
Beyond Reality: Throne of Nothingness

The story of a guy that got separated from reality and is now ‘existing’ in the Nothingness outside any Universe and Multiverse. He occasionally ends up in different Universes and uses these chances to have fun and grow in power. I don´t own anything except my own characters and worlds Tags: Rape, Torture, BDSM, Absolute Evil MC, Pregnancy This is my first book and English isn´t my native language.

LostWizard · Tranh châm biếm
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True Demon King 7

After several hours of negotiating, we finally came to an agreement. The Tree actually was known for not understanding the concept of evil, so when I told it that I didn´t want to harm it but take it to a place with even more plants, it got interested very easily.

In the end, all I had to do for it to agree was have at least one of every plant from this forest in my Greenhouse as well, which wasn´t very hard and even in my best interest.

Having reached an agreement, it was time to take it to its new home. I stood a good distance away from it and reached out my hand, causing the ground to shake and tear open as the Sacred Tree was lifted from its birthplace.

I´m pretty sure that if we hadn´t reached a mutual understanding, it would have been a lot harder with it having these strong roots that went beyond the forest. Luckily, it decided to abandon most of its roots, taking only the important and short ones, making it a lot easier for me.

I appeared inside my lobby, which luckily was not only pretty big on its own but also still had the spell on it to adjust sizes, opened a large door to the Greenhouse and took the Sacred Tree to the place in the middle where I had already made space for it.

I could feel that it was intrigued and happy about this place and all the new plants but at the same time unhappy about how unkept they were. Can´t exactly refute that, I normally just collect all kinds of plants and throw them in here, which is exactly the reason why I want gardeners.

The Scared Tree had already taken a liking to its new home and immediately started doing its things. I stayed a bit until it had properly taken root before I left, on my way back I could already feel some life grow in some plants around the tree. Either it is very serious about its duties here or it just really hates the condition this place is in.

I just let it do its thing and went back to the real world.

I watched the war unfold in a new direction again. The Goddess clan had now declared the Fairy clan as their enemy and started attacking them.

The fairies were both confused and terrified why it was suddenly enemies with their supposed allies, not to mention the sudden disappearance of their king and their Sacred Tree.

It took them a few days and many dead Fairies to finally muster up the courage to fight back. That didn´t mean that they joined the demon clan, just that their were in a temporary truce with them.

I spend the next few months watching the War and seeing the Goddess clan on their last leg I knew it was time for their Creator to appear, in fact I have been feeling two being keep an eye on me for a while now. Not surprising, considering the things I have done.

These two where obviously the Demon king, who probably wanted to take over my body by making me one of his Commandments, and the Supreme Goddess, who wanted to brainwash me to turn the tides of the war.

A few days later, the goddess clan was being besieged from all sides and even their last ally, the druid clan, decided to surrender after seeing no chance of winning anymore.

I finally felt some movement from the two gods and with their descent, the weather around the world changed.

The first to arrive in front of me was the Supreme Goddess, she was shrouded in bright light. It seemed like she still underestimated my strength by a lot and simply wanted to get the brain wash done before the Demon King arrived.

She raised her hand and shot a ray of light at my head, thinking that this would be enough to control me. Seeing that her ability just dissipate upon contact without doing anything, she stopped long enough for the Demon King to arrive next her.

What followed was us just looking at each other without saying anything.

''Who-, no, what are you?'' the Demon King asked, guess he was confused because he could feel similarities to his demon clan on me but he couldn´t put a finger on why it felt so different at the same time.

''Does it really matter? I don´t think you came here for this, did you?'' I replied

My answer seems to make him angry for some reason, maybe because I just disregarded him. Before he could retort, the Goddess intervened.

''You are right. We came to give you a choice, join us or die. And while we´re at it, what did you do with the Sacred Tree?'' she didn´t ask me but demanded, quit insolent of her. Well, I was going to kill her today so I'll let her enjoy her final moments.

''What makes you think I would join any of you?'' I was honestly what gave them this delusion.

''You don´t have a choice, you upset the balance of the Holy War with your interference. Because of you, my Goddess clan is on the verge of defeat and you owe us your servitude. Don´t thing that you can keep using our war as a playground. You may be strong but not strong enough to defy us together'' Bitch, I don´t give a fuck about your chess game and you certainly aren´t strong enough to defeat me, even if you fight together,

Before I could give a reply, the Demon King intervened ''Don´t listen to her, you did great. Why not join us officially, I will immediately make you a Commandment. If you join me you don´t have to worry about this old hag, she won´t dare to fight me.''

He is making his intention to obvious, or maybe it's just because I already now that the commandments are his way of having control over the elite demons.

I smirked, I knew once I refused both of them, all hell will break lose and I will have to fight two of the strongest being I ever fought at the same time.

But this is exactly what I wanted, why fight them one by one if I can fight them together.


A/N- I fucking hate interactions and dialog, was this acceptable?