
Beyond The Enchanted Portal: The chronicles of two worlds

Magic.. as old as time ..... Love.. as deep as hell ..... When the history repeats itself .. And the legends are born again... Isabella Campbell, the crown princess of Mythiopia, pampered and spoiled by her parents, a peerless beauty, and a born leader. But her description doesn't stop there. She is also the only odd one out in the entire kingdom. Why? Because she is the only one who cannot do magic. On the land of magic, sheltering all kinds of magical beings, ruled by the most powerful wizard the universe has ever seen, Isabella was the only one with magical void inside her. Stella, again an odd one out in the human world. Every one calls her a freak. Why? Because her words always seem to carry magic in them. Whatever her lips utter comes true. What happens when these both odd one outs get swapped? Will they be happy with their new life that embraced them? Or will they long for the life that had abandoned them? Wanna join on this wonderful journey of magic and suspense? Then add this to your library and we are all set to go. --------------------- This work is participating for WSA 2023, so please give your love and support to keep me motivated and encouraged while writing this book. The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it without my permission. Daily updates, at 3:30pm (GMT+5:30) Want to speak to me? Discord: @z_orion FB: @Z Orion My works: [1] To Reach You Again (Fantasy Romance) - Ongoing. [2] Beyond the Enchanted Portal: The chronicles of two worlds (Fantasy Romance) - Ongoing.

Z_Orion · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 17: Kiss.

[Royal Palace | Mythiopia]

Lawrence felt a familiar fluctuation of energy around the palace which he hadn't felt for few years now.

Dismounting Loren, he hastened his pace and walked into his chambers only see Aliza emitting a ethereal green light around her body and summoning a sword in her hand.

"Don't make me hurt you Dexter. Move away." Aliza warned. Her fury made everyone around kneel on the floor in the fear of angering her. Dexter too bowed to her, but refused to give way.

"Aliza." Aliza paused her attack when she heard Lawrence's voice and turned around. Her eyes reflected worry, fear and love which he hadn't seen for quite a long time now.

"My Queen. What's wrong? Why are you ..."

Lawrence's eyes went open when Aliza hugged him tightly and started weeping in his chest. Lawrence was shocked to see this kind of reaction from his wife and swiftly dismissed everyone around.

"Shh. Aliza. What's wrong? I am here. I am here." he kissed her head and patted her back till his wife calmed down. Aliza didn't leave his embrace and put her head on his chest.

"Why did you go to Vakra?" Aliza questioned and Lawrence wasn't surprised at the fact that she knew. Vakra must have scared her again.

This was the problem with Vakra being able to communicate with his wife while the entire world had to run to that stinking cave to just hear his boring voice.

"Did he say something funny to you again? Don't be scared. I am fine. Vakra will not harm me. Okay?" He spoke softly as he cupped her beautiful face and made her look at him.

He didn't know what Vakra told her, but he was happy that he told something that scared her. This was the first time after many years that his wife hugged him. He wanted this moment to last a little while longer.

They both didn't get away and held each other like that for some time till Aliza broke the silence again.

"He told me you were going to ... going to s-sacrifice yourself to bring I-Isabella back." Aliza said as she whimpered a little and held onto him tighter.

Lawrence smiled sadly as he heard her. "Then.. Do you want me to do that Aliza? Will you forgive me then? Will your anger subside then? Hmm? My love?" Lawrence asked as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

"No.. D-Don't do anything like that p-please. D-Don't leave me." Aliza sobbed hearing Lawrence's words. She knew she had hurt him all these years but every time she looked around and found one of her daughters missing, she chose to blame Lawrence.

"L-Lawrence.. I am s-sorry. S-sorry. Don't leave me.. I cannot lose you too. sob.." Lawrence was little taken aback now. That Vakra must have told all kinds of rubbish that his wife is now so scared.

"My love. I am not going anywhere. I am always here. Okay?" Aliza nodded but didn't leave him.

"Lawrence. I love you. I am sorry for hurting you."

Lawrence didn't say anything and gazed at the woman in his embrace. Hearing no response, Aliza lifted her head to look at him.

"You must be angry at me for neglecting ... Uhmmm.."

Lawrence kissed Aliza without any delay in the fear of her pushing him away again. He didn't know why Vakra helped him twice in a single day but he was grateful for the help.

Aliza didn't push him away but welcomed his kiss and responded back passionately. She missed him too.

The kiss was slow and gentle at the first, as if to check if it was a dream or reality. Then it became more possessive with longing and need.

Aliza's breaths came in shallow gasps when Lawrence finally broke the kiss, his lips tracing a path over her eyes, nose, cheeks, and chin before he held her close once more.

"I am not angry at you. I know where you are coming from." Lawrence spoke softly as he carried his wife to bed. They simply held each other, finding solace in the silence.

"I want to show you something." The king spoke after sometime and chanted something holding his wife's hand.

