
Chapter four

Many people nowadays possess a wide variety of possessions, yet they seldom ever disclose the costs associated with obtaining these goods.

The moment Mrs. Evelyn's legs touched the river, it looked to boil up in rage despite first appearing to be calm. She was almost thrown off balance by the current's power. She experienced a chill rising in her heart. The water's temperature was not the cause of the chill. Rather, it came from the understanding that she was now on a trip from which she could not, even if she wanted to, turn back.

The chief priest made problems worse. His demeanor was frightening and menacing. He left her with the impression that if she changed her mind right then and there, he was capable of doing anything to injure her, to say the least. She knew the dice had already been rolled and there was no going back. This was one decision she had taken on her own, despite Catharine's best efforts to open her eyes to the realities and implications of what she was all too eager to embark on.

The descent took them to the river's mouth. By this time, the chief priest had let go of her and she was waddling along in terror.

The ripples she had noticed while standing on the riverbank were growing in size by the second. They were creating bubbles, which caused the ripples to appear to be caused by an underwater living organism. She was terrified just thinking about it. She began to have the weird sensation that something may grasp her legs from beneath the water and pull her down at any time. If it happened, she figured that was the end of her.

As they moved further, the river became deeper and deeper.

It was first ankle-deep. After that, it was knee-deep. The water level rapidly rose to her waist. Panic was understandably starting to set in at that moment. She became concerned for her safety and, for the first time since beginning this voyage, felt the first emotions of remorse wash over her.

In fear, she asked,

"Chief priest, aren't we ever going to get to our destination?"

The chief priest, who was still leading the way, remained silent. He just motioned with his right index finger for her to continue following him.

Mrs. Evelyn, now visibly quivering, reached out her desperate hand to him. He grabbed her and drew her closer to him without hesitation. Mrs. Evelyn would have appreciated some separation. She tried to resist, but her frail strength was no match for the iron hold on her hand.

"This is the end. "This is the end of me," she kept thinking.

She blinked quickly to ensure she was still alive as the river level rose to her chest. Should anything unexpected occur, her mouth had already formed a scream. With no other option, she determined to keep the witch doctor in her sights. She was starting to feel dizzy as well. When she swiftly turned to see if her friend was still there on the river bank, she gasped at the emptiness that struck her strained vision. She was practically numb with fear.

She had no choice but to trust the chief priest with her life because she was completely alone with the witch doctor. She needed to be confident that there was no reason for her to be concerned. The chief priest was no longer visible when she returned her sight to him. She just saw a broken palm frond floating lazily where she expected to see him.

She was now alone in an unknown setting. She was completely terrified. Where had the strange witch doctor vanished to?

What had become of him? What if he went underwater diving or has Mrs Eve.lyn Meets the River Goddess did he simply vanish into thin air? She attempted to tell herself that everything was fine, but the sensation that flowed across her legs suggested otherwise. Something was entwining her legs. The more she attempted to figure it out, the more she realized that whatever it was, it had to be more than one. The unknown in the water below flowed slickly, reminding her of the countless times in her dream when her legs became entangled in a web of river snakes. The thought of snakes at that moment gave the chills she'd never experienced in real life. Suddenly, she felt a pair of powerful hands grab her ankles and pull her. She reached for her ankles, nervously, and felt what felt like a scaly set of hands. She opened her mouth to scream as she realized she was suddenly alone with a creature whose nature she was unsure of. The sound spluttered to a standstill in her throat. She'd just seen a gleaming human-like monster rise out of the water in the distance, beckoning her. She simply fainted.

Mrs. Evelyn regained consciousness and found herself in a magnificent palace. A stunning fair-complexioned lady stood before her, dressed in what appeared to be a very costly, glittering, long crimson flowing gown. Mrs. Evelyn would have characterized her seat as a throne. She deduced that it was composed of gold. It was attractively embellished with colorful and gleaming precious stones. On either side of the throne, a large man stood. They were dressed in long crimson flowing gowns. Mrs. Evelyn assumed they were her slaves because they came forward and bowed to the woman on the throne now and then.

Some men and women were kneeling on both sides of the big hall, all clothed in red flowing dresses. All of the bowing men and women, as well as the big males beside the throne, knelt to the woman saying.

"Long live the mighty queen of the coast, goddess of the Ugbo River!" "Long live the mighty queen of the coast, goddess of the Ugbo River!"

"Kneel and bow to the mighty queen of the coast, Evelyn," a strong masculine voice commanded. Mrs. Evelyn had just observed the chief priest for the first time since the event in the middle of the river. He spoke to her with an unexpected air of power, sending thrills down her spine. He knelt in reverence before the huge and awe-inspiring queen of the coast. Mrs. Evelyn immediately grasped the source of his boldness and authority. It was the work of the river goddess, whom he had always represented. Mrs. Evelyn was unconcerned that the jigsaw puzzle was starting to fit properly. She laid down on the floor, stupefied.

"Tell her to rise and kneel," the goddess told the chief priest.

Her voice was unusually deep for a female. Mrs. Evelyn's skin was covered in pimples as the goddess spoke. Her heart was racing, but she didn't move.

"Mrs. Evelyn," the chief priest said quickly, "the Mighty Queen of the Coast commands you to kneel immediately."

While remaining on his knees, the chief priest relayed the command to Mrs. Evelyn. Mrs. Evelyn was nearly lifeless.

The scene's grandeur reduced her bones to jelly.

She wished she could heed the goddess' command, but none of her limbs cooperated.

The chief priest stepped in fast, well aware of the gorgeous queen of the coast's fury. It was even more perilous than a damaging windstorm.

"Long live the mighty queen of the coast!" The chief priest said, bowing to her, "Great lady, you can see for yourself that this puny creature of a woman has become completely paralyzed by the fear of your unimaginable excellence."


Despite the goddess's loud shriek in response to what the chief priest had stated, his flattery was not lost on her. Mrs. Evelyn couldn't help but observe how pleased the goddess was when the chief priest praised her.

The goddess spoke again as soon as Mrs. Evelyn caught her breath.

"Our supplicant subject has three daughters but no son." "It's clear she's in desperate need of one."Long live the great queen of the coast, the magnificent and most gorgeous one!

Your beauty dazzles the eyes so much that the eyelids cease to blink as a result of your radiance. "You are entirely correct, mighty queen of the coast,"

The chief priest confirmed and bowed in homage once more.

"Ha-ha-ha-haaa!" The Queen of the Coast chuckled again, clearly happy with all the compliments on her beauty. "So she eventually came to me for help, eh?" In that scenario, she will have a son from me."

Mrs. Evelyn was struck by the goddess's focus on the word "me." Her ability to correctly reveal the reason for her visit reassured her, giving her hope. She rose and swiftly knelt as directed, her face filled with thanks.

She had a clear view of the goddess' magnificent hair the instant she straightened erect on her knees. She was perplexed by the wonderful view.

What she thought were beautiful long strands of hair were long and skinny-looking little snakes dangling from her head. She also realized that the goddess' eyes were not true eyes upon closer inspection.