
Beyond God-like machinist

Xiao, ‘stellaris legend’ power leveling, was put into the game by mysterious force (author). His player panel became NPC panel, the time went back before the game was released. Machinist was his choice - Jaegers mechas, psionic cannon and endless machine army... One man, one army! Authored by Peijia Qi, Translated by icekingnb

Fano_ArmourQ · Kỳ huyễn
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33 Chs


Black headgear are taken away. Xiao opens his eyes, the bright white light makes him uncomfortable. It takes him several seconds to get used to the light. He is sitting on a cold metal chair with handcuffs on. A table is in front of him. A single side glass tells him this is an interrogation room. There are two people on the other side of the table, Hui Li and Jun Feng.

"I am an agent in Department of strategy and defence of Stardragon" Jun opens up, "You have seen me before, do you remember?"

"Of course" Xiao answers lazily, "The guy with a deep wallet."

Jun is embarrassed, can you let it go?

"Thirteen, Hui Li." Hui's face is tough which makes Xiao wondering if he has tough excrement.

The department of strategy and defence consists of thirteen sub-departments. That's why it is called 'Thirteen'.

"Should we call you Xiao Han or Zero?" Jun asks straightforward.


Hui cuts in, "Explain your million reward! Why the Sprout wants you? What do you know? Tell us now!"

"Why?" Xiao is not panic under his tough tongue.

"You are in our hands. We want you talk, you talk." Hui's voice is plain and persuasive.

"What if I don't? Shot me?" Xiao smiles.

"You think I don't dare?" Hui takes out a pistol and points at Xiao in a breath.

Jun leans forward and puts the gun down, "Alright, alright. Clam down. Xiao, you know we are a national institute. It will benefit both side if you cooperate."

Xiao stretches his body and laughs, "I don't have time to play good cop and bad cop games with you. Try something new. How about get some hot girls here? You two guys are too serious. No? Alright, how about smiling service? Come on, don't hold it. Say cheese…"

Jun coughs and blinks at Hui. Hui gets the hint and pretends to be furious. He hits the table and stands up, "This is not the place for your god damn request. Talk or spend rest of your life in prison!"

"What a bluffing!" Suddenly, Xiao changes his joker face into a serious wise voice, "I am from the Sprout. Threaten? Intimidate? Will it work on me? Save this bullshit! You want to talk? Show me what you got! Get me some one who can truly talk!" Xiao's voice goes up and up. Till the end, Xiao pulls the handcuffs and the chair is lifted up and smash on the ground. The sharp sound echos in the room.

Jun an Hui look at each other. Their mission is to sound out Xiao's attitude and Xiao is aware of it. Thus, Xiao shows that he really has 'something' to the one behind the mirror.

A moment later, a low strong male voice comes out in the room, "As you wish, I will talk with you."

"Who are you?" Xiao looks at the single mirror and knows it is the one behind is talking.

"The head of intelligence department, Thirteen. Qualified?"

"Reluctantly.. Sure" Xiao laughs.

Jun and Hui look at each other. What an arrogant guy! The head doesn't care, "You just said you are one of the Sprout."

"Was." Xiao corrects.

"So you betrayed it and escape?"


"What were you doing there?"

"A logistic researcher."

"What for?"

"Machine weapon."

"You are lying. This is not worth a million reward." The head points out straight away.

Finally you ask. Xiao remains calm, "You say I am lying because you are expecting something worth a million dollar from me. Intelligence, you want information from me. That's why you just investigate me rather than attack me. The information can only be useful in a powerful hand. I exposed myself to show my will to cooperate. The Sprout is our enemy."

"Why do we need your cooperation? Look at where are you. This is our place. There is plenty of way to let you talk!"

Xiao suddenly says, "Communication record, Stellaris calendar 687, June 14th. Signal source: Blue planet; Target: Eighth fortress of Dark Star. Content: special encryption."

The head of intelligence department frowns and remains silence for 10 minutes. Hui and Jun realises this abstruse message draws all attention from the boss. He might think of asking his superior in his head.

After a while, the head asks again with a serious voice, "Are you sure?"

"If I didn't witness it, how could I know 'Dark Star'. Could we talk about cooperation now?"

"…. sure" The head takes this seriously, as if what Xiao says in true. This info is vital to Stardragon even all six nations. What he doesn't know is that Xiao prepared all this.

The origin of it is background of the universe. Since the exploration calendar, the three top forces have been fighting each other for thousands of years. No one can destroy the other. The history always goes the same way - after the chaos and disorder follows with the order. The three top forces reached a deal - to explore the universe with peace and establish an ordered system.

Many civilisations go through a same period - wondering if there are any similar wisdom lives in the universe. They march to the universe with pride and ambition to conquer the universe. Then they find they are not alone and not special at all in the universe.

The explored universe can be divided into many star domains, such as Broken Starband, Ancient Starsand, Silver Spinarm etc. There are usually 10 star clusters in each star domain and different star zones are included in the star cluster. The smallest unit in the universe is the planet. For example, the exact 'address' of blue planet is Blue planet, Ninth star zone, Garton galaxy, Kerton star domain, Broken Starband. The exact location, according to the rule in the universe, can be found with a combination of character and number in a multi-axis map.

The advanced civilisations in Garton galaxy, which the blue planet got in touch with is Gordore. The Dark Star Xiao mentioned is an ambitious force which detached from Gordore. Its ultimate goal is to overthrow the regime of Gordore. Thus, they are aginst each other. The level of civilisation is decided by their ability of transportation in the universe. For example, Gordore is able to travel between star zone. Thus, Gordore is classified as galaxy civilisation, same as Dark Star.

If the Sprout got in touch with Dark Star and obtained their support, the six nation is definitely going to suffer. Ambitious force like Dark Star might not obey the 'Rule for contact with civilisations (seventh version)' which set by the three top forces. Besides, it is the top secret among six nations that they are getting in touch with the force in the universe. The head has no doubt on what Xiao said and it makes him nervous.

In fact the Sprout didn't get in touch with the Dark Star at all. Xiao has nothing to fear as six nations have no way to prove him wrong. Throw a big intelligence to catch the attention from Thirteen and raise the threatening from the Sprout for Stardragon. Both are helpful for his mission. So, why not?

Staying in Stardragon is a temperate idea. Xiao can't be here all the time and Thirteen would not trust him fully. The cooperation is for the chance to gain more experience and power. Once Xiao is capable, he will act on his own.

Every camp has different missions. It is lucky that Xiao looked all the events in all the camps in blue planet out of interest when he played games. These are treasures for him now.

"Give me a map of Stardragon and a pen." Xiao says.

Jun places a map on the table and Xiao circles three positions on the map, "These three places are the secret bases of the Sprout within Stardragon. Take it as a present."

"Only three?"

"Of course there are more. After you confirm what I offer is true, I will tell you more." It is not wise to show your ace.

"What do you want?" The head ask the key question. Jun and Hui have their full attention.

"The cooperation against the Spout" Xiao smiles cagily.

Is that it?

"I will report to the superior about you. Before we decide, please stay here." The head turns off the communication.

Xiao frowns and plays with his handcuff, "Don't let me wait for too long. I only have one day off."