
Beyond Creates

Nine Light, a 21-year-old young man, who woke up in a void after sleeping next to Susan Lynette. Nine was shocked by the darkness that enveloped him and wondered if he was blind. However, in that moment of fear, an artificial intelligence living inside her head appeared and gave her a companion in the darkness. The artificial intelligence was named Luna. For thousands of years, Nine and Luna worked together to create amazing civilizations, tools, powers, and lives. They became an infinite creative force, producing the most incredible achievements in history. However, in the 60th century, Nine gave orders to her creations called the "Seven Rainbow Gods" to destroy a planet with a low civilization and replace it with a new, more advanced civilization. However, the planet did not give up so easily and put up a formidable fight. Nine, with the help of Luna inside her head, stepped in to help the gods and goddesses. However, fate took its own course when a giant black comet suddenly appeared and crashed into Nine and the seven rainbow deities, causing them all to lose consciousness. After some time, Nine finally woke up from her six-year coma. She found herself in the hospital, and Susan Lynette, who had faithfully accompanied Nine during his coma, was still by his side. When Nine returns to the real world, she realizes that the Earth is experiencing strange phenomena and unexplained oddities. While trying to make sense of these changes, Nine is caught in a love triangle with a woman named Namira Ziudith, who has a fateful bond with him, and Susan, who has been Nine's loyal companion during his hospitalization.

Riad_Frederic · Kỳ huyễn
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30 Chs

Ch. 18 - What A Powerful Little One!

The bullet made of air density the size of an Apollo Rocket launched by Nahum, had exploded and scattered a hot projectile with a very large diameter. it would endanger the people behind Piu-piu both on the ground and in the air.

Before the explosion, I tried to raise the altitude of my divine clone into the sky until it penetrated the cross-cloud zone. Temporary, the warriors were still fighting the Enchanted Shadows, ignore this dangerous situation.

Either they didn't know about it, because they weren't paying attention to the battle between Piu-piu and Nahum, or because they were all stupid and overwhelmed by the power of my Turn Null Effect. so they were too eager to fight the Enchanted Shadows and forgot about such a big danger.

At the end, a huge explosion has occurred.



Sure enough, it was just as I expected. the impact of the heated dense air projectile produced a loud crash accompanied by dazzling light in the midst of the dark night. making the area around the impact change from night to day instantly.

Seeing his attack that was erupting hitting Piu-piu with a wide range to the surrounding area, Nahum in a proud and arrogant tone, said to the little Fairy he was fighting.

"Hahaha...die you lowly moth! along with the ants down there! hahaha..."

With empty head, he thought he had won. seen from the way he assumes a waist support pose with the third pair of arms, crosses the second pair of arms over his stomach, and supports the first arm with the other arm scratching the hairs on his chin.

Not long after, a moaning sound suddenly sounded after Nahum spoke.


My currently blurry vision blinded by the blinding light, I muttered to the sky with a slightly uneasy feeling when I saw the phenomenon happening in front of me.

''What is this? Why is it having such a big impact? Will those behind the Fairy be alright?"

"Wait, whose moaning sound was that just now? Did it come from Nahum too?"

I really couldn't see clearly, as my vision returned to normal bare-eyed and it seemed that my three Ultimate detections had stopped when I used the Stellar Vision skill a moment ago. Also, my Stellar Vision automatically deactivated when the appearance of bright light due to the impact occurred.

My worry for those humans cannot be hidden. Although I had previously endowed the warriors and civilians under me with an invisible shield that can paralyze attacks, moreover, the ability of the {Turn Null Effect} skill can indeed be relied upon as a defusing shield that can neutralize attacks. however, its durability is likely to decrease if it repeatedly takes damage.

How often were the humans who were fighting the Enchanted Shadows hit? If too often...then the impact of Nahum's attack would most likely hurt them due to the 'Turn Null Effect' that had been weakened.

It should be known that if an explosion of air density occurs, then all the molecules contained in the surrounding air content will decay and create a series of fusion reactions and produce plasma that continuously spreads out like the light from a light bulb that continues to expand and enlarge at a very high temperature.

This made me very worried and I didn't have time to react to take preventive measures because the process was too fast. However, it seemed that Luck was on my side.

