
Between World Restaurant

It was a door that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and behind that door was... A restaurant in the middle of nowhere, but there were all kinds of different creatures in this restaurant. Just what was this place? ------------------------------------------------------------------- Come follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/DXHaseoXD Come check out my stream: https://twitch.tv/dxhaseoxd Every 250 Power Stones is an extra chapter for that week! Up to a maximum of 5 extra chapters a week!

DXHaseoXD · Thành thị
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72 Chs

Eighth Meal - Buddha Jumps Over the Wall (1)

"Senior brother, wait for me!"

"Ha, ha, ha, you're too slow!"

Two cultivators flying on swords sped through the bamboo forest at breakneck speed.

These two were disciples of the Heaven Piercing Sect, the greatest sword sect in the land.

They were currently running away from their master's lesson since it was just…too boring!

So instead of sitting through their master's lecture, they decided to come out for a quick fly through the bamboo forest. The loser of this race would have to help their master with gathering up the sword puppets after their practice.

They were only Foundation Realm Cultivators, so they weren't actually flying that fast since they had just started learning how to fly. But since it was a race, they were pushing their max speed as much as possible.

It was just too bad that their control wasn't able to keep up with this speed and soon they lost control of their swords.

The two of them suddenly slammed into each other as they lost control and then slammed into the side of a wall.

If it wasn't for the senior brother reacting in time and using a talisman to deploy a barrier, it might have turned out bad for them. However, that talisman was only able to help them so much, it wasn't able to stop them from being injured.

The two of them tumbled down the mountain, getting all kinds of bumps and bruises before finally landing on the ground.

But when they landed, they looked at each other before breaking out in laughter. Neither of them cared at all about the injuries that they had just suffered and they just laughed like this was the funniest thing in the world.

They might be cultivators, but they were also talented geniuses, so these two were actually quite young.

The senior brother was only eighteen and the junior sister was only sixteen.

As they laughed, they also looked at each other, moving closer and closer until they were just a few inches away from each other.

Their clothes were quite loose from their tumble, so if the senior brother looked down, he would be able to see…

While the junior sister was still developing, her figure was quite…curvy.

Both of them immediately revealed blushes when they saw the ambiguous situation that the two of them were in and they turned away. As they sat there looking away from each other, the junior sister couldn't help peeking at her senior brother's bottom half.

After taking a look, she couldn't help revealing a disappointed look.

The senior brother had also been peeking back at her, so he had seen the disappointed look on her face.

He was about to say something, but before he could, there was a sudden flash of light.

Both of them immediately pulled out their swords and turned in the direction that this flash of light came from. That was because they could feel powerful spatial laws coming from that direction.

Laws like this…Only the most powerful experts like Nascent Soul Realm Experts could wield laws like this!

If it was a sudden attack from a Nascent Soul Realm Expert, they definitely wouldn't be able to resist.

But when they looked in that direction, they found that there was only a single door standing there and nothing else. Even the powerful spatial laws that they felt instantly disappeared.

The two of them couldn't help looking at this door in a daze, wondering what kind of special artifact this was.

However, neither of them dared to drop their guard since there was still the chance that there was a powerful expert that was nearby. After all, an artifact like this wouldn't just appear out of nowhere.

This bamboo forest was in the territory of the Heaven Piercing Sect, so it was within the range of the elders' spiritual senses.

With that burst of powerful spatial laws, they were certain that the elders wouldn't stay still.

However, to their surprise, they found that there was no response from the sect after half an hour. It was almost as if no one had sensed the appearance of this door other than the two of them.

Could it be that they had made a mistake and there hadn't been any spatial laws just now?

But they had clearly felt it just half an hour ago.

Not to mention that there was indeed this strange door right in front of them.

Since the sect elders weren't moving, the two of them slowly let down their guard and started looking at the door.

This was a very normal looking door, though it was in a style that they hadn't seen before. It was a simple door that didn't have any special design and there was nothing special about it other than the metallic thing in the middle of it.

It looked like a ball that was poking out of the door, but when they looked at it closely, they guessed that it was what was used to open it.

