
Between The Alpha's War

Jace shoved her up against the wall, his knuckles hitting it as he did. The wall cracking beneath his fist. “I said you're going to listen to what I say!” He growled, tightening his grip slightly on her arms. A smirk appeared on her perfect lips. The smirk drove him insane. “And I said I will do what I want.” Nora said, her eyes daring him. ************************************ Nora comes home late one night to find blood. Nora's world was destroyed in one night. Struggling to be normal she bumps into Alpha Jace who must kill her. He knows her secret. Jace is about to end her life when his wolf howls Mate. Nora instantly hates Jace, connecting the dots. She realizes what ruined her life. She dives into this new world with revenge. What will happen if others find out Nora's secret? Can Jace save her? Is Nora the key to saving them all?

DaoistPBcYOt · Thành thị
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8 Chs

Chapter Six


Jace stared down the mirror, his ice blue eyes staring back at him. What just happened? He never disconnected from his wolf before. He couldn't recall anything that happened. He was angry with his wolf, this wolf blocked him out. He didn't even know that was possible. They were supposed to be one. He let out a long breath looking at himself as he tried to control his temper. He was frustrated, angry and felt like he had lost control. He never lost control. He felt like his wolf was keeping something from him. He looked harder at the mirror as if it held some type of answer.

"Alpha" Dante's voice chimed in his head.

"Go ahead."

"I spoke with Kip's beta. They will meet at the local theater. " Dante reported.

"The theater." Jace repeated

"That's what they said." Jace could hear the frown in Dante's voice.

"It doesn't sit right with me." Jace said not comfortable with being in a very crowded area with Kip.

"I agree." Dante spoke back.

"Get in touch with Adam and make sure his connections are in place in case anything goes down." Jace order

"Yes Alpha." Dante replied and the mindlink ended.

Jace turned on the sink and splashed cold water over his face. He let the water run off his face staring down into the sink. He grabbed the side of the sink, the porcelain cracking beneath his hands. He could feel the porcelain splintering into his palms, blood dripping down it. Knock, Knock. The sound came from the bedroom door. He growled, letting go of the sink and walking to the door. Who the hell was bothering him? Pulling open the door ready to yell at someone he paused. Rosie. Jace sighed. She was standing in his doorway with a long coat covering her body. Her dyed maroon hair spiraled down in curls matching her lips in color.

"Evening Alpha." She smiled through her very pouty lips.

"Can i help you-

As Jace was about to ask her what she needed. She pulled open the coat, exposing a very lacey bra and matching patnies.

"I was thinking I could help you." Rosie had a seductive smile playing on her lips as she spoke.

Jace's eyes wandered down her perfectly placed curves and breast. He gritted his teeth any other time this may have been the perfect stress reliever but for some reason he just got annoyed.

"Not tonight Rosie." Jace said in a stern voice.

"But Alpha, you look..so..so tense." Rosie said, stepping into him, her hands going to his shoulder, he breast brushing against him.

"Rose, I said not tonight." Jace growled as he pushed her back away from him.


"Alpha! Go!" Jace said using his alpha tone on her.

Rosie cowarder and wrapped the coat around her. She looked at him; her eyes a mix of hurt and fear as she took off down the hall. Jace groaned, running his hand through his jet black hair before stepping back into his room. He shut the door, the power he used vibrated the door frame. He looked down at his hands that were already healing but still had dried blood smeared on them. He sat down on his bed. What was wrong with him? Something was off? He reached out to his wolf and got the cold shoulder. He gritted his jaw, his teeth crunching into them.

"Drinks?" Dante's voice popped into his head.

Jace somewhat smiled hearing Dante. He could sure use a drink.


"Here or out?" Dante asked him back.

"Out, I need to get away from here." Jace said back to him.

"Roger, see you in ten by your car." Dante said back.

"Just you. I don't want to deal with anyone else tonight." Jace ordered back.

"Sounds good Alpha." Dante replied back.

Dante and Jace were best friends growing up and when Dante was marked to be his Beta Jace couldn't think of anyone better. He was grateful they were in this together.

"Hey get up." Joel's voice yelled at Nora.

"No." Nora groaned rolling over.

" Get up, it's been like a whole day. And I have plans tonight." Joel laughed.

"Almost a day? What time is it?" Nora asked Joel while looking out the window.

"Hurry! Up! Up! I have plans." Joel said, leaning over and shaking the overs.

She could see the sun was setting through the blinds. She really did sleep way too long. She really needed it though. She looked back at Joel.

"Plans?" Nora asked him, part of herself was worried that it might be something where he asked her to leave.

She really didn't want to be alone anymore. She was just starting to realize that she needed someone to fill the void, to fill the emptiness and silence in her. Joel smiled at her softly.

"Your birthday is tomorrow so we're going out tonight! I already got VIP at Luna. So we're gonna go, we're gonna dance, we're gonna have fun and we're gonna escape this world for a little bit." He said coming and sitting down next to her on the bed.

