
[6] New Voyage

It was a very long and tiring ride. At first, I felt at ease listening to the songs playing inside the car. But hours after, my butt started to hurt because of sitting for too long.

I requested Uncle Harold to stop the car when we passed by a convenient store since I started to get hungry and I also took the opportunity to stretch my legs for a bit.

It took us for about 3-4 hours to arrive at Uncle's place.

Uncle Harold's place was... very huge! It had an extremely large expensive lookin' gate.

It was just huge and all I can ever asked was 'Do I have a greener Pasteur here in this massive two-storey mansion?'

It had a garden full of pretty flowers and greenest plants. It had the bluest pool I had ever seen.

The guards greeted us.

When we entered the mansion-like house, there was no other people inside except for one.

He's masculine... And perfectly toned.

Wait! Did I just compliment a complete stranger? Heck no. 😅

He greeted us "Sir, you're back... And..."

"Sean, call me Sean" I quickly replied

"... And Sir Sean Good Evening." He continued.

Did he just call me Sir? "Don't 'Sir' me, I'm okay with Sean, it's too formal for me."

"Okay, Sir Sean" He laughed when he realized his mistake.

During our conversation, we all heard my stomach growl. "I guess you're hungry Sir... Sean" He chuckles when he noticed his mistake, again.

"Yeah, and please don't 'Sir' me" I replied.

He then prepared our food.

I didn't know what our dish was called but yeah it was good. No, it was fantastic!

We had a little talk about here and there, the rules and regulations of this house.

Also, I found out from Uncle Harold that the boy's name was Ethan.

After that, Ethan washed our dishes while Uncle Harold gave me a tour around his house.

He showed me some things that I didn't know existed before.

He showed me everything including my room.

"I'm tired, can I have my peaceful rest now, Uncle?" I asked him. He replied "Okay, remember, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask Ethan."

I didn't answer him and close the door. For some reason, I don't like the ego of that so called 'Ethan'. I don't know, maybe just my first impression to him.

I woke up as I heard a loud a 'bang!'. The first thing I saw was Ethan, going through pages of my diary.

I immediately get out of my bed and pulled my diary by force, causing it to tear some pages.

"What have you done!?!" I shouted then pushed him harder than I expected, causing him to hit his back by the wall.

He gasped in pain and I didn't feel sorry at all, I think he deserved it well.

"I'm sorry... I was just curious... about you." he replied in a light voice. I noticed his nose was bleeding, he was able to fetch it by his hands and quickly went out in my room.

After what happened, I felt a little bit guilty... But I thought... He did that to his own since he was the one who snuck in my room and read my diary in the first place.

I stayed in my room until 6:30 in the evening. I felt hungry, and since Uncle texted me earlier that we should have our dinner on our own because he will be home late, I ran downstairs to kitchen.

As I passed by the living room, I saw Ethan laying on the couch with ice compress bag in his forehead, crying.

When he saw me, he immediately stand, wiped his tears and even produced a forced smile. "Oh, I'm really really about earlier Sir Sean, I really am and the dinner uhmm, I'll just prepare your dinner. Just wait here."

He was about to go to the kitchen, when I stopped him. "Stop right there, you're not feeling well yet you want to serve me?" I asked.

"It's... It's my job S-sir Sean" He responded in bowed head.

"It's okay, I can do it on my own." I insisted.

After I prepared the dinner, I called him. He came faster than the speed of light. I think I scared him, I can literally see it; messy hair, paled skin, and couldn't speak properly.

"Y-yes S-sir S-Sean?" he said.

"Hey, chill. Calm down, I'm not gonna eat you up, I just called you since I was done preparing our dinner" I said chuckled as I can't hide my laugh.

"O-okay S-sir..." I just cut him ,"I told you, don't Sir me."

"Let's just eat. I'm gettin' hungrier" I added.

We ate our food, deadly silent. Like... the only sound that we could hear was the sound of spoons, forks and plates 'banging' each other.

After we ate, he gathered our dish wares to wash them. I told him that he should go to bed early since he wasn't feeling well.

He insisted and started washing the dishes. So I went upstairs to my room.

Not long after... I heard a loud bang I think from the kitchen.

So I went downstairs just to see Ethan laying on the floor with blood from his nose, unconscious.

I managed to carry him, I was shocked as how this masculine boy weighs so little.

I put him in his room and cleaned his face, changed his clothes and waited till he wakes up.

I fell asleep next to him, on the bed.

I woke up by a sudden movement, when I open my eyes, I saw him awake.

I look up to his clock. He was unconscious for about... 3 hours until he woke up.

"Sir... Sean, did I cause you trouble? I'm really really sorry to cause you all of this. I even put blood stain on your shirt." he said.

"Hey, hey. Chill, it's just a shirt. Nothing really big deal." I respond.

"Why... are... you... so... friendly to me... S-Sean? What I only did to you was caused you troubles" he asked, again.

"You know what?... I'm sorry too. I was just being immature earlier... So... friends?" I asked

"Friends!" he replied. We then shook hands.