
Beyond The Enchanted Portal: The chronicles of two worlds

Magic.. as old as time ..... Love.. as deep as hell ..... When the history repeats itself .. And the legends are born again... Isabella Campbell, the crown princess of Mythiopia, pampered and spoiled by her parents, a peerless beauty, and a born leader. But her description doesn't stop there. She is also the only odd one out in the entire kingdom. Why? Because she is the only one who cannot do magic. On the land of magic, sheltering all kinds of magical beings, ruled by the most powerful wizard the universe has ever seen, Isabella was the only one with magical void inside her. Stella, again an odd one out in the human world. Every one calls her a freak. Why? Because her words always seem to carry magic in them. Whatever her lips utter comes true. What happens when these both odd one outs get swapped? Will they be happy with their new life that embraced them? Or will they long for the life that had abandoned them? Wanna join on this wonderful journey of magic and suspense? Then add this to your library and we are all set to go. --------------------- This work is participating for WSA 2023, so please give your love and support to keep me motivated and encouraged while writing this book. The cover is AI generated and edited by me. Please don't use it without my permission. Daily updates, at 3:30pm (GMT+5:30) Want to speak to me? Discord: @z_orion FB: @Z Orion My works: [1] To Reach You Again (Fantasy Romance) - Ongoing. [2] Beyond the Enchanted Portal: The chronicles of two worlds (Fantasy Romance) - Ongoing.

Z_Orion · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 22: Betrothal.

"He told me that I can run away from the battle if it was already evident that I was loosing. Staying there will only make you a brave fool. Nothing else."

"He was labelled as the invincible wizard because he was the best of the best. But that is not made him the king. He was sitting on the throne because he knows how to lead a battle. Not how to jump into it."

Then she looked straight into his eyes and held his hands in hers.

"There will always be people around you who will be more powerful than you, and waiting to crush you. And it not necessary that you have to win all the times. You will lose and fall. And that is okay as long as you know you have people who are ready to heal you and embrace you."

"Not every person who leaves the battle ground is a coward. Some are strategists. They come back again, this time better than before. It is okay if you fail again. Just trust that the person who is willing to embrace you when you are at your lowest and try again."

"Not trying is what you should be ashamed off, not running away. Being lonely is what you should be scared off, not being powerless."

"It's not so hard to gain power if you move your pawns correctly. But once you are alone, it is not easy to find some who is willing to mend your broken soul."

Isabella smiled softly as she recited the exact lines her father once taught her. Through out these years, these few lines had been her constant companion. Letting her not give up on the hope of meeting her parents again.

Dylan's eyes trembled hearing her words. This girl was really wonderful. She knew he was feeling powerless against the power Barnett's held, but these few words helped him clear his mind.

She effortlessly told him to not be a coward, but also to rest if he was tired, she would be there to embrace him.

She wanted him to be human first. He can be a winner later.

"You really know how, when and where to use your words. I wonder why I never picked up that skill from you?" Dylan exclaimed as he playfully ruffled her hair. This eased up the serious philosophical air in the room.

"Hmph.. Don't touch my hair. And of course you cannot pick up my talents. They belong to the one and only crown princess of Mythiopia." She flipped her hair and raised her head as if challenging him to refute this claim.

Dylan simply shook his head and chuckled. "Your father seems to be a great man."

Isabella beamed as soon as she heard this. "Yes he is. He is a wonderful man. When we find a way to go back, then you will know how marvellous my father is. But his brain doesn't work so fast whenever he is with my mother, but that's okay. No one is perfect."

Isabella chuckled as she spoke some more about her parents. Dylan simply kept smiling at her. His mind was stuck on that small sentence she said without even knowing the effect she will have on him.

'When we find a way to go back..' This sentence replayed in his mind again and again as he watched watched lips move as she spoke.

Isabella had considered him as a part of her. And he absolutely liked it.


[Purlion Waters | Magical Realm]

Stella's carriage flew above the massive Purlion waters located in between the Academy and the serpent kingdom, Boana.

Boana was never in the list of allies for anyone. That kingdom was well known to be a Judas. It was isolated from all other kingdoms, with no portals opening to the other kingdoms except for the Academy portal.

Stella took a deep breathe when she got the first glimpse of the Island in the middle of ocean from her carriage.

