
Beyond the Billionaire's Image

BILLIONAIRE'S GAME SERIES 2 Oliver Lian Laurent is a young billionaire and famous actor who often changes girlfriends because he's scared and acts in a not-so-great way. His risky behavior almost got him into trouble, but things took an unexpected turn when Laci Andromeda Muller entered the picture. Unlike Oliver's previous girlfriends, Laci didn't care about his charm. She didn't smile or respond to his advances, creating an interesting dynamic between them. Little did Oliver know that Laci had a secret hidden beneath her calm exterior. As time passed, Oliver unknowingly became the reason for uncovering Laci's hidden truth. Their interactions led to a series of events that revealed something that was supposed to stay secret, making their connection more complicated. As Oliver and Laci navigate the tumultuous waters of their relationship, they are forced to confront their own fears, secrets, and the reality that lies beyond the image they present to the world.

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Chapter 2

I clenched my fist. How do these bastards know me? Damn it... No, I shouldn't let him play my mind. This idiot wants something from me.

I still didn't look at him and calmly stood a few meters from him. I feel like everyone is back in their life. The casino was bustling again, but for me, the part where we were standing now was quiet.

"What do you want from me?"

There was a sudden silence before I heard his answer.

"Be part of my team."

I raised an eyebrow. "Team?"

"Yes, I am a producer. Well, not as famous as you are, but I've handled many films, and most of them turn out to be hits every year."

"Oh, you want me to be an assistant or something?"

He laughed. "No, You're more special than that. How about a coordinator?"

I furrowed my brow.

"Exactly! That's true. I mean, you're basically a coordinator—a highly devoted one, am I right?"

I remained silent for a moment, thinking about what he said. So, he did know me. I'm currently a coordinator and I work with my hired team. We travel around the world to whoever hires us.

"You seem hesitant. Let me make it more interesting," he added, a sly smile playing on his lips. "I can offer you a deal. A deal that will benefit both of us."

I turned my face and I only saw a tall guy in his middle forties, wearing some checkered sleeveless and sunglasses. His two hands slid in his pocket.

"Let's say, you work for me, and in return, I can provide you with exclusive access to the best casinos, insider information, and deals you've never imagined. Imagine the possibilities."

I frowned. Exclusive access to the best casinos? That's tempting. But what if there's a catch that I can't handle?

"What's the catch?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

He chuckled. "Simple. Be my secret weapon. Help me succeed in the film industry, and I'll make sure you're living the high life in the world of casinos. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours."

I thought hard. Surely, this Mr. Film Producer has a weakness that he can't fix, that's why he needs my help.

"And why should I trust you?" I challenged, crossing my arms.

"Trust is earned, Poker Ace. I'm willing to give you a taste of what I can offer. Consider it a trial period. You help me with one project, and if you're not satisfied, you're free to go back to your old life."

I nodded slightly. It seemed like a win-win situation, but I still felt a nagging doubt. I still don't know if this is good or bad.

"Give me time to think about it. I'll contact you if I decide to accept your offer," I finally said, breaking the intense gaze between us.

He smiled, seemingly satisfied with my response. "Fair enough. I look forward to your decision, Poker face."

Without waiting for my reply, he turned and walked away. I just let him leave, still thinking if this is the right step for me.

As I stood there, pondering the offer, I realized that this might be the twist in my story that I never expected. A temptation that is hard to resist, but also a temptation that could bring changes to my life.

I walked down the path towards the production company I've been working with for the past few months. When I started this job, I was just a body double, but now I'm one of the best stunt coordinators/choreographers when it comes to fighting scenes.

Coordinators like me are responsible for planning and overseeing all stunt and action-related elements in a production. This role typically involves a combination of choreographing fight scenes, ensuring safety protocols, collaborating with the director, training actors, and coordinating with various departments to seamlessly integrate action sequences into the overall project.

But I'm not stuck in this country, I also travel to other countries to get my job done and New York is the last country I will be working in before I go to the Philippines. And that producer guy is asking me to become a stunt coordinator for the upcoming series they will create. He even said I wouldn't get bored teaching because I wouldn't just be working with Filipinos, he hired actors from different countries including the famous actress Karenza Brunette.

I thought he was just lying but I asked Karenza personally and she said that she really has a project like that next month.

And yeah, I will be working for them for one year! And after that, he will let me do whatever I want. It's not like I'm afraid to show my real identity to anyone but I can't create an uproar just because I'm a gambler. I want to play in silence and his offer is not bad. I will have free access to various casinos and I will make sure that I will enter the exclusive casino in Macau. I wasn't able to get in there before.

I do have a team here but they can't be with me in the Philippines because I don't know when I will be back. It's a choice that I didn't know when I will be back.

"Good morning, Laci!" I just nodded at one of the staff here.

"Hey, don't kill me with your dead look Laci, it's morning!" Another male staff that I've become close to here. I just stared at him. He just laughed because I didn't react. "Great! You have your usual bitch face." He joked.

Having a bitch face is my signature expression. They think I'm always angry and killing them in my mind but I'm not thinking about anything other than my work. Especially with my eyes, like I'm always glaring at someone when I don't even care about them.

"Hey, director.." I wave my hand and that's when my team rushes towards me. The director was just nodding. My team consists of 6 members. Four girls and two boys and we traveled together for two years now.

"Are you really going back to the Philippines? What about us?" They look like cute puppies in front of me.

"Stay here and finish your job." I said calmly and put my backpack on the seat.

They all dropped their shoulders and pouted. "It's hard without you, Lac.." said Hayden. He is holding some papers.

"Lenox is with you, people.. He may be a gullible person but he is great at handling the team," Their expressions didn't change. I sighed. "Don't worry, before I go let's celebrate my departure. I will come back here after a year. We can still see each other."

Hayden looked at me with a pout. "A year is too long, Lac. We'll miss you."

Lenox, who was listening attentively, chimed in. "Yeah, Laci. Who will keep us in line without your 'bitch face' around?"

I smirked at Lenox's comment. "You'll survive. And you better behave, or I'll come back and give you a real reason to miss me."

The girls in the team, Sunshine and Angel exchanged glances. "Laci, we're going to throw you a farewell party. You can't escape that," Angel declared.

I raised an eyebrow. "A party? You know I'm not a fan of those."

She grinned, "Well, tough luck. It's happening, whether you like it or not."

"Laci, the team has been doing great under your coordination. We'll miss having you around." The director chimed in. Of all the people I've worked with, he's the one I've become close to.

I nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Director. I've enjoyed working with everyone here. Keep up the good work, and I'll be back before you know it."

Hayden handed me the papers he was holding earlier. "Here are the details for the next few scenes. We'll make sure everything runs smoothly even in your absence."

"Thanks, Hayden. I trust you all to handle it well. And don't forget to keep Lenox in check," I teased, earning a playful glare from Lenox.