
Beyond: The dark ages

“There is no right or wrong, only what is and what isn’t.” The hooded figure uttered, the pressure in the air palpable as he sneered, has arms coming together. “And you should not be here. You...are what isn't.” ~~~ The dark ages were at hand and realms grew impatient, the difference between protagonists and antagonists seemed to blur under the flickering flame that lit up their world. There they where, at the mercy of all who were greater. Threats and blessings at all turns and corners, who could tell them apart? Not even the wisest. Some seeded order, order of power, of what should and shouldn’t be. Though this meant nothing to those whom their lives had been suddenly torn apart from perfectly normal to an ethereal hurricane of the unnatural. Maraja was one of these unlucky souls, along with a few other of our growing protagonists. Where she belonged, who she was, none of these made sense anymore after the attack on earth. As would any other eighteen year old, she tried to run away from the truth, to hide behind the realm she had grown up in. She could not. Earth was no place to hold her growing power anymore and she had to leave. Read not only of Maraja, but also of all those who acted as both catalysts and hindrances to a somewhat greater good. Their actions would weld hidden agendas and pride into the grand tapestry surrounding every realm. And in these dark times, there would be a bright light, or so did the prophecy foretell. Yet again trust would hardly survive this ordeal, for it seemed revenge, greed and denial were the whispers of the dark ages.

Clouder · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs

Family Dinner

"Mavis, could you get the tablecloth?" My mum gestured toward the napkin drawers amid stirring the boiling stew.

I scampered to the drawer, almost bumping into Mason on the way. "Okay, mum."

"Careful sis." Mason shielded me from the hot frying pan of his infamous chicken stir-fry.

"Sorry!" I yelled as I hurriedly made my way to the dining, setting it as beautifully as possible.

Suddenly Mason was behind me. "Why on earth would you put the cheese bread there?!" Mason grabbed the bowl of delicious-looking cheese bread from its original spot and placed it at the far end of the table.

I gave him a scornful look. "Are you kidding me!? Really!? Way over there is better?!" I dragged out the way, cocking my head to one side and crossing my arms in disapproval. "You know, for a so-called perfectionist, you don't think in the right direction." I made my way to the cheese bread.

Mason blocked my path in defiance. "And where do you think you're going?" He cocked his head and crossed his arms as well in further defiance. "You're not laying so much as a finger on that bowl, Mavis."

"What exactly is your problem?! No one is going to be able to reach the bread there! Why on earth do you insist on keeping it there? Besides, I'm the one who baked that delicacy so if you can just get out of my way!" I moved to push him, but he stayed put. "Mason!" I shout in frustration.

"Enough!" Turning in unison to our mother, I gave Mason a secret jab and he fumed. "Cut it out and continue what you were doing! Mason, for heaven's sake, do not let that stir-fry go up in flames." She gave him a warning stare and he left with a huff.

I contentedly moved the cheese bread back to its original position and then headed for the freezer. "Mason where did you store the wine?!" I asked while digging through the freezer.

"It should be out back!" Mason turned off the cooker, pouring the stir-fry into a glass bowl.

The evening breeze sent a little chill down my spine as I opened the second freezer at our back store to search for the elusive wine. Taking it out carefully, I was headed back into the house when a striking pain cut through my head. I doubled over, barely holding on to the bottle of wine. My right hand flew to my head, as I began to see doubles. I felt it. The glow in my eyes. The pain subsided and I comported myself before re-entering the house.

"What took you so long?" The table was as good as finished and my mum stared at me, waiting for an answer. A dull pain settled in the middle of my head and I flinched, my mother rushing to my side with concern in her eyes. "Are you okay?"

I shook off the evident pain on my face as I turned to my mother. "I'm okay mum, it's nothing to worry about."

"Sweetheart if you're not feeling too well you can always sleep in okay? Donny and Angelo can still come to see you in your room." She caressed my cheek before taking the wine and heading for the dining once more.

A few more minutes and my mum disappeared into her room to get ready.

"Hey, Mavis." My brother took off his apron while heading toward me. "Are you good? Are the pains back?" I gave him a small smile as I nodded slowly, careful not to make so much movement. "Remind me again why you haven't told Mum?"

