
the blue moon

we return this time with Breck. having received orders from Dutchess he decided to gather his men. For their meeting, he was using his gang's old base. at this point, it's safe to say this is their hq. the room was filled but not everyone was present. with all the town's former gangs operating under him. because of this, there was not enough room. so they adjusted only the reps for the divided clubs and some witnesses came. there were 10 in total each having someone to confirm what happened. typical in case one syndicate turns on the others. os nobody can spread lies. Breck was sitting at the table so everyone could hear and see him. other groups sat on chairs in a circle around him. no one was happy to be here, and their reason for coming was Dutchess scares them. She does not ask questions she just kills. which means they die if they fail to off her, or even slightly cross her.

Breck started the meeting, by explaining what Dutchess.

Breck: the boss wants us to get our act together, so we all are doing training.

the leader of the hammer head Cole interjected.

Cole: screw that noise training for weaklings. I don't know about ya'll but I'm not weak.

he puffed out his chest so as to look intimidating. everyone started ignoring him as soon as he tried ripping his shirt. the black feathers leader Jen stepped in to move the conversation.

Jen: reason aside we barely mesh. it's so bad we had to separate duties by groups, not to mention the issues with stealing positions. people pretending to be given spots they weren't leading to infighting. it got so bad we had to use armbands to stop it.

Cole started staring at him. he had calmed down after destroying his shirt. sitting on the couch shirtless he decides to rejoin. the discussion to feel included.

Cole: the thing you said proves we don't needs no trainings.

voice: you clearly need some quick education. before we skip to training.

Bono heading the pit bulls spoke out.

Bono: he is saying we lack organization. meaning we should sit everyone down and teach them. personally, I agree with him and the boss lady. these punks are out of shape.

Jen adjusts himself on his chair.

Jen: that's all true but the problem is getting everyone together. so we could correct their bad habits might complicate things more.

Bono: but on a different note. I'm fine following the miss, and Breck is fine cause the mama says he is. but I don't like the alley cats being the leading troop.

Breck: that makes no sense, I lead the alley cats currently so they run the point. got a problem with how things are run.

Bono: compared to the other ten. you know the alley cats barely pull their weight.

Cole: hey theirs only suppose to be 10 right?

everybody looks at him.

Everybody: yes!

he lifts his hand and points.

Cole: then whos that?

where Cole was pointing was at Breck. but not exactly at him instead behind and to the loveseat. on the loveseat was a well-dressed woman, wearing gold glasses and a bracelet. She had made herself comfy sipping away on tea while taking in the exchange of words. everybody but Cole knew she was there but left it as is. not because it was not a problem but because. after receiving word of the meeting everyone came early to get a good seat. Cole and Breck however were running behind. Breck running behind arrived with that woman. But nobody wanted an outsider at the meeting. So some of the people present tried to strong-arm her out. those people were the rhino, wolf, and hippo leaders. she did not take kindly to them beating them up and giving one a black eye. after the majority backed down she took Breck's seat. then Cole showed up half-wasted. that was an hour ago he's mostly sober now.

everyone started paying attention to the lady. out of pride, they pretended not to notice her. to prevent any loss of respect due to provocation. but with Cole asking about her, if he gets beat up nobody would care. Cole of course was left in the dark. so he continued to push the subject.

Cole: who the hell are you? this is a closed meeting so speak or scram!

the lady finished drinking her tea. She hands the empty cup to Breck. he subconsciously takes it. having been schmoozing Dutchess to get back some of his lost pay. he's developed arand boy habits. She looks at the scrawny shirtless Cole. She then pulls out a knife without anybody seeing where it came from.

Cole: what I ain't scared of you.

he begins to act rowdy on the couch. expecting what comes next blain the wolf leader, and Bob the hippo leader scooch away from him. The lady smiles while pressing the face of the knife blade with her thumb. the blade flies off and nicks Cole's ear. She gives a lite chuckle in the moments.

Lady: dear me have I gotten rusty? I was certainly aiming for your eye. oh well, you lived so the name Darleen but my friends call me Saphire.

Cole not having a brain to process fear, resorted to intimidation tactics. she stands up pushing toward her. he hops to best her to save face. the rest were watching.

Cole: you think you're so tough. I eat ladies like you for breakfast.

Darleen grabs him by the back of the neck. she then guides his face to the table. before cole could recover she rested her legs on the table. everybody continued to meet with Cole shouting in the background.

Jen: like I was saying we need to do something but it's too early.

Cole: Mmmmm

Bono: we can n just discuss it late Id rather speak about the leading group.

Breck: that can wait. Sunday is the deadline. if somebody messes up and puts Dutchess in a bad mood.

everybody took a minute. thinking about what she could do to them. it was understood they had to make it work. when they glanced at the hole she had put in the door Breck still had not replaced.

Breck: so what's the plan here?

Bono: we need troops on the ground. to keep people acting like saints.

Jen: we could do training in small groups.

Bono: we only got two days. the small group won't do. hey, you guys chime in our lives are on the line.

the other leaders remained silent. they must have decided to. use them as scapegoats should it come to it.

Darleen: jeez you guys are new to this. *giggle. your virgins showing.

Breck: that means you have an idea.

she digs her feet in Cole's head.

Darleen: a few but it'll cost you.

Bono: how much?

Darleen: no cash. I'm sure you leader her know what I want.

Breck: I told you I Don't know.

earlier today Breck was on his way to set up the meeting. before he could send word. A strange phenomenon stopped him. as if a magnet was pulling his eyes. suddenly was overwhelmed by the thought to look behind him. That thought led him to meet Darleen. if that was not enough her story complicated things. see Darleen had just arrived in town looking for someone. but it has been almost a month since she heard from them.

according to Darleen, she's been following this person's trail. with all the clues she has found, Breck may be the person who can find them. but him being busy he refused. but she didn't give up instead. She followed him for the whole day. spreading the word about the meeting, helping lost people, etc. Now she is even sitting in on his meeting. her goal is to follow him to find the person she's looking for.

to be continued....