
Chapter Forty

Chapter Forty

James POV

This time when I opened my eyes I knew where I was even before I opened my eyes. Knew what I was doing here. Realized what had happened. And what will happen.

I remembered everything.

Someone groaned from beside me. I pushed myself up from the ground and forced myself to sit straight.

Another groan echoed from beside me.

My eyes ceased into a frown when I heard the groan again. Although this time, I also heard the pain it carried.

I took a deep breath to feel alive. It felt like a train had run over me. When another grunt sounded from beside me, my eyes shot open. I recognized the voice.

My head snapped beside me, my eyes darting to the person whom I knew very well.

“Michael...” I whispered to the crumpled form beside me. Michael was lying in an awkward position. His hands were tied behind his back like mine and his legs were folded inwards. In addition to that, he was making pained noises. Lying there like an injured animal.