
Thirty Five

Following everything that happened with Dave, Adriana and their big move away from the Crawford's Mansion, Elle and Trisha finally decided to go on a girls night out.

They felt they had missed hanging out with each other, and that was why Elle and Trisha were now in a restaurant doing what they had planned…

Catching up!

Since Elle didn't want to tell Trisha about the latest developments with her boss/ crush because of everything she was going through, she finally decided to mention it.

Elle's POV

… "I know right, there are so many crazy people in this town alone!", I said following Trisha's story about the weird client who tried to hit on her.

Silence followed our laughter and I finally decided I was going to mention it, it was weighing on me, and I just wanted to get her opinion on it.

"So…" I drawled, grabbing her attention, Trisha and food! I just couldn't!

"Soo!", She drawled too, squinting her eyes, wondering what was to follow.

"You know my boss at the station?", I asked, and that was enough to make Trisha drop her fork and give me all her attention.

She loved gossip way too much.

"You mean the hot guy who you said was your boss?", She asked, a huge grin on her face and I nodded.

"We kind of had a sort of discussion maybe!"

"What do you mean sort of kind of!?"

"I mean like one time we were alone in the general room and he asked if I had eaten!"

"That's not a sort of kind of discussion! Did he maybe want to ask you to lunch?"

"I wasn't sure, we had to end the discussion because he had to respond to a robbery!"

"My guts is telling me he wanted to ask you to dinner!"

"You think he wanted to ask me to dinner!?", I asked, wondering if there were feelings there or not.

"I know he wanted to ask you to dinner. Remember the night when I found out Collin was cheating…!"

"Yeah, what of it!"

"The man was looking at you like he wanted to eat you! Like I'm not even joking!"

"You think!?"

"No baby, I know. So after that y'all haven't talked or what?!", She asked.

"I mean, we've talked after that, but it was official duty, I don't know if he actually wants to!", I said already frustrated.

"You know what? Let's just give it time, and be the hot girl that you are. Whatever's for you will find you!"

"True, very true! So, tell me, anybody catching your fancy?!" I asked, wondering if Trisha already had a crush, I mean the girl had one every other week.

We called it a night after Trisha had way more drinks than I could count.

Even if she said she was fine, I knew she wasn't, she was still going through a breakup after all.

I made sure to drop her home before heading to my house.

Overall I had a lot of fun tonight, and I'm going to do a lot of overthinking for the next few days.

Oh Alex, I'm losing my mind!

The next day was a Friday, the last day of the week, of the working week at least.

After settling in, I decided to check who I was going on patrol with. That was because they shuffled the officers.

I looked for my name to find who I was partnered with, we might as well get it over with.

I was partnered up with a rookie again, I guess my job was to show them the streets, alleys and highways they were to patrol.

Easy peasy!

We headed out, the rookie ecstatic from what I see. Still got newblood in you, wait till you've been frustrated!

We stopped by a fancy restaurant because the rookie was feeling pressed.

"Alright we're here make it quick!", I said to mark as he pushed his glasses a bit higher, he just nodded and left the car.

As a police officer, I couldn't just park the patrol vehicle on the road, I had to actually go to the parking lot to park the car.

I didn't want to get sanctioned, the townsfolk watched our every move like a predator waiting for the prey to slip up.

As I turned the engine off, I looked around, pausing when I caught a familiar figure and another figure I wasn't familiar with.

No, not the rookie, but Alex Martins, the captain of the police station I worked, yeah, also the one I had the biggest crush on.

The other person walking beside him was a lady, a very beautiful one at that! She was in a red dress, and it accentuated her beauty, and when she smiled, it looked like the sun was the background.

They were giggling as they neared his private car, the whole thing made me feel self conscious because you know, I liked him.

My hair was in a bun, my face free from any sort of makeup and I was in my uniform, wow, what a comparison.

There, my hopes crashed, I didn't want to wreck such a beautiful relationship, it's best I gave them the space.

They looked very happy.

The rookie tapped on the door, signaling for me to unlock the car, I quickly blinked back the tears that threatened to fall.

As he was strapping himself in, he asked, "isn't that Captain Martin?"


"You think we should wave!?", He asked about to roll the windows down.

"Oh come on Mark, let the man have some fun, can't you see he's on a date!?", I asked, as we both looked in their direction.

They started laughing about something as they out their bags in the trunk!

"Oh!", he said as we drove out of the parking lot.

Seeing whatever that was, I thought it best to let it go, as Trisha said before what's mine would find me!

No wonder he didn't talk to me the whole time

I blinked back tears again, wondering if I made a fool out of myself.

You know what…

I wasn't going to think about it

Out of sight , out of mind.

I repeated those words like a mantra as we headed back to the station.

Once I was done with all paper work I had to attend to, I was going to go over to Trisha's place…

I needed to get this out of my system.

It was a weekend after all, and I was off duty, I didn't have to work through the weekend. Which meant I could get as drunk as I wanted.


Poor Elle!

What do you think happens between them.