

Madison looked out the carriage window.  It was nearing dusk.  She wondered where Chadwick would put up for the night.  Not that she minded much.  She was rather impressed with the convoy of three ducal carriages.  They were impressive, luxurious and most comfortable.  Though the horses would need to be fed and rested.  She, Granny Jean and Beth occupied one coach.  Chadwick’s grooms travelled in a second coach and a third coach carried their luggage.  Chadwick had insisted on being at the reins on the ladies carriage.  Pride filled Madison at how skilled a driver her new fiancé was.  She loved the sound of that even if it was only a mental one.

‘A penny for them,’ Granny Jean’s gentle voice interrupted her thoughts, next to her.  Beth, sat across from them, with her eyes closed.

‘I beg your pardon,’ Madison breathed embarrassedly.

‘There was rather a pleasurable smile hovering on your lips.’

‘It---is nothing, really,’ Madison studied her fingers.

‘I am pleased he has come.’

‘Who?’ Madison questioned, even though she knew.

‘The duke.  He was the one that shattered your heart into pieces.  Was he not?’ Granny Jean’s wise eyes held Madison’s.

There was no point denying it.  ‘How did you know?’

‘It was plain for the world to see sweet one,’ Granny Jean took Madison’s hand in hers.  ‘But now there is a new energy raging inside you.  You love him very much do  you not?’


‘I noticed how much when we were having breakfast,’ Granny Jean chuckled.  ‘If you had claws, you would have struck me.’

‘No---I---I do not know what you mean,’ but her inflamed cheeks gave her away.

‘You have nothing to fear dear one.  Those parts of my body do not even function anymore,’ Granny Jean chortled.

‘Granny Jean!’  The blush spread across Madison’s face, ears and throat.  She loosened the lace on her dress, trying to allow the breeze to cool her down.  ‘I apologize.  I should have spoken to you about Chad---about His Grace.’

‘You needed time,’ she smiled.  ‘I am glad he has not made you wait too long.  Now tell that man of yours, he must put out for the night.  I am full of dust.  I need a bath and a bed.’

Madison inhaled deeply before she knocked on the roof nervously with her parasol.  She heard a loud whistle.  Instantly the horses were brought to a placid halt. The carriage had not even once rocked as they became stationery.  When Chadwick stood at the open carriage door looking rather dash and debonair, like the way a strapping Duke should look, Madison’s eyes took her fill of him, as she let out a rushed breath.  She was rudely brought to order by a sharp knock to her side by Granny’s Jean’s elbow.

‘Um---Granny Jean would like to know where you will be putting up for the night,’ Madison tore hers eyes away from Chadwick’s with much effort.

‘That is not what I said,’ Granny Jean corrected.  ‘I said you must call it a day.  I am tired and hungry and in need of a bath.’

Chadwick looked up at the sky.  There was still an hour or two before night would fall.  He had hoped to cover a little more distance nevertheless, he had to take note of the Battleaxe’s needs.  She was not young.  They had covered sufficient ground for the first day.  He could make some allowances, especially since his delectable lady had not even once sulked or complained about how hard they had been riding today.

‘There is an Inn around that corner, about ten minutes away’ Chadwick pointed.  ‘We shall put up for the night and change horses there,’ he smiled pleasantly at the Battleaxe.

‘Thank you Your Grace,’ she winked.  ‘Charming as ever,’ she flirted with Chadwick.  This time Madison took comfort in Jean’s earlier words.  At least she knew her grandmother’s flirting was innocent and harmless.  Madison looked across and gave Granny Jean a half smile.

Chadwick had installed the ladies in rooms next to each other on the third floor.  His and his groom’s rooms were on the second floor.  Madison liked her chamber.  It was spacious, with its own bath.  The room was clean and smelt of lavender.    Madison had checked on Granny Jean to make sure her room was comfortable and her bath was arranged.   Granny Jean shushed her out, saying they did not have much time.  She rushed back to her own chamber.  Chadwick had instructed the ladies to be in the dining room in thirty minutes.

‘My lady, should I lay this gown out for you,’ Beth held an attractive sapphire blue evening gown up for Madison’s approval.  Madison smiled, it was a most stunning gown, however she suspected it was going to just hang on her unattractively.

‘Yes, thank you.  I will just quickly bath.’

‘I will be in to wash your hair in a minute,’ Beth smiled.

‘There’s ---no time.  His Grace wants us down in about twenty five minutes.’

‘Nonsense Lady Madison.  His Grace will have to wait.  I am going to make you beautiful.’

Madison did want to look beautiful for Chadwick however she did not want to test his wrath.  ‘Please let us hurry,’ Madison peeled her garments off and slid into the hot, rose scented water.

When Madison completed her bath routine, feeling blissfully refreshed.  Beth helped her into her shifts and the gown.

‘Beth,’ Madison smiled happily at how perfectly the gown fitted her.  ‘Whatever have you done to it?’

Beth laughed.  ‘I just added some darts at the back my lady.’  It was so well done and hidden in the shoulder blades.  One could hardly spot it at a glance.

‘Oh thank you Beth,’ Madison hugged her maid.  ‘You are amazing.  I love it.’

‘Now let us get your hair done,’ Beth tapped the chair for her to sit in.

‘Do hurry please Beth.’

‘You cannot wait for His Grace to see the dress, I bet,’ Beth naughtily teased.

Madison blushed.  She was also most eager to be in his company again.

‘There you go,’ Beth tugged at the strands on the side, to get it to drop the way she wanted.  ‘You look stunning Lady Madison.’

Madison was uneasy as she made her way down the stairs.  Her hand glided nervously on the banister as she made her way down the stairs.  The dining room was full.  It was loud and smelt of a heavenly aroma.  Madison had not realized how hungry she was.  Come to think of it, she could not remember when she last paid attention to any food.  Her eyes immediately found Chadwick’s.  He was the tallest man sitting there, with the widest shoulders.  He had taken a bath as well and looked regal in an expensive looking gold evening coat and white shirt.  She wondered when had he had the time to bath, he had supervised the care of the horses and their luggage.

Chadwick rose the second Madison stood at the entrance to the dining room. He watched as she scanned the room looking for her party of two.  He held his breath.  She had kept him waiting fifteen minutes.  It was worth every second.  She looked striking in a body fitting gown.  It emphasized her delightful curves in all the right places.  His fingers tingled, eager to touch her bare flesh. Her hair looked most attractive, all pinned up, wisps of it artfully falling at the sides, curling down her cheeks.  Their eyes locked and held.  Everything else became a blur, the people around them, the noise, hunger and thirst forgotten.  Madison smiled, liking the appreciation and desire evident in Chadwick’s eyes.  She lowered her eyes.  He covered the few steps to her.