Aliza, who was confused suddenly felt her vision black out and then replaced with a completely new setting.

By looking at the surroundings, she knew it was the cave in Black mountains where he met Vakra. She saw the wall reflect the glimpses of other world.

Her grip on Lawrence's hand tightened when she saw her little daughter, grownup and smiling. She saw her daughter seriously studying, and then playing with an young boy. Her daughter seemed happy and radiant.

Tears slipped out of her eyes when she heard her soft laughter and hearing her playful banter with that boy. She had missed a lot.

Lawrence stopped showing her after these beautiful moments. Aliza both smiled and cried seeing this.

"Shh. We will bring her back. Okay? She will be back again. Our daughter is strong. She is okay. And she will return back soon." Lawrence coaxed his wife. He felt he would be meeting his daughter soon and his gut feelings never went wrong.

Aliza calmed down after a while and spoke about all the things they should do when Isabella returns and Lawrence smiled hearing his wife.



"The library will close at 5pm. And then I will work in the opposite cafe from 6 to 9 at night." Isabella said as she walked beside Dylan while crossing the zebra crossing.

They both were going for their part time works as their university was yet to commence the classes. They still had a month for getting back to academic obligations.

"Okay. I will come and pick you up at night then. I will be going home by 7pm. Do you want me to get anything for the house?" Dylan asked .

"Hmm. Get some brown bread. And I can walk back home safely. The distance is not so short for you to come back here." Isabella replied as they stopped in front of a mechanic shop where Dylan opt to do some part time work during these holidays.

"I am coming to pick you up. You can just treat me as another customer in your cafe." Dylan said sternly leaving no room for arguments on this matter.

He was sure Benjamin must have done a background check on Isabella by now and might pop up anytime soon. He can't risk her walking down the street alone in the night.

Isabella pursed her lips but didn't refute. Instead she stopped him and started looking for something in her bag. Dylan curiously looked at her.

"Here. This is your lunch." Isabella held his lunch box for him to take. Dylan had his lips parted looking at the box. That was his lunch box when he was in orphanage.

Usually their things would be given to other kids when leaving the orphanage. But seems like Isabella kept it with her.

"Why did you make lunch for me?" Dylan asked as he gratefully took the lunch box. He noticed a slight blush on her cheeks and wondered what happened suddenly.

"T-Thanks for the heat bag and those pills. Byee.." Isabella practically ran off from there making Dylan chuckle. Seems like his efforts were noticed, appreciated and rewarded too.

Looking at the lunch box, he thought of his days back in that rich household he was adopted into. He wouldn't say all of his days were bad, but they weren't as pleasant as this either.

Remembering something, he ran down the way to get Isabella. "Isabella.."

Isabella stopped in her tracks and turned around to find Dylan rushing towards her. She raised her eyebrows at him.

"What happened?" Isabella questioned but only got his charming smile in return and his face zoomed in her vision. And before she even knew, Dylan had his arms around her and kissed both of her cheeks before letting her go.

Isabella looked at him, stunned by what he did just now.

"There princess. This peasant can only thank you like this for the lunch. See you soon. Bye.."

Dylan called as he turned and practically skipped away, his happiness evident. Had he really been that elated? Isabella couldn't say, but she felt her heart skip a few beats, warmth flooding her cheeks and painting them a rosy hue.

She took a deep breathe and patted her chest before walking towards the library. It wasn't really far from the mechanic shop Dylan was working at. Since she was working there as a part time book keeper, she needed to be on time to avoid inconvenience for the readers.


Dylan locked the house door securely before heading out to pick up Isabella.

He had been living a lavish life for almost a decade now, but today was the first time he felt how a simple lunch made with affection and care could taste a lot better than the extravagant meal by the five star Michelin chefs.

Smiling, he walked to the cafe as his right hand played with the coin his pocket. He never saw this princess working before. He chuckled as he imagined a certain crown princess working in a cafe and serving people.

Nearing the cafe, his steps slowed down as he felt a chill envelope him. The same strange feeling which he felt yesterday night too.

He clutched the coin tighter and quickened his pace to reach the cafe.

[Inside the cafe]

"Excuse me. May I have a cappuccino."

Isabella paused checking the cash when she heard a melodious voice speak to her. Raising her head, she saw a woman in her late twenties smiling at her.

The woman wore a long black jacket and her innocuous smile would make anyone fall in love with her. But Isabella felt entirely different looking into her eyes. She didn't fear them, but didn't like them either.

"Sure Mam. Please give me a moment. Your cappuccino will be ready. Meanwhile you can pay the bill and see if you want anything else." Isabella composed herself and passed the menu to the woman before going to prepare the cappuccino.

The woman simply held the menu but her eyes moved over Isabella who had her back facing the customer. The woman's smile didn't fade away, but grew bigger and sinister.

Just when she thought of taking a step closer, the door of the cafeteria swung open harshly and Dylan rushed in anxiously.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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