
"Life's Unfamiliar Path"

"Life sucks."

Yeah, life truly can be overwhelming. Everything seems to be falling apart, and it's easy to wonder if there's any hope at all.

Living, they say, leads to dying eventually, so why not end it now?

But... I don't have the courage for that.

"Aaaargh, why do I always feel like I've got the worst of it? Is there a favorite of the gods? What's with all this favoritism?"


You might be wondering why I think my life sucks. Well, let me tell you my story.

I'm Lucas Grendor, residing in an apartment near my college. I'm just an ordinary college student who hasn't had a girlfriend in my lifetime. In fact, not a single girlfriend ever since I was born, yep NGSB (No Girlfriend Since Birth). But before you judge, there's actually a good reason for that.

I don't know how to talk to women, and it's a common issue, right? I live an average life, just like an average man. But the problems in my life go beyond my awkwardness with women.

I can't afford my college expenses, I'm friendless, jobless, and I struggle to make ends meet every month. My grandfather passed away, and I couldn't attend his funeral due to the distance. To make things worse, I've been diagnosed with pneumonia, and I can't even afford the medication.

(He counted his problems on his fingers, losing track as he went on.)

"What kind of life is this?!"

He let out a huge sigh then heard a noise coming from somewhere.


"Where's that sound coming from?"

He searched around, ears pressed to the walls, and discovered that the noise was coming from the next room.

"What's that sound? Moaning? Why are they doing that in a non-soundproof apartment? It's not like no one would hear it if they do it in a place like this."

(He shook his head, sighing once more.)"

Haaaaaaaah... I'm miserable. I hate this life. I'll just play and forget about it."

He played a game all night and fell asleep at his computer.

Morning came

*Alarm rings

(He struggled to turn it off.)

*Alarm stops


"Another day of misery... What should I have for breakfast?

He opened the empty fridge, realizing he had to go out to eat.

*He walks out the door and went outside and as he did, he was met by a van.

A van sped toward him, driven by a drunk man. In that moment, his life flashed before his eyes, and it was all over.

He could hear the voices of everyone passing by as the accident happened.

"Aaaah...s-someone, there's a man under there. He was hit by the Van.

He could hear people talking as he closed his eyes.

Moments passed.

The voices then faded and he can't hear anything anymore.

Lucas opened his eyes, realizing he was in a completely different world. The first word that came to his mind was,

"Where am I?"

The end of the chapter.