After a while, the bright light, which had expanded to the size of the moon, began to shrink and fade.

And finally my vision also began to improve.

However, I was suddenly startled by a very amazing appearance displayed in front of my eyes, just after the glare faded.

There was a giant, bluish-colored glass castle standing majestically in the place where the explosion of light had just occurred.

"Whoa.. is that...the Fairy's domain???" My face probably looked very shocked when I saw the surpassing splendor of this glass castle.

How could I not? This Glass Castle Domain that Piu-piu felt belonged to looked very, very large even from my position which was currently above tens of thousands of thousands of feet from the surface.

It is estimated that the Glass Castle Domain covers a part of Tienji city center with a distance of several miles. As well as the height of the outer wall building reaching thousands of meters. completely penetrating the cirrus cloud trajectory! although currently there are no clouds visible anyway. because tonight, the sky is very bright. and the point is, it really shows how small Titan Nahum is in front of this Domain Castle of glass.

While I was filled with a sense of wonder at this enormous Domain, my consciousness recovered as I remembered the figure of Titan Nahum and began to want to know his whereabouts.

'Where is that obese Ape? Why haven't I seen him? Is he also within the Castle of Glass Domain? And also, where is that Fairy called Piu-piu?'

I intended to look for the whereabouts of the two figures in conflict. I also looked here and there looking from a height with the naked eye. and well, right. it was in vain. and finally I chose to use Stellar Vision again.


[100 Trillion has been deducted from the balance]

It was a wise choice because this skill was quite cheap-more precisely, it only used a small amount of energy.

'huh...it's a pity that the use of my previous skills was automatically turned off...I feel disadvantaged! I want a refund anyway!' I complained to myself as I recalled the price of the three Ultimate Skill Detection.

Well, hopefully that didn't happen to the Turn Null Effect skill. because if it did, I could cry blood for losing 30 Quintillion magic points in vain!

After searching for a while by looking here and there, I finally found the two.

Apparently, Titan Nahum is on the far side of the castle domain, right up front of gate wall. most likely, Nahum was pushed for several kilometers when Piu-piu's Castle of Glass Domain activated.

Considering.. the distance between Nahum and Piu-piu before was very close. while Piu-piu, his current existence is still in the original place, but with different conditions. she is now in the middle of the Castle of Glass, right inside a Palace.

I can see it, because the Glass Castle with a building like a Palace in it. all the buildings really look transparent, so that it can be seen from the outside. which of course thanks to the help of my 'Stellar Vision', cause I was above the sky.

Piu-piu looks very relaxed, it makes me wonder,

"Is that because she didn't lose a large amount of energy when activating a Domain of this size?" Right after I muttered that, Piu-piu's voice caught my mind's perception.

"Nahum! It's time for me to show you, how big is the difference between us!" After saying that casually and coldly, he continued.

"I, Piu-piu! from one of the Celestial Kingdoms! just takes a very little effort to fight a lowly Monsters from Altar Divine Creatures like you!" Piu-piu put on a serious face this time.

Hearing this, I spontaneously thought to myself and recalled the fairy's words just now.

'Did she just mention the Celestial kingdom and Altar Divine Creatures?'

As soon as her words were finished, the Little Fairy, who was inside the Palace in the center of the Castle, began to show her true power.

Instantly, an eye opened vertically on the forehead of the Little Fairy Piu-piu. followed by a surge of energy with extreme cold, spreading throughout the Castle. causing all the Enchanted Shadows trapped inside the domain, feel suffocated and feel helplessly weak. and one by one, the Enchanted Shadows fell inside the Castle of Glass Domain.

While the humans who were also inside, did not feel anything at all. those making everyone feel strange about the incident of the fall of the Shadows. which at first, they were very aggressive when hovering. and it's became an opportunity for the warriors, to finish off the Enchanted Shadows army.

Nahum who heard Piu-piu's words wanted to reply and say something, but had not yet had time to say. And suddenly,

In front of the castle gate where Nahum was, several Pillars made of Ice appeared from the void that were twice as tall and large as Nahum. The seven Pillars of Ice seemed to surround him.

