
Berserk: Magic And Sword

Reincarnation into Berserk. upload schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

LaskoSleeps · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 2 Reality Of The Situation And Resolve

(A/N: his name will be Sin)

I slowly wake up, my head throbbing all the information on "Sun Breathing" is in my head. I begin looking around, I see a campfire beside me on my left and to the right of me I see a note also a katana. I pick up the note and begin reading it.

" Hello, this is the Figure as you call me. I'll placed you in a mountain range so you can train because you will need it if you want to survive in this world. I'm doing this because I've taken pity." That all the notes said.

"Wallahi I'm finished. I'm so Fucked, there really only two thing I can do now, get as far away from the fighting or prevent the eclipse from happening. But even I can't stop that from happening, that fate."

(A/N: Yeah, your fucked)

"Well, I have 5 Year before Guts joins the Band of the Hawk, I'll train for 2 years with Sun Breathing and learn most of the forms. Then do mercenary work for the last 3 years."

I pick up the katana and unsheathe it. It was a standard katana, with a black hilt and circular guard. And the length was about 60 to 80 centimeters.

I began to take a look at my surrounding there was a sea of trees all round me, I then began climbing the tallest tree I could see, making sure not to fall down, once on the top. I saw it. Standing tall and proud, the mountain encircles the serene lake like a guardian, its rugged peaks reaching towards the sky. The lake, nestled snugly within the embrace of the mountain, glistens under the sun's gentle caress, mirroring the azure expanse above. Trees cling to the mountain's slopes, their verdant foliage cascading down towards the water's edge, creating a vibrant tapestry of greens and browns. As the mountain curves around the lake, it creates a natural amphitheater, where the tranquility of the water is echoed by the silence of the towering cliffs. Together, the mountain and lake form a harmonious union, a testament to the raw beauty and enduring power of the natural world.

"Guess I'll start heading over there." With that I climbed down, and grabbed my katana then started walking to the lake.

Once I got to the Lake I saw my reflection in the water. I really did look like Yoriichi I had red hair and on the right side of my forehead was a mark that look like fire, the last thing I notice was the red eye in had and how young I was. "Look like I'm about 12 years old, Then I'll be 17 then when Guts joins the Band of the Hawk"

"Now that I'll found a water source I need to make a camp."

With a keen eye and steady hands, Sin forges a campsite from the bounty of the forest. Gathering fallen branches and sturdy vines, they weave together a shelter, its rustic charm blending seamlessly with the natural surroundings. Nearby, a fire pit takes shape, stones carefully arranged to contain the flames. With each careful movement, Sin harnesses the raw beauty of the wilderness, fashioning a sanctuary amidst the towering trees and with the lake reflecting dappled sunlight.

"I'm so tired and hungry. I'll just sleep for now, tomorrow I'll try to find some food."

Sin try to fall asleep but the fear that he was now in the world of Berserk was eating him alive.

(A/N: l use chatgpt of the landscape. Is it good or not?)

As Sin was trying to fall sleep, he thought to himself that he'll have to train like hell if he will want to survive in this world. With that he began rememorizing the information about Sun Breathing and all of the forms. This will be his key to surviving in this world crawling with apostles that can kill most people with one or two strikes.

"My survive depend on whether or not I can master Sun Breathing. No I have to master it, if I don't, I'll die." With that Sin Resolved himself to survive no matter the case. And he drifted off to sleep, his eyelids fluttered shut, and quickly fell asleep the day's thoughts dissolved deep into Sin mind.