
[7] Threat

Uncle Harold texted me again and said that he couldn't go home tonight. I wanted to stay at Ethan's room so I could watch over him since he was still very weak and pale.

"You can go now, I can handle this since I'm already stable. Thanks." He said.

"No, you're still weak, don't lie. What if you fainted again? My conscience can't take that." I responded.

Ethan stand one's ground that I should take my rest too, he left me no other choice so I went back to my room.

Before I left his room he begged me "Please, don't tell Sir Harold what happened to me. Let's... just keep it a hidden. I don't want him to worry about me."

I just simply nodded and went to my room.

I had been lying down on my bed for about an hour or two, but still... I couldn't sleep. I thought I was having an 'Insomnia' attack again. But... there's no Babi now. I don't have someone to be comfortable with. I can't go to Ethan, because obviously he's not feeling well too.

Instead... I just used the time to think about my future. Like... will I fall in love with Ethan?... possible. Would Reign still be the one my heart wants? Or... Would I fall for someone... someone...

As I walked on the aisle, I saw my mom crying, holding my proud father's hand. I saw Sophia with... a girl whom I didn't know. As I came to the altar, my 'husband-to be' held my arms. Then the we started to vow.

"Sean, I take you to be my husband from this point forward, to join with you and to share all that is to come, to be your faithful husband, to give and to receive, to speak and to listen, to inspire and to respond. This will be a commitment made in love, kept in faith, and eternally made new."

"Do you take Sean, as your lawful husband... to have and to hold, from this day forward... for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer... in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do"

The crowd was filled with clapping and cheering.

"Do you take this guy as your lawful husband..."

why didn't they say his name?

to have and to hold, from this day forward...

for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer...

in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do"

the crowd was full of clapping and cheering, again.

"Now, I declare you as Husband and husband."

I looked to his face... knowing... that... my 'husband-to be' had no face...

I woke up by the loud knock on my bedroom's door. "Sean? Seaeannn? Wake up! It's time for breakfast." I heard Ethan on the other side of my door.

"You go ahead first, I'll be right there in just a minute" I replied.

When I went to the kitchen, I saw Uncle and Ethan patiently for me.

"Oh Uncle, Good Morning." I greeted. "Won't you greet me too?" Ethan said.

"Good Morning to you too, Sir Ethan" I joked.

After that small talk, we ate our breakfast.

Uncle headed to his work, while Ethan gathered our plates and other utensils to wash them.

I tried to help Ethan doing the house chores but as usual, he insisted. So... there I was... laying on the living room's couch, watching tv all day.

The sun was about to set when I couldn't find Ethan so I just went upstairs to my room. I was very bored, and.

our Wi-fi was so damn slow. I decided to write again on my journal. It has been ages since the last time I wrote on my journal... maybe a year ago? or... more? I dont' know.

December 5, 20##

Hi again, Self!

I thought I would never ever writing again in this journal since the last time wrote was way back about a year ago. But guess what? I did 'hahaha'. Maybe I should write often in this journal now since I do have a lot new experiences and adventures to go through...

I was very hurt, I thought Alice was a friend, but it turns out she backstabbed me... I guess...she's not. She just wasted our trust. But I understood why she did that. I alreally knew that she had feelings for me, and I knew the feeling of knowing that someone you had strong feelings toward for such a very long time was having feelings for someone... someone... not you.

Babi on the other hand... I hope he's fine. I hope he will find a true friend, not like me... having a secret crush on him. My parents left me no choice but to leave him for his family's sake. I hope what I saw earlier this day was... just in my thoughts...

As I'm currently writing on my journal, Sophia spammed texts on my phone.





I immediately called her since I don't know what was happenin'. All I heard on the other line was... terrifying!

"No! No! Please!"

"Don't kill me. Please! Have Mercy!"

"Hello? Uhmm Sophia? Where are you? Why are you screaming?"

"Sean! Help me!"

"Reign went crazy!!!!! *inhales heavily*  HEEEELLLPPP!?!?"

"Wait, who?? Reign? Give this phone to him, quick!"

Sophia set her phone to loud speaker.

"Hello, Babi? Are you there? Please listen to me."

"Why would I listen to you? You left me, remember?"

I couldn't respond properly... I was choked.

"I-I know, Babi... please listen to me! Don't you dare do anything to Sophia!"

"Oh, so you care for her more than me now? You all betrayed me! Now... What's your address?"

"I can't tell you. My parents would be angry!"

"I repeat, what your address? If you don't answer me, then say goodbye now to your friend."

~ maybe he choked Sophia as I heard Sophia coughed many times~

"Okay okay, just don't kill her. My address is ######## ###."

"toot toot toot toot"