Oh, right, there was also that dog's paw that was also right in the center of the door.

Other than those things, there was nothing special about the door.

Well, the one other thing of note was that this door was just standing there in the ground without being connected to anything.

They had seen the area there before and they were certain that there wasn't a door there before this. This door had clearly just appeared out of thin air.

But what was it connected to if there wasn't anything on the other side?

They slowly made their way to the other side of the door and saw that it was indeed not connected to anything. On this side, the door had the exact same design as the other side.

After looking it over this much, the two of them finally couldn't take their curiosity and slowly moved towards the door.

The senior brother raised his hand to stop his junior sister from coming forward as he said, "Junior sister, let me go first."

The junior sister had a worried look on her face, but she still gave a nod and moved behind him.

The two of them slowly approached the door just like this and when they reached it, the senior brother reached out towards the part that they thought opened the door. After turning it, they found that it did indeed open it and the door swung open in front of them.

There was a flash of light that appeared when the door opened that forced them to close their eyes, but soon they heard some chatter coming from behind the door.

When they were finally able to see again, they saw that there was something that seemed to be a restaurant behind the door and not the scene that they had expected. The strange thing was that this restaurant was decorated in a style that they couldn't recognize at all.

The even stranger thing was that there were all kinds of creatures that they didn't recognize and there were these strange glowing things hanging from the ceilings that didn't use fire to light up the room.

There were also many other strange things, but in short, this place was not a place that they recognized.

They couldn't help taking a step back when they saw this, but they also couldn't hold back their curiosity. These two were young in terms of cultivation age, so they were at the point where they were curious about many things.

Seeing this strange new world in front of them, it was hard for them to resist exploring it.

So after taking a moment to calm themselves down, they stepped through the door.

As they stepped through, they couldn't help feeling something that they were familiar with.

It was the powerful spatial law that they had felt when the door had appeared.

Just like before, it only lasted a second before it disappeared and they were inside of the shop.

Both of them couldn't help turning back to look at the door, but it had already closed behind them. At the same time, the feeling that they had just felt was gone and it had returned to being a normal door.

These two couldn't help standing there looking at the door in a daze until someone called out to them.

"Hey, are you alright?"

Both of them trembled when they heard this and they turned to look in the direction of the voice. They found that there was someone wearing a strange looking dress that was looking at them with a strange look.

But when they saw this strange look, it wasn't hard for them to figure out why she was looking at them like this.

In a way, it was like how someone from the city looked at someone from the country coming to the city for the first time.

Being treated like country hicks that didn't know a thing naturally made their faces fill with a blush, but they couldn't say anything because they really were like country hicks.

They didn't know what this place was and how they had gotten here, so there was nothing that they could say.

Anna revealed an understanding look since this was a regular thing for their restaurant, so she explained, "This is the Between World Restaurant, it's a restaurant in another world."

"Another world? This is another world?" The senior brother couldn't help asking as he looked around at the restaurant. At the same time, the junior sister also started looking around.

Anna gave a nod and said, "That's right, our door brings you to our restaurant in another world."

She just waited for them to finish looking since this was usually what came after the explanation.

The senior brother and junior sister's eyes filled with more and more shock as they looked around. This place was filled with all kinds of wonderful things that they had never seen before, there were even creatures that they didn't know could exist like those large people that had green skin.

But as they looked around, they also found something familiar.

At a few of the tables, there were cultivators just like them. However, the strange thing was that they couldn't see through their laws at all.

As far as they could tell, they were in the same Foundation Realm as them, but they couldn't tell what kind of laws they controlled at all. It was as if they had completely different laws from the world that they came from…

But that did make sense since this was another world.

Finally when they calmed down, Anna waved at them to follow her and brought them to a table for them to sit down. She handed them the menu and said, "Feel free to order anything you want and take your time. I'll get your water first and then come back to take your order."

Without waiting for them to say anything, she turned to leave.

However, before they could look down at their menus, they suddenly heard a voice shout out…

"I don't care, you will marry me!"

Salt is my soul!

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