"Are you really sure that is a good idea?" She asked quietly.

"Babe you need to quit punishing yourself. You haven't had one ounce of fun since…well since." Joel said, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her in close.

"I don't know if fun is what I need Joel." She said her voice just above a whisper.

"Well maybe not in the long run but for right now and tonight. It's not going to hurt anything." Joel said, pushing his shoulder into her playfully.

Nora shrugged slightly, her stomach getting upset. How can she be happy or have fun when they can't? Joel saw her starting to go to her dark place and he shoved a bag in her lap.

"Stop. Here, go try these on." Joel said firmly, shoving a black bag in her face.

Nora took the bag from him, still wrapped up in her thoughts. She held the bag like it was a forein object.

"Nora, you need to remember your amazingness. You may be a little broken right now but everyone at some point is. You need to know people love you. I love you." He whispered to her as he said the words to her she began to shake slightly, fighting back tears.

He held her tightly for several minutes just letting her give into her emotion and not bury them like she normally did. The tears began to flow pretty quickly as she silently cried in his arms. He placed another kiss on top of her head. Joel wasn't letting her hurt herself no more he promised to himself. After a few more minutes he felt her breath deeply and loosened up. He placed a hand under her chin and wiped her tears.

"Go on. Go get dressed. It will be ok." Joel said, squeezing her shoulder.

Nora took a deep breath and crossed the room holding the black bag in her hand. She glanced down, not recognizing it. Joel must have gone shopping while she was asleep. She was sure glad she missed that.

Stepping into the bathroom, she looked inside the bag. She pulled out two black dresses. One was very dramatic with a deep plunge and full of shimmer. The other was a simple black dress. It had a heart-shaped neckline. She quickly shoved the dramatic one back into the black bag. The words hell no echoing in her mind as she tossed it aside. She disgraded her oversized hoodie and blue jeans aside. Slipping the black dress over her head. She smoothed it out before looking into the mirror. The simple black dress hugged her hourglass figure perfectly but left just enough up to the imagination.

"Will you come out already!" Joel yelled into the bathroom door.

She had been staring at herself for a few minutes before Joel's Impatient voice came through the door. Nora sighed and reached over and unlocked the door. Pushing it open she let Joel in.

"Damn girl! You are stunning and we haven't even done hair and make up." Joel said excitedly.

"Joel, I think we should do baby steps and keep the rest pretty simple. You got me out of my hoodie , you should be happy." Nora said, putting her hand up as if trying to halt some attack.

"What no curls?" Joel said, holding up the curling iron.

Nora chuckled, shaking her head. She reached up and undid her messy bun. Her hair fell down in soft waves. It framed her face perfectly and because it had been up in a bun for so long, the hair almost did look like it was curled.

"Fine, your hair is amazing but can I please do your make up!" Joel said his voice whiny, as he held up a makeup bag.

"Um no." Nora laughed, holding her hand out for the bag.

"Ugh fine. I guess I will count my blessings." Joel said giving up.

Nora laughed, taking the bag from Joel and ducking back into the bathroom. She empty the bag onto the counter, glitter eyeshadows spilled out from the bag, along with every other makeup item you could think of. Nora shook her head and found the black eyeliner and mascara. She outlined the top and bottom lid of her eyes.The black eyeliner made her honey eyes stand out even more. She then applied a gracious amount of mascara. She was shocked at how much of a difference that little bit made. She looked down at the make up Joel had put out for her. She saw all sorts of lip colors. She found a simple almost nude pink color and placed it on her lips. She glanced up at the mirror. She almost didn't recognize herself. Her eyes looked like they had life in them, like they were brighter. The way the simple lip color looked against her sun kissed skin made her lips look like they were set up for the perfect kiss, all plumped and ready.

"Well I take back my groans, you look stunning Babe." Joel said coming back into the bathroom.

Nora smiled weakly at him, she still felt weird. She missed the comfort of the big oversize hoodie and showing her legs off was a little different lately. She spent most of the time lately trying to hide. She didn't want to draw any attention to herself. She glanced at Joel who came in and started doing his hair. He wore a black button down shirt and dark blue jeans. It was just enough not to fancy but not comfortable. He wore his silver chain around his neck Nora could see it shimmer from underneath the shirt, as he left the very top bottom undone.

"Allright heels and we're good to go." Joel said, pointing to Nora's feet.

"Heels." Nora groaned.

"Aa yeah you tennis shoes aren't going to go with that dress." Joel said, holding out to pairs of heels.

One set had a strap that would criss cross up her leg. The others were just simple black high heel shoes. She debated wondering if the criss cross strap might make her feel like she was wearing pants. She decided against it and settled on the simple ones. She took them from Joel and slipped them on.

"Ready?" Joel smiled at her.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She smirked back to him.

"Then let's get going!" Joel said super excited, grabbing ahold of her hand and leading her out of the room.