
revenge game

Sitting with coffee brown hair, emerald eyes, long thick eyelashes, dressed in her bulletproof uniform, this beauty waits for information about her next mission. And while she was waiting, her friend Louis came. {Will you change your mind about this work?} This question was from Louis. Anastasia replied, "You know the reason for this work. I will not let my family's blood go in vain."{You will get into trouble again, leave this matter to me} The latter sighed after saying these words. "No, thank you, Louis. I've put enough weight on you."This was anastasia's response .There was silence for a while, until Lewis asked, "What's your next assignment?" She gave him a look filled with a spark of revenge and said: "The mission that he has been waiting for a long time to eliminate the wolf mafia." As soon as she finished speaking, a military man entered. ,~ Respect, this is information about the wolf mafia~."Thank you, you can leave." After the military came out, Anastasia began reading the file, and after a while she said (from here begins the game of revenge).