was walnut cream coloured and the top was sage green coloured. Her sleeves were that of big shape and had beautiful patterns here and here. She had a norigae hanging on her skirt with a big blue jewel in the middle. A small flower was clipped to the left side of her hair.

The most beautiful woman Hyo had ever seen.

Nari took her hand out so that she could form a sword at any moment.

"I saw you two coming out of forest. You two-"

A curved saber was aimed at the girl's neck by Nari.

"You can form a saber? You seem to be in better condition than I expected."

As the girl and Nari looked intendly in each other's eyes. Hyo was in awe. He couldn't comprehend the sight he saw before him.

"Who's there? Who are you guys? Show me your passes."

The girl taking advantage of Nari being distracted caught her wrist with one hand lowering Nari's hand and formed water in her other hand.

She said,"Make it disappear if you don't wanna get caught."

The sword disappeared and Nari closed her fist.

The woman moved her hand and the water circled them eventually disappearing.

They did all these without breaking their eye contact.

"Iseulbi. Remember that's my name."

Again, Hyo's jaw dropped. He couldn't close his mouth. The heck were these women doing out in the open?

A big man appeared.