
that night

the day was just about done, unlike the problems this day presented. to work out what to do with the orphanage. Dutchess chose to stay the night and sent Buttler to retrieve clothes for the next day. meanwhile, Breck spends the night with his emotional equivalent of a bomb. a woman claiming to be the mother of Dutchess. In his mind, he knew this screamed problems. of course, he thought of ditching her but nothing good will come from it. especially if she was her parent, depending on their relationship. So now after gathering all training candidates. he wanted to find a place for Darleen to stay. he would have taken her to dutchesses office. but he sent some to see her. yet nobody knows where she is currently. so while she is unreachable, the self-proclaimed mother can't be in the office. thus they were walking the streets, he hoped she could find a place to stay. Darleen was following without a care in the world

the main issue with finding a place for her to stay was clothing. from their vest to her boots she was, noble, or wealthy. people would be looking to rob her. so Breck needed someplace secure to leave her.

Darleen: since we don't know where Ruby is let us call it. I can stay at your for the night.

Breck looks over his shoulder. She was ready to settle down. She was fiddling with her tie, not bothering to straighten her hair. the bags under her blue eyes were pretty viewable to most people.

Breck: who is Ruby?

she keeps walking without giving his words substance.

Darleen: you don't know your own boss's middle name.

as they continued waking her tired nature was growing. tried thinking about it he could not place her middle name.

Breck: anyways I can't have you at my place.

as they continued walking, a homeless guy was on the street getting ready for bed. tons of buildings were closed and others still had small lights. people were settling in, which meant the muggers would be more active now.

Darleen: what you scared ill cheat on my husband. don't worry you are only half the man he is. but ill say you are taller and sweeter than him.

she speeds up her walking to match his pace. She gives him a consolidating pat on the back. then laughs at him a bit.

Darleen: don't worry you'll find someone. now on to your place post haste.

Breck: I said we can't go there.

Darleen was already too tired to hear words. She began marching in one direction. Breck became nervous, with her safety, and it being dark out. his hands were tied. he had to so they crossed to the west side of town. the thing about the west side. it was a center point for many powers before the current takeover. there was a rumor a sleazy noble hid something good in a building out west. That very building just so happened to be Breck's apartment complex.

the outside walls were filled with damage. for some reason, all the odd-numbered windows are broken. the door seemed heavily reinforced yet clear signs of attempted forced entry showed. around the entrance tons of people gathered, not all seem to be residents of the area. Darleen looks at Breck as if she entered a playhouse with an active performance. Breck moved to open the door but leering eyes made it difficult to go in. he quickly grabbed her and then shoved her inside. he's sternly guarded the door as he too tried to enter. the onlooker surrounded the entrance. Breck closed the door not giving an opening. the foyer was pretty small. the walls were very damaged. it looked like there could have been a war. right when you walk in theirs a poster. the text was bold and read do not leave the door open or unlock. if someone is asking to get in don't let them in.

this place has a trespassing problem. Darleen looked over the poster with fascination. looking over the other spaces. the hall was in just as bad condition. the apartment doors were all glued together. the floors had been dug up. anyone with a brain would wonder what went down here. the seventh floor was just as bad some of the walls were even boarded. Breck's place was not that bad. plenty of furniture. if there was damage it was hidden well, Darleen looked impressed at his home-making ability. while he was in the kitchen fixing dinner, she made herself at home on his couch. his home was really clean not a mess in sight. struck with curiosity Darleen began digging for secrets. from inside the couch, a folder was found she opens it. the first series of papers were medical bills. the last slip was a document confirming a large-scale wage cut. Darlene felt the urge to put it back. on the other side was a series of letters all unopen. She tries holding one up to a light.

snooping around there was nothing entertaining to be found. at this point, Breck finished cooking he places on the table two bowls. neither bowl and held soup. the soup was rather lacking in content. out of pity, Darleen ate the soup.

Breck: so what brings you out here?

she stops eating...

Darleen: like I said before I'm looking for my little ruby. She has something I need.

she began rustling in her pockets. She pulled out an emerald ring and then stuck it back in.

Darleen: also her dad had me run an errand for him.

suddenly a large commotion breaks out. it was coming from back in the hall. sounded like a bunch of men making noise. Darleen giggles as she stares at the corner of the wall in the living room.

Breck: looks like someone left the door open.

he sighs prepping to deal with the issue. Darleen looks back at him as he stands up.

Darleen: questions aren't you the leader of the groups with those armbands?

she adjusts her glasses to straighten them out. Breck looks at her curiously.

Breck: not exactly but close enough.

Darleen: you should definitely get out there. before they mess up your image

Beeck: what are you talking about?

the two of them look at the front door.

to be continued....