
Beyond the Mirrors Edge

What do you do when your seemingly perfect life suddenly feels wrong and strange? Aren Leywin's once familiar world becomes increasingly unsettling. At first, there were only fleeting moments when things felt slightly off—a shadow that moved where it shouldn't, a chill that lingered in empty rooms. But as time passes by, it becomes increasingly clear that something very supernatural is tugging him through his world to the precipice of an abyss he can't comprehend. Despite his attempts to maintain a facade of normalcy, the bizarre occurrences only intensify, threatening to unravel the fabric of his existence. It's as though an unseen force is relentlessly pulling him closer to the edge of a reality he never knew existed. As Aren delves deeper into the mysteries shrouding his life, he uncovers the chilling truth: an enigmatic entity from what seems to be an alternate dimension seeks to ensnare him, to wrench him from the safety of his reality into the unknown depths beyond. With each passing day, the boundary between the real and the surreal blurs, and Aren finds himself trapped in a nightmare from which he cannot wake. Desperate for answers and running out of time, he must confront the darkness lurking within his own soul and confront the entity before it's too late.

A_A_L · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Prologue [1]

Hard work.

It's a concept that means different things to different people. Some see it as a badge of honor, a testament to one's dedication and perseverance. Others view it with a mixture of admiration and envy, marveling at the seemingly effortless ease with which certain individuals tackle their tasks.

I understood hard work very well.

Of course I would. How could I not?

Hard work. It's the sweat on your brow, the calluses on your hands, the late nights spent burning the midnight oil in pursuit of a dream. It's the backbone of achievements, the foundation upon which greatness is built. 

[That's all you got? Ha really..?]

Amidst the clamor of my thoughts, a monotonous voice cut through the haze, pulling me back to reality. It was devoid of emotions, yet it drew my attention like a magnet.

Two hazel eyes met mine, shining with a low intensity as they glared at me. The owner of the voice stood uncaring, seemingly oblivious to the chaos unfolding around us—the crumbling infrastructure, the spreading fire. It was as if nothing else mattered but our encounter.

Those eyes. I knew someone who had the exact same eye. Before I could reminiscent myself of someone I stopped myself and looked back at the owner of the voice. Then suddenly a single word thought came to my mind.


A gift bestowed upon the fortunate few, a natural aptitude that sets them apart from the rest. Talent is effortless, innate, a stroke of luck in the genetic lottery that propels its bearer to the heights of acclaim and adulation.

[Don't worry I'll make sure it'll be quick.]

the voice interrupted my thoughts once again, its tone menacing as its owner approached me.

His character, his face—they were eerily similar to someone I knew. I pushed the thought aside, focusing on the present moment.

[Or not?]

But before I could react, he swung his sword, and everything went dark.


[Game Over]

[Mission Failed: Stop Aiden from rampaging further]

[You've Earned: +2 exp, +20 coins]

[Continue] [Main Menu]

Looking at my phone screen I can't help but..


Well it certainly would take multiple tries to clear a boss and not the main character that I played with since the beginning.

Especially when I WAS THE ONE TO LEVEL HIM UP FROM ZEROOO and played quite a bit with him only for him to become 'corrupted' and turn against me.

"At least give me a stronger characte..." 

Amidst the disappointment, a flicker of curiosity ignited within me. Aiden— that name... Was someone messing with me, using a game character that resembled someone I knew?

"It's just a game calm down...."

"Ah crap.. 1:28 am?"

damn.. should of gone to bed earlier. Now I couldn't get the 'recommended by most doctors' at least 6 hours of sleep.

Oh well it's just one day....and an Important day at that.... I have a job interview tomorrow at 7:00am... It should be fine...

"Hmmm... probably."

I shouldn't be worried really I just have to qualify.. I mean it's not like I am a fraud or anything I worked hard to get to where I am today... I really shouldn't be nervous.

With a sigh, I set my alarm for 6:30 AM, resigning myself to the fact that I would have to make do with whatever sleep I could manage.

"I should stop wasting more time and go to bed," I muttered, closing my eyes and willing myself to drift off into sleep, hoping that tomorrow would bring better luck and brighter opportunities.


As I drifted into sleep, I found myself engulfed in darkness—a darkness so thick and suffocating that it seemed to swallow me whole. 

At first, there was nothing but silence—a deafening silence that echoed in the emptiness around me, a silence that seemed to stretch on for eternity leaving me confused.

How did I end up here? I asked myself, knowing full well it was 'that' thing, 'that' entity, that had brought me here. I don't know what it wants from me.

But I know it wants me. It wants to drag me to the seemingly depths of hell. It has chosen me—but why me? I asked....

Why does it have to be me?

What did I do wrong?

Suddenly, the silence shattered like glass, replaced by the sound of whispers—a cacophony of voices that seemed to emanate from the very darkness itself.

I strained my ears tried to make out what was being whispered...

"A r e n" 

"Is someone there?" I called out but no one answered. 

Scared, I raised my voice, almost wanting to scream, and asked "What do you want from me?" Again, no answer.

This is getting ridiculous, I thought to myself and was about to wander around when suddenly red ropes or strings shot out towards me from the darkness.

Startled, I tried to dodge, but felt extremely sluggish. The red strings easily coiled around my body and just like that, I was tangled in a spiderweb like an insect waiting to be devoured.

I felt my heart quicken. I looked around and saw nothing. I kept struggling which only made the bind tighter.

Then, from the corner of my eyes, I saw a dark hooded figure, his eyes were on me. Or at least it seems that way.

At once I stopped my futile struggle. My heart beating rapidly against my ribcage. I was motionless, waiting for the dark figure to make a move, knowing well I wouldn't be able to do a damn.

Breaking the silence, In a deep voice and strained he spoke "I found you."

I flinched. Desperately, I looked around me to free myself from the bind but everywhere I looked was complete and utter blackness—I had no escape.

'It' then suddenly reached for me. At that point, I was in full-blown panic, my head raced with thoughts on what will happen to me? How did I get myself into this mess?

First time writting a novel so forgive my for me errors and short commings as english isn't my first language. That being said what do you guys think about the first chapter?

A_A_Lcreators' thoughts