I let out a heavy sigh, the light reflecting off the smooth countertop as I tapped my finger slowly, "I don't know bro. You know it's much more than headaches." I took a sip of water while looking at the time. "What if they glow at dinner? What am I supposed to say then?"

"Exactly why we should let Mum know." He placed a gentle hand on my forehead. "Did you try the contacts I got you from Tatiana?"

I snorted in amusement. "That didn't work. The glow overshadowed them. Besides, you know how I hate contacts and much less how Dad will react if he can't see my eyes." I paused. "My real eyes."

Mason let out a frustrated sigh. "Maybe try taking a nap? I'll come get you when everyone's here." I nodded in agreement.

"I'm off to pick up your father! Start getting ready okay?!" Mum yelled as she left the house.


The soft feel of the silk on my skin was soothing. I hummed while adjusting the black dress covering my body which might I add, I was forced to wear. The dressing lights bounced off the brand-new rings adorned on my fingers. I looked into the mirror before me, admiring my light blue eyes, courtesy of Dad.

"Please don't change," I whispered to myself while rubbing my aching forehead. I combed through my stubborn hair once more before leaving the dressing table.

"Mavis." My brother knocked twice before gently entering my room. He gave me a soft smile when he lays his eyes on me.

"Well?" I gave him a twirl. "How do I look?"

Placing his hand under his chiseled chin, he raised a brow in feigned consideration. "Mehhhh." He let out a nonchalant shrug and l rewarded him with an eye roll. He let out a little laugh while handing me a medicine container. "Here. Let's hope it soothes some of the pain."

I looked it over skeptically. "Ugh." I groaned as I peeked through the lead. "You know how much I hate pills, don't you?" I looked at him from the corner of my eye, looking at the colored drugs as I pushed them to his chest.

"Oh come on." Mason heaved a tired sigh. "You take this right now." He pushed it back into my hands.

"No. It's not gonna work anyway so what's the point?" I pushed it back at him.

"Mavis Taylor, you will take these painkillers, or God so help me." He threw a threatening finger my way.

I snorted, pushing his finger away. "Or what Mason?"

"You know what? Fine!" He threw the container across the room, straightened his perfectly ironed shirt, and headed for the door. Hesitantly, he turned halfway back to me. "Everyone's here and probably wondering where you are." With that, he slammed the door.

I took a look at my eyes one more time, offering a silent prayer before leaving my room. The brightness of the house threatened to blind me. The delicious smell of the food we made earlier as well as the combination of different colognes filled the air. Muffled happy discussions came from the living room and I took a deep breath. The sound of the television grew louder as I approached the dreaded living room. I'd always be happy to see my family, Dad for that matter. If only the circumstances were not so painful. Hearty waves of laughter could be heard making my steps slow. I fiddled with my fingers, picking up pace again until I was at the entrance of the living room.

"Mavis!" I spotted the light blue eyes, overly identical to mine. My father approached me with more than just a spring in his step. I smiled widely as our bodies collided, taking in his familiar scent. "My only spell." I smiled at the nickname he gave me since I could remember. My dad pulled away to look me over, settling finally in my eyes. "It is so good to see you."

"And I, you Dad. And I, you." My father gave me a short peck on the forehead before Donny barreled me backward. "Christ!" I ignored the pain in my head, focusing on my best friend.

"Miss Taylor! Finally!" Despite his ecstatic demeanor, I could see the fatigue, his face pale as he smiled tiredly at me.

"Donny, are you okay?" I placed both hands on his cheeks. "I heard what happened. Are you sure you're well enough to be here?"

"Well." He glanced back at his brother with an annoyed grimace. "If only someone had kept their fingers away from my phone." He returned his attention to me. "Then you would know that I'm fine. Totally fine."

"Dude, you started bleeding from your nose. I don't think that's the definition of fine." He rolled his eyes at me. "What did the doctors say?"

"That I am good to go and stronger than ever, duh!" He gave me too wide a smile.