*** Two years ago ***

"Our kids seems to get along well Your Majesty. What do you think?" Crargur Sillog, the serpent king spoke to king Lawrence.

Lawrence simply gave a side glance to the two kids speaking in the side and went back to sipping the wine.

He of course understood what the king wanted to imply but he was not going to give a green signal to any betrothal proposal, no matter who it is, even if it is Vandrad.

"I think the kids these days have a lot of things to talk about. We should mind our own business and stay out of their affairs."

A sharp glint passed through the green slit like eyes of the serpent king before he smiled again. A marriage alliance between Mythiopia and Boana would be helpful to gain access to the portals.

"Princess Stella seems to be fond of Prince Skegrig." The serpent commented again as he saw Stella laughing to something his son spoke.

"Princess Stella is fond of many things and people, King Crargur." His daughter was warm to everyone who approached her. That doesn't mean he would let everyone ask for her hand.

Mythiopia was powerful, standing in it's peak of glory. It didn't need any marriage alliance to become stronger.

Though it was never written in stone, their had been no betrothals in Mythiopian Royal family for the past three generations. Since the time his grandfather, the late king Nicol, loved and married the late queen Elizabeth, there had been no more betrothals.

Might be because his grandparents encouraged their children to fall in love or whatever, he himself knew how important it is to find a partner who loves you and he would wish the same for his both daughters.

"I can see where this conversation is going to. So let me make few things clear before we speak business." Lawrence put his wine glass on the table beside him and gazed back at the serpent king.

"Mythiopia will have no betrothals. If my daughter comes and tells me that she likes someone, then I will first test that person before approving him for my daughter. I don't care who that person is, but I won't let someone else make choices for my daughter."

"Now if you are more interested in my daughter than the help you want from Mythiopia, then I must declare that Mythiopia is not interested." Lawrence stated and his tone made it crystal clear that it was a command and objecting this would cost their life.

King Crargur forced a smile before nodding his head. "Fair fight it is. King of Mythiopia is sure an admiral personality. Worry not your Majesty. I know what's good for Boana and I am not going to jeopardise it's safety."

Both the kings went ahead discussing the situation in the Purlion Waters and Mythiopia accepted to help Boana getting rid of the volcanic eruptions under the sea.

Though king Lawrence never mentioned this conversation with Stella, Stella was aware of this since Prince Skegrig had openly told her about his liking towards her.


Now sitting in the carriage, Stella clenched her hands in her lap as she thought of accepting the serpent prince's proposal.



The carriage shook in the sky, throwing Stella onto the carriage floor and the carriage changed it's direction abruptly.

The carriage door before she could even get up and Calhoun entered in and took a seat.

"What are you doing here?" Stella questioned as she settled herself in her seat. She peeked out and saw Calhoun's griffin leading them back to Academy. Her griffins, for some reason, always preferred listening to Calhoun than her.

"I should be the one asking that. What are you doing here?" Calhoun questioned back. What does it even mean to go towards Boana in the middle of the night?

Stella chuckled hearing him. "Why should you be the one asking that Prince Calhoun? With what right are you questioning me?" Her eyes accusingly glared at him, rendering him speechless for few good seconds.

Stella never spoke to him like this before. No. She never spoke like this to anyone. He took a deep breathe breathe to speak but Stella's words stopped him.

"But since you have asked what I am doing here, let me tell you what I am doing. Prince Skegrig proposed me and today I want to accept that proposal."

Calhoun went quite hearing this. He wanted to say no but his words were struck in his throat. This was what he wanted right? Then why was he in denial?

"Stella. Stop being a kid. Boana is not a kingdom you should be associating yourself with." Calhoun thought of explaining her before she took any rash decisions. Why Boana of all?

"No prince Calhoun. I should stop associating myself to you. You are driving me crazy. Atleast the prince of Boana knows what he wants. Unlike someone, who doesn't even dare to try." Stella's voice rose a pitch at the end and her eyes watered.

Calhoun parted his lips at the sudden outburst. Not like Stella never lost her composure before, but today it was really different. Those green eyes pleading him to stop hurting her, and those tears, a proof that he was breaking her heart.

"Stella.. You don't ..."

"STOP. Stop telling me what to do and start thinking about what you should be doing instead."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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