
Between the Darkness and Democracy: The Front Lines

Over the top, short stories from the front lines following the tale of Captain Alex Reynolds and his squad of Helldivers.

Arron_Alderson · Khoa huyễn
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132 Chs

Chapter 128: Alone at Night

The night was thick with silence, broken only by the occasional rustle of wind through the trees surrounding the base. Jack Steele stood on the command platform, gazing at the stars, a heavy weight settling in his chest. The traitor's confession had given them an edge, but it also opened a new wound.


"Hey, boss," Vasquez's voice cut through his thoughts. She approached, her usual swagger tempered by concern. "We've got eyes on something weird near the perimeter."

Jack's brow furrowed. "Define weird."

Vasquez glanced back towards the surveillance feed, a flicker of unease crossing her face. "Unidentified signals. No visual, but they're moving fast. Too fast."


In the command center, screens glowed with data streams and radar blips. Zara's fingers flew over the keyboard, her face illuminated by the cold light of the monitors. "These patterns don't match anything we've seen before," she muttered, more to herself than anyone else.

Jack leaned over her shoulder. "Could it be another Terminid trick?"

Zara shook her head, eyes never leaving the screen. "No. This is... different. It's like they're searching for something. Or someone."


"Alert the squads," Jack ordered, his voice steady. "I want every unit on high alert. We're not taking any chances."

As the klaxons blared, soldiers scrambled into position, weapons ready, eyes sharp. Vasquez and Reyes moved through the ranks, their presence a calming influence amidst the rising tension.

"Think it's another attack?" Reyes asked, checking his rifle.

"Hope so," Vasquez replied with a grim smile. "I'm getting bored."


Outside the perimeter, shadows shifted and twisted. The night seemed to breathe, alive with an unseen menace. Jack and Zara watched from the command center, tension coiling tight in their stomachs.

"Motion detected," Zara announced. The screens showed ghostly blurs, moving with unsettling precision.

Jack's heart pounded. "Send a recon team. We need eyes on whatever this is."


The recon team, led by Mark, moved out with practiced efficiency. The forest swallowed them, their figures vanishing into the darkness. Mark's voice came through the comms, steady and calm. "Proceeding with caution. No visual yet."

Jack's grip on the console tightened. "Stay sharp, Mark. We can't afford any mistakes."

Minutes stretched into eternity. The forest was a labyrinth of shadows and silence, each step a potential danger. Suddenly, Mark's voice crackled through the comms, sharp with tension. "We've got movement. It's... Oh God, it's not human!"


The feed from Mark's helmet camera flickered to life, showing a glimpse of something that defied explanation. Sleek, dark forms, moving with an eerie, unnatural grace. Jack's stomach dropped. "Pull back, now!"

Mark's voice was strained. "Negative, we're surrounded! Engaging—"

The transmission cut off, replaced by the sounds of gunfire and unearthly screeches. Jack's heart raced, fear and rage mixing in a volatile cocktail. "All units, engage! We need to rescue that team!"


The base erupted into organized chaos. Soldiers poured out, forming defensive lines, their faces set with grim determination. Vasquez and Reyes led the charge, their bond an unspoken strength between them.

"Cover fire!" Vasquez shouted, her voice rising above the din. Bullets flew, meeting the advancing shadows with deadly precision.

Jack and Zara watched from the command center, the reality of the threat sinking in. "We're dealing with something new," Zara whispered, eyes wide with a mixture of awe and terror. "Something worse."


The battle raged on, the night alive with flashes of light and bursts of sound. The strange creatures moved with terrifying speed, their forms a blur of shadow and sinew. But the soldiers held their ground, their training and unity a formidable force.

In the midst of the chaos, Jack saw a figure fall. Mark. "No!" He surged forward, determination and fury propelling him into the fray.

Zara's voice followed him, urgent and desperate. "Jack, wait!"


He reached Mark's side, gun blazing, covering his fallen comrade. "Hang in there, Mark," he growled, dragging him to cover.

Mark's eyes flickered open, pain etched across his face. "Boss... they're... everywhere."

Jack's heart clenched. "We'll get through this. Together."

The tide of battle began to turn, the soldiers' resolve unyielding. The creatures, though deadly, were not invincible. Slowly, methodically, they were pushed back, their numbers dwindling under the relentless assault.


As dawn broke, the last of the creatures vanished into the forest, leaving behind a battlefield littered with the wounded and the dead. Jack stood amidst the carnage, a cold rage burning in his chest.

Zara approached, her face pale but determined. "We need to figure out what those things were. And why they're here."

Jack nodded, his mind already racing ahead. "We will. But first, we mourn our dead and tend to our wounded. Then we prepare. Whatever this new threat is, we'll face it head-on. Together."


The base buzzed with a somber energy. Medics moved swiftly, tending to the injured, while engineers worked on fortifying defenses. The soldiers, though weary, were resolute. They had faced the unknown and survived.

As the sun climbed higher, casting its light over the battle-scarred ground, Jack gathered his team. "We've faced worse and come out stronger. This new enemy, whatever it is, won't break us. We stand together, we fight together, and we will prevail. Now, let's get to work."

The soldiers responded with a unified roar, their spirits unbroken. They were ready for whatever came next. Because they were more than a team—they were a family. And nothing would tear them apart.