"You know that's not-"

"Angelo!" He cut me off abruptly and I frown in disapproval. "Angelo come here right now!"

"Donatello Whyte! You're not getting away with this." I gave him an appraising look as he slunk away from me.

"Hey, Mis." Angelo disarmed me with a charming smile.

"Why do you insist on calling me that?" I giggled lightly, instinctively raising my hand over my mouth. "My name is already short as is. Why shorten it more?" I giggled even more while thinking about it.

He smiled even further, showing off his dimples and his perfect teeth. "To be honest, I'm not sure. I just like having a nickname only I can call you I guess." His dark eyes twinkled under the bright room and I couldn't help but feel a heat in my cheeks. "Well," He offered me his elbow. "We all know it's rude to keep the adults waiting. Come on."

I looped my arm around his as we approached the rest of the crowd.


"I love this cheese bread, Mavis." Donny closed his eyes in satisfaction.

"That doesn't mean you should hog it all to yourself now does it?" Angelo snatched the bowl from Donny's hand.

"Hey!" Donny scowled at his brother.

"Mavis darling, I love the dress." Aunt Cecile took a spoon of rice across the table. "Let me guess, your mother made you wear it?" She cocked an eyebrow and I'm suddenly aware of my mother's death stare.

The chandelier above the dining cast a yellowish glow on the table. The sounds of silverware occasionally clinking against the ceramics fill the room. My brother and mother sat on each of my sides, with the Whyte family sitting opposite us. My dad, however, sat at the head of the table.

"Mason son, have you considered my offer concerning the job in Paris?" My brother stiffened at Uncle Brays' question.

Dabbing his mouth lightly, he spoke. "It's a tempting offer uncle, and I'm entirely great full. But I would much prefer it if I could be quite close to my family." He locked eyes with my intuitive father before returning to his food.

"Well, I completely understand my boy. Family should always come first." Uncle Bray leaned over, giving Aunt Cecile a quick peck on the cheek. "If you're however still interested in a similar job opportunity, I could look for one in the area."

Mason nodded, feigning possible agreement. "Thank you, uncle."

My mother gasped as if remembering something. "Mavis, why not tell everyone about your book?" She gave me an encouraging smile.

"Oh, I'd rather not, Mum," I whispered to her.

She clucked her tongue in disapproval. "Nonsense!" She turned to my dad with excitement in her eyes. "Mavis finally finished her book, Trevor. Oh, and it's magnificent."

My dad gave me a soft smile. "Now? That's wonderful spell. Guess we have a lot to catch up on."

As time passed, Donny and Angelo told funny stories about their latest adventures, and my mother laughed heartily. My father listened with a smile on his face, occasionally interjecting with a witty comment.


"Mason I think it's getting worse." I placed a bag of ice over my throbbing head.

"That's funny, I remember trying to help but guess what?" He pointed at the medicine container lying on the ground. "That's where my help ended up."

"You know if I remember correctly, you were the one who threw it in the first place."

Mason's eyes widened in disbelief. "I literally cannot believe you right now."

My legs dangled from the edge of my bed, Donny rocked my dressing chair while reading the hard copy of my book, and Angelo, who sat silently beside me, rubbed my back with concern etched on his handsome face. If only they'd known these weren't just normal headaches.

There's a low rumble in the sky outside. "Donatello! Let's get going! I think a storm is coming." Donny groaned, unwilling to leave.

Angelo let out a heavy sigh. "Coming mum!" He gave me a long hug from my seated position before finally letting me go. We filled down the stairs, to the front door.

The adults spoke in hushed tones as we approached. "Let's see your uncle and aunt off yh?" My dad put his hand over my shoulders as we follow them outside.

The evening breeze was violent, debris flying in all directions, neither the moon nor the stars dared to show up on a night like this. Poorly tethered roofs rattled as well as doors and windows. The rumble in the clouds grew louder and louder, then I felt it, the glow. I abruptly pushed myself away from my father, instinctively trying to cover my eyes.

"Mavis? Are you alright?" I sensed my dad moving towards me.

"No! Stay back!" I moved back, further isolating myself from my family. What was I supposed to do?