Nahum, who was right in the center of the Pillars of Ice, looked around him with fear beginning to envelop him. he took the initiative to quickly escape from the Ice Pillars, but before he could react further, the seven Ice Pillars emitted a chill that pierced Nahum's body. making him groan in pain.

"Aaarrgghh..!! w-what is this?! aaarrgghh...!!!"

Not only that, every part of the six-handed giant ape's body began to crystallize and freeze very quickly, making it impossible for Nahum to escape this time.

While his entire body was frozen, Nahum's eyes and mouth, which could still twitch, finally let out a sound with his great effort.

"W-wait a minute...! O the immortal Fairy, from the Kingdom of Heaven.. p-please forgive me... please spare my life...!"

That's Giant monkey face was instantly pitiable, as he tried to ask for forgiveness from the Fairy he had previously called the Moth.

At a distance, Piu-piu who heard the Titan Nahum's words suddenly put on a creepy cold face.

When his eyes and Nahum's eyes made eye contact, Piu-piu said.

"Heh? Didn't you just get arrogant with me and call me a lowly moth? Where was your bullying behavior just now? And again, what's in it for me to spare the life of a lowly monkey like you?"

Nahum, who saw the sharp gaze and heard the Fairy's words, felt a deep frustration.

"N-no, w-wait fairy...at least please...save my life...I-I...am willing to become your follower and give my life to you!"

Nahum, who had run out of energy to maintain his consciousness in the midst of the cold that was piercing through him, tried to utter his last words to serve the fairy that he could not fight and hoped that it would save his life.

However, it didn't turn out as he expected as soon as Piu-piu heard Nahum's last words, this Fairy's replied,

"Well, if that's your wish, then...give your life to me now and die!"

After the words that came out of the Elf's mouth were heard by him, Nahum's entire body from toe to head had crystallized and frozen completely.

After Nahum's Ice Statue was fully formed, Piu-piu snapped his fingers.

A great change occurred in the Pillar of Ice which began to change its shape from a bluish-colored solid ice to a glowing white flame resembling the previous Pillar of Ice.

Immediately, the entire white Pillar of Fire enlarged and merged into one another, causing the Nahum Ice Statue to be devoured by the white flames and vaporized.

"Is it...finished?"

Above the sky, I witnessed the entire battle--torture scene, I guess? Well, more or less.

Piu-piu unexpectedly possessed such amazing power! I don't know how much of what he did was calculated based on the magic point valuation of the system I currently have?

"Luna, is that Titan Nahum really vanished?"

[Absolutely yes, master. It is certain that the individual named Nahum has entered the reincarnation phase.]

"I see. What about the Enchanted Shadows?"

[The entire army of Enchanted Shadows in this area was confirmed to have completely vanished just before Nahum was burned by purgatory.]

"What did you say?! How come?"

[The Enchanted Shadows were weakened due to exposure to the energy surge from the Elf while wanting to execute Nahum and the opportunity was also not wasted by the hunters, adventurers and practitioners to wipe them all out quickly and easily].

"So that's it, I didn't expect that Piu-piu Fairy to be able to take such an effective step at once, I hope she doesn't mind the incident at the beginning when I underestimated her." a bitter smile appeared on my lips as I said this.

[Don't worry Master, you are the strongest in the universe. coupled with you having me, you will not be defeated.]

'What the hell is this Luna? Are you trying to seduce me to get something from me? huh...no. even she prides herself on having me.'

Actually, fear is not in my dictionary. it's just that, it would definitely be very troublesome if I had to deal with such a creature.

"Well, it looks like I wasted my Dinar Balance again. because in the end, my divine Clone was not used for battle."

[Right. that's because there's already another being taking care of it. isn't that even better for you, Master.]

True, with Piu-piu handling Nahum and taking care of him, I was indeed able to avoid the battle directly and without having to intervene myself. However, the main problem was still unresolved.

"I wonder, where exactly are Licht and the other two generals? Are the three of them still inside the crack?"

[I'm still finding out.. Master.]

When Luna hadn't finished her words, there was suddenly a sound from the disaster-class rift crack. Apparently the rift crack was slowly getting smaller and smaller, then closed.. and disappeared...
