
Best For The Beast

The 125th dislocation of the souls introduced two new men to the army of the secret society of knights, who fights with the monsters locked somewhere else. Gaurav Roy is one of them who has unparalleled strength, which he doesn't know. He overcomes barriers and understands his power by learning the truth and solving mysteries. When he thinks that something is his final form, he finds out that he needs to know more and continues his journey of saving the earth from the other race.

DarkBlaze · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Place Where Everything Started

" Mom what do you mean by entering a new world. "

" As we go and do what the knight said, we may enter the place where we can meet him again. Probably, the place where he resides. "

" How is that going to be a different world. "

" Don't you remember what they said when they met you. "

Then Gaurav recollected what happened and said, " Yes! I do. I may meet them in their world. "

" Yes! "

Everyone else was watching those ingots. They don't want to believe that ingot got doubled when they were asleep. As the present generation of humanity, they were unable to accept something like this. Pratik took one of the ingots from Gaurav's hand and asked, " Now, we have both of them. Where is the place where we should insert this. "

" We should head to the pond on anagdhana hill. " replied Mrs.Roy

" Why are you still here, let's move then. "

" But how can you come with us, I cannot take you to the place where you may get troubled. "

Pratik faced the ground and said, " Yes. You are correct, Mrs.Roy. Yet, I want to come with you. In the university, when Gaurav was talking to you. He said that the monster will not attack me if he is not nearby me. But it did, and after coming here he said that those creatures are attracted by him. "

" But how is that related to this matter? " Mrs.Harsha was asking Pratik.

" It is connected. Let me finish. "


" Even though there are other students in the canteen, that creature attacked only me and Gaurav. So, I think that I am also being targeted by them. Or I suppose that even I will attract them. And I don't want that, I want to do everything to save my parents. So, please allow me to come with you. "

" I will also come with you Mrs.Roy. " said Zoya.

" Zoya... "

" I want to help you in any of the ways I can. "

" I am not agreed with this. "

" Mrs.Roy. I don't want to do this, just for my sake. If we are successful, then we can help the whole country. My father is a military captain, the same blood flows through me. That was the reason I helped Pratik. If I was selfish, I would have not entered into this mess, I want to help every last person I can. So please allow me. " said Zoya and bowed.

Mrs.Roy was befuddling. She took a deep breath and said, " OK. You can come with me. "

Zoya and Pratik were pleased to hear that. Mrs.Roy didn't want to take them with her, but she could not say no to them because of the reasons.

" Just don't be the root of any trouble " said Gaurav with a smirk.

Mrs.Roy hit Gauravs head and said, " Make sure, you will not leave us. You must always be with us. "

" Ok " " Okay " said Pratik and Zoya at a time.

They placed one ingot at the same place where it was and started moving to anagdhana hill. After an hour, they reached the hill road. And suddenly, a creature appeared on the road.

" Mrs.Roy. There is a monster ahead. It looks stronger than the previous one. " said Zoya

She did not answer.

" Mrs.Roy even if we hit that beast with the car it will not get hurt " said Zoya

" instead if it survives that then it will push the car aside and we will fall down of this hill "

That monster started running towards them.

" Mrs.Roy it's coming " Pratik yelled with fear.

" Leave it to them " said Mrs.Roy and smiled.

" Mrs.Roy, there is no one around us. "

That monster came close to them. Both Zoya and Pratik closed their eyes, stiffed their body and started shouting. " Aaarrgghh.. "

But Gaurav and Mrs.Roy were smiling.

To their surprise. Two missiles came from above and hit that monster blasting it, and they moved through the hollow gap made by the blasted pieces of that monster with the blood flowing on either side of the car, and the tone of Zoya and Pratik changed from

" AaaaRrrrGggHhh " to " AaaaaHhhhhhh!!! "

They were surprised and asked Gaurav, " How? From where the missiles has come? "

Gaurav pointed his right-hand index finger upwards, indicating them to look at the roof. They raised their heads and faced towards the top. The sunroof was sliding and opening slowly, making the vision clear. They could see two advanced fighter jets coming along with them.

" Why are those advanced fighting jets coming with us? " asked Pratik. Zoya nodded, supporting him.

" The reason is my mom. You don't know where she actually works right. There is a community naming DRX which works undercover. It has more powers than the military. The south part of India is maintained by Alpha DRX in short ADRX. My mom is the present commanding officer of ADRX. Even RAW doesn't know that there is a community like that in India. That is the reason of those jets helping us. " said Gaurav.

" But your mom works in some software company. " said Pratik.

" Yes! She works there, just to hide her reality. As I said they works undercover, she need to make a fake profile. So, she works there. "

" Then. Why did you tell us? " asked Zoya.

" Because I believe you won't tell this to anyone. However, you will understand when they come help us near the pond. "

After hearing about Mrs.Roy, they were astounded.

" She rejected to let you come with us because she doesn't want anyone to know about her reality. But when you said you wanted to do anything you can to help others, she was unable to decline. She saw the same feeling in your eyes, which she had when she wanted to join there, therefore she was unable to reject you. "

They continued their journey to the pond. On the way, they encountered two more creatures. The fighter jets have taken good care of those creatures. Pratik and Zoya were way too excited to see the fighter jets launching missiles. And making their way to the hilltop, they finally arrived.

They have finally reached the place where everything started.

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