
Best friend's siblings

Olivia's life was full of challenges, despite attending one of the most prestigious schools in the city. After losing both of her parents, she was left in the care of her hardworking grandmother, who struggled to make ends meet as a cook for a wealthy family. To lend a helping hand, Olivia had to assist her grandmother at the family's opulent mansion. Unfortunately, her encounters with the eldest son, Fred Smith, were far from pleasant. Fred had a reputation for getting what he wanted, and he didn't like Olivia because she was different from everyone else. He made her life a living hell, tormenting her and making it even more unbearable. But Olivia was determined to persevere and help her grandmother, even if that meant standing up to the arrogant Fred. As she navigates a world full of wealth, power, and privilege, Olivia finds herself caught between her dreams and Fred's manipulations. Will she be able to resist his charms and pursue her education, or will she succumb to his control and accept his way of life? Follow Olivia's journey of love, courage, and resilience as she faces the challenges that life throws her way. Get ready for a thrilling ride full of twists, turns, and surprises!

Adebisichris7 · Thanh xuân
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39 Chs

Chapter 30: The video

"I've being planning to tell you the video I mean the game!" Fred spilled the truth out accidentally and was lost at words

"I heard about the game, Cecelia told me earlier." said Olivia looking at him bitterly

"Cece told you?" Fred was shocked

"Yes!" replied Olivia red in face

"Anything she told you was not the truth Olivia." said Fred gently

"Okay am listening, spill the truth." said Olivia getting impatient to hear him say the truth

"Olivia I love you and you know that." said Fred heart pounding and he explained everything to Olivia from the beginning of the game.

"Can I watch the video now!" asked Olivia suddenly

"Okay." Fred gave Olivia his phone and she watched the video till the end Olivia was astonished and the same time was angry with Fred

"Olivia you've to believe me. I love you. Then I thought of you as a nerd but now you're not the girl I suppose you to be. You're different, lovely, nice smart, intelligent. You made me realize who I was. You showed me the true meaning of friendship and love. I'm a changed person now. Everyone can testified to that. The game change me. I mean God used you for me Olly. And I'm sorry for not telling you about the game since." said Fred begging her 

"I'm happy to hear all this confession coming out from you Fred. But yet I don't believe you." replied Olivia, she felt dejected and walked away from his sight

"Olly, Olly, please wait." shouted Fred and started running after her

Anita was coming out from the house and met Olivia on her way and she was surprised to see her countenance changed.

"Olivia what's wrong, are you fighting with someone?" asked Anita concerned

"Never mind Annie." replied Olivia and brushed passed her away

"Hmmm really?" said Anita and noticed Fred was coming to her direction

"What's wrong with Olivia, did you guys fought?" asked Anita

"Never mind." replied Fred

"You too never mind. It's okay!" said Anita, she was surprised at his brother attitude

"I'm going inside, please excuse me." said Fred walking away

"Alright." replied Anita

Ben was at Fred's rooms looking for a novel, he could read and he caught a diary, his brother's diary. He was tempted to pick it and at the same time he was curious. Ben opened the diary gently and scanned the book briefly and he opened to the middle of the book and the game caught his attention inside the diary. He read the content "Today mark the beginning of the game." Ben read out loud "Olivia and I have started going out, I hope she falls for me this time around dear diary. I can't lose to a dumb girl."

Ben turned to another pages of the book and he read

"Olivia's actually naive and weird. I took her to a nice place today and she was so thrilled to visit the place, what a poor and dumb girl!" Ben chuckled and he turned to another pages

"Today Olivia preached about God's love to me, she must be another Mary, laugh emoji." smiled ben

Ben read another paragraph and was stunned "God is real! Would you believe I never knew God can answer prayers. Today I experienced it dear diary. Thank God I met someone like Olivia." Ben read and opened another two chapters "I ve fallen in love with Olly dear diary!" Ben mumbled inwardly joyfully

"Whenever I'm with Olivia I felt peace and joy enveloping me." read Ben smiling and he said to himself  "Wow!Really?

"Olivia is a sweet girl I think I like her. She's everything to me. I think I would have to confessed to my friends I'm longer playing the game. I love Olivia dearly, dear diary what do you think?" read Ben smiling

Fred entered inside the room suddenly and Ben was shocked and the diary he was holding with him,  fell from his hands and Fred was stunned. "What're you doing in my room?" asked Fred surprised

"Nothing I came to borrow a novel." replied Ben quickly and he picked all the books from the floor and rushed outside straight away.

Inside the room Olivia was lost in thought and said to herself

"I need to return the phone back to Fred. Since it was a game from the beginning." Olivia thought to herself and she started wrapping the phone into the phone box. Someone was knocking at the door and Olivia went to open the door

"Anything Ben?" asked Olivia surprised

"I need to tell you something Olivia. I came across Fred's diary accidentally just now, how he jotted the game starting from the day the game began to when he finally fall in love with you Olivia. My brother truly loves you. I just wanted you to be aware of that Olivia. Goodnight!" said Ben softly and he turned away. Olivia was silent all through and didn't know what to say. She looked up as Ben entered his room

"Thanks for telling me this Ben!" said Olivia finally, but ben was already gone to his room.

Anita's phone beeped and Olivia went to checked if it was a call or text message. Olivia saw Peter's number on the screen and she read. "Come online am missing you dear!" Olivia was stunned "What! Peter and Anita dating how, when?" Olivia thought to herself and she felt betrayed

Olivia felt guilty too and the same time she felt betrayed, she knew she hadn't told Peter about her relationship with Fred. "I'm guilty too, I've been hiding Fred from Peter, all this while and which was wrong. We're best friends though and I shouldn't have hide it from him at the first stage." Olivia felt guilty and thought to herself

"I'm happy for Peter anyway, Anita is a sweet girl she'd make a good girlfriend." Olivia chuckled and Anita came inside the room

"You're smiling now Olivia, earlier you were frowning. Tell me, what happened between you and my brother? Or you too want to keep things from me?" asked Anita annoyed

"It's not what you think Annie." Olivia came closer to Anita tenderly and hold her shoulder gently

"It's now what? I'm listening Olivia!" said Anita, she brightened up a little. Olivia explained everything to Anita about the game, Cecelia told her at school and also Fred and Ben involvement in the game.